江苏省淮安市淮海中学2018届高三3月高考模拟测试(一)英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江苏省淮安市淮海中学2018届高三3月高考模拟测试(一)英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读



I. 听力部分 1-5 ABABC II. 单项填空 21-25 ABCDA

6-10 CBCAB 26-30 DBCAB

11-15 ABACA 31-35 ABDAC 46-50 CADBA

51-55 CBDDC 65-70 DCAABC 16-20 BBCCA

III . 完形填空 36-40 BDABC 41-45 DACAB

IV. 阅读理解 56-57 BD 58-61 BCCA 62-64 BBA V. 任务型阅读

71. Why 72. order 73. regular/frequent 74. realness 75. Advantages/Benefits 76. reliable/dependable 77. friends/companions 78. Otherwise 79. history 80. stage VI. 书面表达

One possible version:

Many university students (73.13%) are involved in running errands, thinking it all right for their life and studies while the majority (nearly 80%) admit their academic work is affected more or less. Opinions are divided.


I subscribe to the idea of running errands for money for the following reasons: for one thing, despite the scholarship and financial assistance programs offered at universities, to those facing financial pressures, running errands may help them with their studies to some extent. For another thing, students are expected to further understand the service industry and sharpen their working skills, better preparing themselves for their future career in the long term.

The above reasons taken into consideration, we may safely conclude that not only does running errands bring us economic benefits, but it contributes to cultivating our interpersonal and social skills. Therefore, I am in complete agreement with this practice.


On a personal note, I’m against running errands, which does more harm than good with reasons as follows: above all, this act takes time and energy, surely influencing students’ daily routines and their studies. After all, as students, priority should be given to their studies. Worse still, by doing so, students are more likely to take to illegal activities like taking exams for others,

landing them in big trouble and even ruining their academic careers.

Altogether, I will focus more attention on my academic work. Anyhow, it is what ability and skills I have developed in school that counts a lot in my future career. Undoubtedly, I will spend more spare time on my studies instead of making money.


一、 给分点:


1) 要点1: Many university students (73.13%) are involved in running errands, thinking it all right for their life and studies ( 3分);

2) 要点2: while the majority (nearly 80%) admit their academic work is affected more or less. ( 3分)

3) 要点3: Opinions are divided. (2分)

2、 第二段: 1) 主题句: 2分 2) 理由陈述: (10分)

3、第三段:总结部分 (3分) 4、卷面、字数等(2分)


1、第六档 ( 20~24分 ):书写美观,卷面整洁;能准确、恰当地使用各种句型和词


2、第五档 ( 17~19分 ):书写美观,卷面整洁,但文章要点有遗漏,语法结构和词汇


3、第四档 ( 13~16分 ): 全文基本流畅,有部分语法和词汇错误,运用了衔接手


4、第三档 ( 9~12分 ):内容较差,错误较多,书写难看,涂改严重,段落划分不


5、 第二档 ( 5~8分 ):内容不全,错误很多,书写怪异、难以辨认。

6、 第一档 ( 0~4分 ):内容很少,文不对题,错误连篇,书写凌乱,卷面污脏。


Text 1

M: Did you see last night’s television program on space exploration? W: Well, I had intended to watch it, but I slept through it. Text 2

M: Give me a call when you get into town. I’ll pick you up at the train station. W: Should I call you at your office?

M: If you get in before 5:30, call the office. Otherwise, call me at home. Text 3

M: Where did you get that pen? I’ve never seen a pen with light purple ink before. That’s different.

W: Oh, I just got it at the little café next to my work. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, or I

would’ve brought you one. Text 4

W: I think this apartment is a bit dirty.

M: We could clean it if we moved here. But the bedroom is a bit dark. W: Yeah, this isn’t as nice as the last place we saw. M: OK. Let’s go see another place before we decide. Text 5

W: When was the last time you took out cash from an ATM? M: Uh, three or four days ago, I guess.

W: That’s what I thought. Hmm, that’s strange. I thought we had more money in our checking

account. I’ll call the bank and find out what’s going on. Text 6 W: Aaaagh!

M: But I haven’t touched you yet. What are you shouting for? W: You are going to touch me.

M: Well, of course I am. How can I give you an injection without touching you? As soon as you’ve had the injection, you won’t feel a thing.

W: How do I know what you will do while I am asleep? You might rob me.

M: Now, let’s not be silly. You won’t even go to sleep. This will just freeze the area around the tooth so that you cannot feel any pain while I am pulling out the tooth. That is all. Text 7

W: What seems to be the problem, officer?

M: I stopped you because we are looking for a stolen car that matches this description. Can you show me your license and car registration? W: Sure. As you can see, I own this car.

M: Yes, and you’re also not a six-foot-five man with dark hair, either!

W: Oh, well, you’re right about that! I’ve had blond hair since I was a baby, and… M: Have you seen anything strange in this area? W: Like what?

M: Someone who looks like he doesn’t belong here, or someone driving really fast and making a lot of noise…

W: No, I can’t say that I have, officer. I’ll keep my eye out, though. M: All right. Sorry to have troubled you, madam. Have a nice day. Text 8

M: Hey, it’s been a while.

W: Yes, I’ve been busy taking care of the kids, and then we went to Canada last month for two weeks. We just got back four days ago. Oh, I already ordered some tea. Did you want something?

M: I’ll ask the waitress for a coffee in a minute. Anyway, I’ve been busy at the office myself. We had a big deadline that we worked on for three weeks. We just gave the boss our proposal two days ago. It was quite stressful.

W: Architects always work so much, and for so little pay. It’s crazy. When we were working together at Rob’s office, I didn’t mind it because I found the job rewarding. But now that I’ve had kids, it doesn’t seem healthy to me.

M: Well, it’s true. I don’t get much exercise, and my diet isn’t great. Takeaway meals aren’t as good as food that I cook myself, and sometimes I don’t get off work until 10:00 in the evening.

W: You do look a bit run down. You should at least get outside during your lunch break to stretch