21世纪大学英语读写教程第四册答案unit1~7 联系客服

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can be said of other subjects.

4.Some actors' fame is built on their innate beauty, but despite his short stature, Dustin Hoffman rose above and it is his excellent acting that set him apart. 5.After he took charge, we discovered that there were striking differences between him and his predecessor. He had the drive and passion, came up with many new ideas, and focused his work on how to raise our morale. 6.Deng Xiaoping made history when he declared China's reform and opening-up policy. Despite tremendous obstacles, he made lasting contributions to our country's modernization with his unrelenting efforts.

7.Why could someone with a genius IQ be left behind by a hardworking person with an average IQ? It has to be acknowledged that besides one's IQ, many other factors have much to do with one's achievements.

8.This teacher is really remarkable in first motivating her students so she can really teach them something. It's not that she is talented, it's that she focuses completely or drawing their full attention in class. unit 2 TEXT A

I 1.He got no thanks for returning a wallet, though he deserved to.

2.He wants to show how much people need gratitude to keep up a spirit of kindness and cooperation.

3.She saved up for two years, went to Normandy in person, and gave her son's gold wristwatch to the woman.

4.He send a short recording expressing his appreciation of the author's thoughtfulness and sent it to the author. 5.A patient whose life was saved by a blood transfusion came back again and again to donate his blood anonymously so that more patients could be saved. 6.He does it by citing W.H. Hudson's gratitude for his wife's day-to-day heroism.

7.Those people who do little things for us all year round. 8.It can make people take infinite pains with their work. 9.Gratitude is needed all the time and none of us can give too much of it. III

1.intention 2.sincere 3.glaring 4.sore 5.trace 6.render 4.denial 5.proof 9.tribute 7.conventional 11.generous

12.gratitude 13.slammed 14.agreeable IV

1.caught/took my fancy 2.a mistake on John's part 3.take for granted 4.think twice 5.saved up 6.referred to 7.boast about 8.took pains with 9.refrain from 10.something of 11.in one way or another 12.fed up V

1.altitude 2.aptitude 3.attitude 4.longitude 5.fortitude 6.mulitiude 7.latitude 8.solitude VI

1.coordination 2.coexist 3.co-workers 4.co-owners 5.co-authored 6.Cooperation 7.Coeducation 8.copilot VII

1.no sacrifice for the education of the young was too great

2.No price is too high to pay in order to save their lives 3.cannot be too careful in performing an experiment 4.They cannot praise him too much

5.can not be overemphasized 6.cannot be overestimated VIII BACDD BABCD BADCA IX



X 1.He glared at John and was annoyed by his refusal to cooperate.

2.John's sincere speech shows his gratitude to the people who rendered him generous help when he was in difficulty. 3.He is something of a stamp collector. The fact that once he saved up for two years to buy a rare stamp is proof of it.

4.The beauty of these roses could not be overstated. They took/caught all the visitors fancy in one way or another. 5.At first he took it for granted that they should