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Property output file. Contains all of the updated property data at the last iteration for sizing optimization. Output is specified by PROP in the I/O Options Section. .sh

The shape file for the final iteration of a topology optimization. Contains the material density, the void size parameters, and void orientation angle for each element

in the analysis. The .sh file may be used to restart a run. This file is an input file for OSSmooth. ..sh

The shape file for iteration N. Identical format to the .sh file.Output is specified by shres the I/O section. .spcf

SPC reaction force file. Contains the single point constraint forces. Output is specified by spcf in the I/O section.

16 材料属性参数说明。

MAT1 - Material Property Definition, Form 1

Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, isotropic materials.

MID Unique material identification number (Integer > 0). E Young’s Modulus (Real or blank). G Shear Modulus (Real or blank).

NU Poisson’s Ratio (-1.0 < Real < 0.5 or blank). RHO Mass density (Real).

A Thermal expansion coefficient (Real).

TREF Reference temperature for thermal loading. Default=0.0 (Real).

ST, SC, SS Stress limits in tension, compression and shear. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real). MAT2 - Material Property Definition, Form 2

Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, anisotropic materials for two-dimensional elements.

MID Unique material identification number (Integer > 0). Gij The material property matrix (Real). RHO Mass density (Real).

Ai Thermal expansion coefficient vector (Real).

TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 6).

ST, SC, SS Stress limits in tension, compression and shear. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real). MAT8 - Material Property Definition, Form 8

Defines the material property for an orthotropic material for two-dimensional elements.

MID Material ID (Integer > 0)

E1 Modulus of elasticity in longitudinal direction (also defined as fibre direction or 1-direction) (Real 0.0).

E2 Modulus of elasticity in lateral direction (also defined as matrix direction or 2-direction) (Real 0.0).

NU12 Poisson’s ratio ( for uniaxial loading in 1-direction). Note that for uniaxial loading in 2-direction is related to by the relation . (Real).

G12 Inplane shear modulus (Real > 0.0).

G1,Z Transverse shear modulus for shear in 1-Z plane (Real > 0.0 or blank).

G2,Z Transverse shear modulus for shear in 2-Z plane (Real > 0.0 or blank).

RHO Mass density (Real).

A1 Thermal expansion coefficient in 1-direction (Real). A2 Thermal expansion coefficient in 2-direction (Real).

TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 3).

Xt, Xc, Yt, Yc Allowable stresses or strains in the longitudinal and lateral directions. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real > 0.0).

S Allowable for in-plane shear for composite ply failure calculations (Real > 0.0).

F12 Tsai-Wu interaction term for composite failure (Real). STRN Indicates whether Xt, Xc, Yt or Yc are stress or strain allowables (Real=1.0 for strain allowables).

MAT9 - Material Property Definition, Form 9

Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, anisotropic materials for solid elements.

MID Unique material identification number (Integer > 0). Gij The material property matrix (Real). RHO Mass density (Real).

Ai Thermal expansion coefficient vector (Real).

TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 5).

17 关于RBE2单元主从点的设置。 答:原理:这种刚性元的两个节点由于六个自由度均受约束,所以位移完全一样,在计算时先计算出主点的位移,随后自动得到从点的位移。 因此在设置主从点时有如下原则: (1)同一个node可以是两个主点;



18 如何修改菜单里的缺省字体大小?


19 washer的功能和对washer时圆半径的修改。 答:(1)孔的划分可以用到macro菜单中的washer功能,从而保证孔周围单元的质量。

(2)在Altair\\hw6.0\\hm\\bin\\geompage.mac中, 找到下面的句子,修改最后的数字1.5为你想要的数值。

*createbutton(2, \e concentric with an existinghole.\

20 如何删除同一个collector中复制的单元?

答:check elem寻找duplicate的单元。有时候需要先equivalence相应的单元。

21 Error:Boundary recovery failed during sub-grid recovery.是什么意思?


22 如何将不同的Hypermesh模型合成一个大模型?

答:可以利用model brower进行大的模型管理,建立若干多级的装配管理各个部件。

23 如何保证3D单元的质量?



24 hypermesh有沒有什么功能可以让上、下表面的网格移到中性平面上来? 答:两种方案,开始就抽中面,或者在某一个表面划分完后进行elem offset。

25 如何查找错误?


26 hyperwork可以算动载荷吗? 答:不行。

Hyperwork starts as a pre/post processor. Its solver is limited to linear statics, eigen-solver (modal analysis), linear buckling, and maybe harmonic

response (frequency-domain steady-state dynamics).

27 单元划分完成后,用TOOL-Check Element和2D-qualityindex检查单元类型。哪个更具权威?还有没有其他的检查方法?Check Element中得到不良单元如何修改?

答:如果单纯从某个单元是否超过设定的指标角度来讲,两者的功能是一样的。但是2d->quality index可把不同超标类型的单元同时显示出来,并可按自己设定单元的好坏等级以不同的颜色

显示。在quality index中,有一个综合的index值来评价整体模型的质量好坏,每一种单元质量指标都会按不同的等级(如:好,较好,差,很差等)对index值有不同的贡献,较差的等级会

贡献较大的index值,这样如果整体模型的index值越大表明单元的质量就糟糕。总之,利用qualiy index可以得到一个综合的质量评价和统计信息。 对于check element中得到的不良单元,如果数目较多,通常可用quality index下的edit 或optimize对超标单元进行自动调整,如果数目不是很多,既可以手工调节,也可以用qulity index

自动调节,相比较而言,在quality index 调节单元速度要快点。当然有些单元在quality index下是不可调节的,那只有通过手工的方式来调节了。