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Ctrl+鼠标滚轮:缩放 F键: 模型全屏幕

12 如何设置快捷键? 答:tools-》build meun

13 Ainite的三边原理和钱币原理是什么? (1)两平面相接一定会有顶点;

(2)平面与曲面相接多半没有顶点,但相切一定有顶点; (3) 凸面与凸面相接、凹面与凹面相接没有顶点; (4) 凸面与凹面相接多半会有顶点;


(6) 带有曲边的面多半会出现顶点不够的情况,根据俺的钱币原理(中国古代的钱币)将其分开,就会获得更多的顶点。

14 Hypermesh中face和顶点是如何确定的? 答:HYPERMESH是通过FACE识别顶点的。在OPTIONS=>MODELING=>FEATURE ANGLE中有定义角度。

当两个或两个以上相邻面的FEATURE ANGLE 小于设定角度时即被认为是一个FACE .

我不确定SOLID MAP中默认值是多少,但顶点VERTEX的识别即通过FACE 来使别的,即两个FACE之间会产生一个VERTEX。

15 Hyperworks文件的扩展名说明。 .out

OptiStruct output file containing specific information on the file set up, the set up of your optimization problem, estimate for the amount of RAM and disk space

required for the run, information for each optimization iteration, and compute time information. Review this file for warnings and errors that are flagged from

processing the .fem file. .res

HyperMesh binary results file. .hgdata

HyperGraph file containing data for the objective function, percent constraint violations and constraint for each iteration. .his_data

OptiStruct history file containing iteration number, objective function values and percent of constraint violation for each iteration.


HyperMesh command file used to organize elements into components based on their density result values. This file is only used with OptiStruct topology optimization



HyperMesh command file used to organize elements into entity sets based on their density result values. This file is only used with OptiStruct topology optimization



OptiStruct log file containing compliance and volume calculations for each optimization iteration. In your UNIX or DOS shell, you can edit this file to see how many

iterations OptiStruct has completed. _optimization.oss

Ossmooth file with a default density threshold of 0.3. The user may edit the parameters in the file to obtain the desired results. _optimization.sh

Shape file for the final iteration. It contains the material density, void size parameters and void orientation angle for each element in the analysis. The .sh file

may be used to restart a run and, if necessary, run OSSmooth files for topology optimization. .parm

Contains the I/O options and subcase information sections. .fem

Contains the bulk data section. .res

The results file. Contains stress, displacement, shape, thickness and density information for all load cases at each iteration specified in the I/O options section.

Contains the element and possibly nodal, material density or topography information for each iteration specified in the I/O options section.


Component generating command file. This is a HyperMesh command file. When executed, it organizes all elements in the model into 10 new components based on their

material densities at the final iteration. The components are named 0.0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, 0.2-0.3, and so on, up to 0.9-1.0. All elements with a material density between

0% and 10% are contained in 0.0-0.1, all elements with a material density between 10% and 20% are contained in 0.1-0.2, and so on. This helps you visualize the results

by turning components on and off.Since elements cannot be in more than one component in HyperMesh, the original components do not contain any elements.


Entity set generating command file. This is a HyperMesh command file. It performs the same function as the comp.cmf file except the elements are organized in

entity sets rather than components. The advantage of this method is that the elements remain in their original components but can still be selected and masked by

entity set. .h3d

Model and results file if the ANALYSIS I/O option is specified. Contains nodes, elements, stresses, strains, and displacements. Each load case, eigenmode is stored as

a time step. The contents of this file are controlled by the I/O options specified. _des.h3d

Model and optimization results file for the design iteration. Contains nodes, elements, shape, thickness, and density data for each iteration step. The contents of

this file are controlled by densres in the I/O section. _s.h3d

Model and static analysis results file for the design iteration. Contains nodes, elements, displacement, and stress data for each iteration step. is the user

defined load step number. The contents of this file are controlled by results in the I/O section. _m.h3d

Model and normal modes analysis results file for the design iteration. Contains nodes, elements, displacement, and stress data for each iteration step. is the

eigenmode number. The contents of this file are controlled by results in the I/O section. .dens

OptiStruct density file.Contains the element material densities for all iterations specified by densres the I/O section. .disp

OptiStruct displacement file.Contains the nodal displacements for all load cases and eigenvectors in all iterations specified by results in the I/O section. .strs

OptiStruct stress file.Contains the element stresses for all load cases in all iterations specified by results in the I/O section. .force

Element force file. Contains the forces acting on ELAS, ROD, BAR and BEAM elements. Output is specified by ELFORCE or FORCE in the I/O section.


Grid point force balance table file. Contains all forces acting on each grid point. Output is specified by GPFORCE in the I/O section. .grid

The shape file for the final iteration of a topography/shape optimization. Contains the grid point coordinates. The format is that of the GRID card. The .grid file may

be used to restart a run. This file is an input file for OSSmooth. ..grid

The shape file for iteration N in a topography/shape optimization. Identical format to the .grid file. Output is specified by shres the I/O section. .hgdata

Optimization history file. Contains the iteration history of the objective function, constraint functions, design variables, response functions. Output is specified by

deshis, and hisout in the I/O section. .his_dat

Design history file. Contains the iteration history of the objective function and maximum constraint violation .load

Applied load file. Contains the applied loads. Output is specified by oload in the I/O section. .oss

OSSmooth parameter file. Contains default settings for running OSSmooth after a successful topology, topography or shape optimization.