2017高考(新课标)英语二轮专题复习-专题三训练1记叙文(一) 含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2017高考(新课标)英语二轮专题复习-专题三训练1记叙文(一) 含解析更新完毕开始阅读

专题三 完形填空 训练1 记叙文(一)


(2016·福建神州一模) Even as I write this story,I am still smiling.The past few weeks have been rather __1__,but when a large number of smile cards arrived in my __2__ the other day,having travelled all the way from the United States to my home in the Netherlands,I knew things were about to __3__.

I __4__ where to leave the cards as I went to bed that night:the train,benches at the station,the workplace,libraries,mailboxes,the gym—the possibilities __5__ endless. I woke up,went to work,and afterwards,I went __6__ to the shop to buy some candy bars,planning to leave them as anonymous (匿名的) __7__ for people on the train.However,__8__ my early morning train,my train home was extremely crowded.An elderly man must have seen me searching for a place to __9__ a smile card,because he asked me if I was looking for something.

Right then I __10__ that my first smile card would not be anonymous.With a big smile and cheeks __11__ with excitement,I told him that I __12__ what I was looking for,__13__ him the candy bar and smile card I had in my hands.He had only just finished reading the card __14__ I arrived at my stop,but he was still smiling and __15__ his candy as I waved at him from the __16__.

__17__ having worked a full day,I almost bounced (跳) home.Before I entered my apartment,I delivered a few more smile cards and candy bars to people's mailboxes.I added an __18__ candy bar for a neighbour who I knew was in a difficult financial

__19__,but who I saw working hard every day to get the very best for her young son.I figured they both __20__ a tasty little treat. 【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文。作者在艰难的日子里,收到了别人寄来的微笑贺卡,这给作者的生活带来了希望。后来作者效仿这种做法,给别人送微笑卡片和糖棒。这样做不仅给别人带去了微笑,自己也心情舒畅。真可谓:赠人玫瑰,手有余香。

1.A.pleasant C.tough

B.simple Dmon


答案:C 2.A.office C.mailbox

B.room D.hands

解析:根据最后一段中的“I delivered a few more smile cards and candy bars to people's mailboxes.”可知答案选C项。


3.A.turn away C.turn up

B.turn around D.turn down

解析:turn around“好转,有起色”,符合语境。turn sb away “把某人拒之门外”;turn up “被发现”;turn sb/sth down “拒绝,顶回(提议、建议或提议人)”。

答案:B 4. A.required C.concerned 解析:plot“谋划”。 答案:D 5.A.came C.occurred

B.had D.felt B.asked D.plotted


答案:D 6. A.slowly C.freely

B.smoothly D.straight

解析:我直接去了商店。 答案:D 7. A.surprise C.notice

B.gifts D.intention

解析:计划把它们作为匿名的礼物送给火车上的人们。 答案:B 8.A.unlike C.unsure

B.unusual D.unlucky


答案:A 9.A.drop C.leave

B.give D.hide

解析:根据第二段中的“where to leave the cards”和本段中的“planning to leave them as”可知答案为C项。


10.A.wondered C.doubted

B.decided D.suggested

解析:decide that...“决定……”。 答案:B 11.A.filled C.satisfied

B.faced D.content

解析:此处表示“脸上满是兴奋”,故答案为A项。be filled with...“充满……”。

答案:A 12.A.found C.forgot

B.invented D.remembered

解析:根据后面的was looking for可知答案为found。 答案:A

13.A.transporting C.sending

B.delivering D.handing

解析:hand可作动词,意为“递给”。 答案:D 14.A.when C.until

B.while D.once

解析:had only just done...when...为固定句式,意为“刚……就……”。

答案:A 15.A.reading C.buying

B.enjoying D.carrying

解析:他还在微笑着“品味(吃)着”那个糖棒。 答案:B

16.A.entrance C.platform

B.office D.bench

解析:根据“arrived at my stop”可知作者下车了,在站台上向那位老人挥手。

答案:C 17.A.Because C.Although

B.Despite D.Though