论近代俄罗斯国家政治制度的演变 联系客服

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[22]阿·米·达维多维奇:《帝国主义时期的专制制度》,第293页。 [23]鲍·阿南尼奇等著:《俄国专制制度的危机》,第343页。




The Transformation of Russia's Modern Political System

Zhu Zhenghong

A great change took place in Russia’s political system in the early 20th century.During the upheavals of the 1905 Revolution,the Tsar was forced to issue a State Declaration to establish a constitutional monarchy,carrying out series of reforms in the state legislation and administration.The Tsar finally defined Russia’s reform in its political system by issuing the 1906 Fundamental Law.Differed from the points of viewmade by some SovietUnion historians, the author has concluded that through the reforms in the realm of superstructure during that time, Russia had created a typical dual constitutional monarchy system similar to the ones once established in modern Japan and Germany.