八年级英语unit 1-5讲学稿 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章八年级英语unit 1-5讲学稿更新完毕开始阅读

【4】达标检测 盘点收获


1.The children are picking up the r_________(垃圾)in the river.

2.Children often help s__________(打扫)the rooms in the old people’s home. 3.There are some dirty clothes on the f_________(地板)in his bedroom. 4.Tom’s room is really in a m________(不整洁).

5.---Mary, could you help f_________(折叠)the clothes? ---Yes, sure. 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

1.Linda often helps her mother________ _______ ________(洗餐具)after dinner. 2.Jack, remember to_______ _______ _______(整理床铺)after you get up.

3.---Could I_______ ________ ________(搭便车)to the center of the city?---Certainly 4.We can’t______ ______ _______(在外面待到很晚)on weekdays.

5.---Lucy, have you finished_____ ______ _______ _______(打扫客厅)?--Sorry, I’ll di it at once 三.选择填空。

( )1.---Could you please turn off the light? ---__________.

A.Yes, I could B.No, I couldn’t. C.It doesn’t matter. D.Yes, sure. ( ) 2.---Could I look at your pictures? ---Yes, of course you_______.

A.should B.could C.will D.can

( ) 3.---Could I use your computer,Jim?--Sorry, I’m going to ________now.

A. work on it B. work it on C. work out it D. work it out

( )4.--Mum, Could I finish___ the football match? ---No, you have to do your homework first.

A.watch B.to watch C.watching D.to watching

( ) 5.There are some books in the box. Could you please_________?

A.take it out B.take them out C.take out it D.take out them


1. 我经常晚饭后帮妈妈洗碗。I often help my mother _____ _____ ______. 2. 你能把垃圾拿出去Could you please ______ _______ _______ ________?

3. 每天起床后我要整理自己的床铺。I _______ ______ _______ after I get up every day.

4. 我不能和你一起去,我得擦地板。I can’t go out with you. I have to _______ ______ _______. 5. 你自己叠衣服吗?Do you ______ ______ ______ by yourself?

6 我妈妈要求我晚上不要在外呆得太久。My mother asks me not to ______ ___ ____ at nigh 7. 明天我们要去看电影。We are _____ _____ ______ _______ tomorrow. 8. 我喜欢在电脑上工作。I like to ______ ______ a computer. 9. 昨天我的自行车坏了,我只得搭车回家。

My bike was broken yesterday. I had to ____ ____ __ ____ home. 10. 我们应该在家做做家务事。We should _______ ________ at home.

11. 你可以帮着做几件事吗?Could you please ______ ____ ____ a few things? 12. 我至少看完这个节目行吗? Could I at least finish ________ this show? 13. 你要我做什么? What do you _____ _____ ____ _____? 14.你倒垃圾、叠被子还有洗碗好吗?

Could you ____ _____ ______ ______, ______ _____ _____ and _____ ______ _______?

15. 因为妈妈随时都会买完东西回来。Because Mom will ____ _____ ____ _____ any time now 16. 如果看到这样不整洁,她会不高兴的。She won’t be happy ___ _____ ____ ______ _____. 17. 这房子已经相当干净和整洁了。 The house is already _____ ______ and ______.

Unit 3 SectionA3a-4c

【一】自主学习 明确目标一、预习3a-4c.完成下列翻译练习

1. 从学校回来_________ 2. 想散步___________3. 疲倦________ 4.扔下_________

5. 去客厅___________6. 2.带某人去散步_____________3.整曰/夜_____ 4.做家务__________


5.闲逛_______________ 6.把某物传给某人_____________________ 7.把某物借给某人_______________ 8.讨厌做某事_______________ 9.做杂务_______________ 10.帮助某人干某事_______________

二、认真观察Grammer Focus总结提出有礼貌的请求和征求允许的句型以及如何礼貌应答。 三、知识点提示:

For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 她一个星期没做家务,我也没做。

用法:neither在句中是副词,意为“也不”,放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用部分倒装。此时也可用nor替换neither使用。如:You didn’t see him,and neither did I. 你没有看见他,我也没有。

拓展:neither其他用法:(1)neither用做形容词,表示“(两者)都不”,置于单数名词之前。如:Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。

(2)neither用做代词,表示“两者都不”。如:Neither of my parents enjoys music.我父母都不喜欢音乐。

(3)neither用做连词,常用在短语neither...nor...中,意为“既不......也不......”,这个结构作主语时,谓语动词必须与nor后面的名词或代词在人称及数上保持一致。如:Neither the teacher nor his students know how to work out the problem.老师和他的学生们都不知道怎么算那道题。



阅读中:认真阅读3a中的问题,带着问题阅读,找出答案。 阅读后:完成文后练习。

合作探究 展示提升

1. Do 3a,3b,回答问题。 2.小组合作完成3c。

3.观察Grammer Focus总结提出有礼貌的请求和征求允许的句型以及如何礼貌应答。 4.小组合作完成4b的填空练习,4c的写作练习。

【4】达标检测 盘点收获


1.I really hate_________(listen)to the loud music. 2.Neither of his parents_________(like)doing chores.

3.Jim spent five hours in finishing________(draw)the picture.

4.The kids saw the robot throw the ball into the box in________(surprised). 5.Tom’s mother is very busy, so he needs________(help)out around the house. 二、根据句意、汉语和首字母提示完成下列句子

1.John, please don’t t_________(扔)waste paper on the ground. 2.Could you please p_________(递)me a cup of tea?

3.The boy often b__________(借)some books from our school library. 4.Jenny h__________(讨厌)doing homework on Sundays. 5.There are five f__________(手指)on each hand. 三、根据汉语意思,把下列句子补充完整。 1.那个男孩扔下书包就从教室里跑了出去。

The boy________ _______his bag and ran out of the classroom.


Could you please_______the dog_______ ______ ______? 3.3. 杰姆总是看电视,在家从不帮助做家务。

Jim watches YV______ ______ _____and never helps out around the house. 4.他划伤了左脚,他尽量不让它沾水。

He cut his left foot and he’s trying not to______ _____ _______.



Mary doesn’t like watching sports show and_______ ______ _______.

1. The girl in purple is new here, so ____ people know her. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 2. Li Hua’s shoes are as ___as Zhang Hui’s. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheaper

3. I can’t play the piano, and ___. A. neither can my sister B. my sister can’t, too C. so can’t my sister

4. Boys and girls, calm down and focus on the test paper___ you begin to think about the answers. Be confident. You can do it! A. as if B. as soon as C. although

5. –Why are you standing, Alice? – I can’t see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting ____ me. A. behind B. next to C. between D. in front of

6. As volunteers, they should do ___ to help the children in trouble. A. nothing B. anybody C. something D. somebody

7. –Can I __your bike? – With pleasure. But you mustn’t ___ it to others. A. lend, borrow B. borrow, lend C. lend, lend D. borrow, borrow

8. Could you please ___ the rubbish? A. take off B. take out C. to take out D. take up

9. – Could you please help me clean the room?--____. A. Sure B. No problem C. Of course D. All the above

10. After you get up, you should make ___bed. A. the B. / C. my D. a

11. –Dave didn’t go to the park.-- ____. A. So did I B. Neither did I C. So I did D. Neither I did

12. –Why do you want to borrow some money ___ him? – Because I want to buy a big house. A. to B. with C. from

13. I can’t walk ____. A. all the day B. whole day C. all day D. all whole day 14. I should get up early ___ to school. A. to go B. going C. go D. to going 15. He tries ____ good grades. A. getting B. to get C. to be D. being

16. He didn’t do his homework last night. ______. A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So did I D. Neither did i 17. Rose looked at her mother in ____ and said, ― What a ___ to see you here!‖

A. surprised, surprise B. surprise, surprise C. surprising , surprised D. surprising, surprise

18. I ___ happy if you ___ to my birthday party. A. will be, come B. am, will come C. will be, will come

19. – Could I please use the car? -- ___. A. Sorry, you can. B. Sorry, you can’t C. Yes, you can’t D. No, you can.

20. He needs ____ his room. A. to clean B. cleaning .C cleans D. clean 从方框中选词 Throw down, sweep the floor, do the dishes, hang out, come over 1. Jim said he would like __________ with his friends at night but his father didn’t agree. 2. Don’t _____ it _____ on the floor.

3. The little girl ___________ to me while I was talking. 4. I helped my mother ___________ after supper.

5. The students ______________every afternoon after school. So the classroom is clean.

句型转换: 1. Could you help me with the dishes? ( 改为同义句) Could you ____ me ____ the dishes. 2.We both didn’t finish our homework. (同上) _______ ________ ________ finished our homework. 3. He needs to eat lunch. ( 改为一般疑问句) _______ he_______ to eat lunch? Can you lend your pen to me? (改为同义句) Can I ______ your pen?

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?(SectionB1a-1e)导学案

自主学习 明确目标




1. 买些饮料和小吃_______________ 2.邀请某人参加聚会_______________ 3.打扫房间______________________ 4.倒垃圾________________________ 5.整理床铺_______________________ 6.洗碗__________________________ 7.看电视_____.____________________ 8.和朋友闲逛_____________________ 9.参加聚会_______________________ 10.我不赞同______________________ 11.使用你的光碟机_________________ 13. 去商店________________________

达标检测 盘点收获


1.borrow some money______________

2.邀请朋友们来我的生日聚会________________________________________________ 3.go to the store______________ 4.用你的CD播放机______________________ 5.buy some drinks and snacks____________________________ 二、选择填空。

( )1. Could I______some money______you.

A.borrow; to B.lend; for C.borrow; from D.lend; from

( )2.Who will you_______to your birthday party? A. make B.invite C.say D.tell ( )3.---Mum, could I hang out with friends on weekends? ---_____________. A.Yes, you could. B.No, you couldn’t. C.Yes, you can. D.Sure, you can’t. ( )4.Could you please buy_______drinks and snacks_____me?

A.some; to B.any; to C.some; for D.any; for

( )5.My mom often asks me__the living room.A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.cleans 夯实基础


1. My friend often b_______ my pen. But he never returns (归还) it. 2. Tomorrow I’m going to have a party. I’d like to i________ my friends to it. 3. I have different ideas from yours. I really d________ with you. 4. I have a pet cat. I have to f_______ it with some fish every day. 5. I like music very much. I want to buy a new CD p________. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Do you often watch TV in the _________ (live) room? 2. Could you do the ________ (shop) with me? 3. I hate to do ________ (chore) in the morning. 4. Sam is going to a _________ (meet) now. 5. Thank you for your _________ (invite). 6. Could you let me get a __________ (ride)?

7. We have some drinks and snacks, but we need ________ (many). 8. Could you please _________ (go) to the store? 9. I like to do the dishes, because it’s ________ (relax). 10. He always fold _________ (he) clothes. 三、句型转换。

1. I can buy some drinks and snacks. (用could改为语气委婉的疑问句)

________ you _______ ________ _______ drinks and snacks?

2. Could you look after my cat, please? (同义句)Could you ______ _____ ____ my cat, please? 3. Can I use your dictionary, please? (同义句)Can I ________ a dictionary ____ you, please? 4. All the children had a great time at the party. (同义句)All the children ____ _____ at the party.