西南最新版[0162]《综合英语三》网上作业及课程考试复习资料(有答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章西南最新版[0162]《综合英语三》网上作业及课程考试复习资料(有答案)更新完毕开始阅读

[单选题]Passage 2

A:The fluctuation of market price has a number of causes.

B:Climate affects economy.

C: The cost of skilled labor is increasing.

D:Shrinking oil and mineral reserves cause the change of price.


[单选题]Passage 1

A:the limit of population will help to reserve natural resources

B:the problem of overpopulation cannot be solved

C:the limit of population will help to produce natural resources

D:the limit of population cannot solve the shortage of natural resources


[单选题]Passage 1 A:greatly increase

B:slightly increase

C: hardly increase

D:slightly decrease


[单选题]Passage 1

A: there is too little to supply such a large population

B:it’s mostly salt or frozen at the North and South poles

C:it’s mostly polluted

D: it’s getting less and less


[单选题]Passage 1

A: are adequate and evenly distributed

B:are adequate but not evenly distributed

C:are neither adequate nor evenly distributed

D:are not adequate but evenly distributed

参考答案:B [单选题]

For each of the following passage, there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should decide on the best choice. Passage 1

A:more than doubled

B:been more than three times at large

C:less than doubled

D:increased by more than a billion

参考答案:D 第5次作业 [论述题]

Please translate the following sentences into English.

1. 他生气地走了出去,使劲地把门摔上了。 2. 外国客人在校长的陪同下,参观了整个校园。

3. 除了语言技能外,学生们还应该知道一些关于西方国家的文化和历史。

4. 这篇文章旨在引起公众警惕水污染的危险。

5. 她的身体太弱了,我要是稍一碰她,她就会倒下。 6. 他一辈子都梦想上大学,可始终没有上成。

7. 他们反对吸烟的理由是被动吸烟有害健康,而且许多人深受其害。

8. 她花很多的钱买衣服,很快便所剩无几了。

9. 学校很重视培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。 10. 他努力避免与这件事牵连在一起。


1. He left angrily, slamming the door behind him. 2. The foreign visitors visited the whole campus in the president's company.

3. Apart from language skills, students should learn something about culture and history of western countries.

4. This article is meant to warn the public of the danger of water pollution.

5. She is so weak that I can knock her down with feather.

6. He dreamed of going to college all his life, but never made it.

7. Their line of argument is that passive smoking is harmful to people's health, and many people suffer from it.

8. She spent much money buying clothes, so that she had little left soon.

9. Schools place considerable importance on improving students' ability to analyse and solve problems.

10. He tried to avoid getting involved in it.