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1£®There are two _____ in our school£®

A£®library B£®libraries£® C£®librarys

2£®There aren¡¯t _____ apples in the basket, but there are some on the table£® A£®some B£®any C£®a 3£®¡ªIs there a dining hall in your school? ¡ª__________

A£®Yes£¬there are£® B£®No£¬there is£® C£®Yes£¬there is£® 4£®Loo k£¬my grandmother is _____ my grand father£® A£®on the left of B£®next

C£®on the right of

5£®¡ªHave you got a dictionary? ¡ª_______________

A£®Yes£¬I do£® B£®Yes£¬I got C£®Yes£¬I have£® 6£®¡ªWhere are _____? ¡ªThey are on the chair.

A£®Tony's books B£®Tony's book C£®Tony books 7£®He ______ any aunts or uncles£®

A£®doesn't has got B£®haven't got C£®hasn't got 8£®¡ªHow many computers _____ in your classroom? ¡ªThere are two£®

A£®are there B£®are you have C£®does you have 9£®¡ªWhere _____ you _____? ¡ªI'm from Beijing£®

A£®are, from B£®do, from C£®are, come 10£®_____ is a doctor£®What about _____ father?

A£®His£¬your B£®Her, your¡¯s C£®His£¬you

11£®There are _____ students in our class£®That is 19 boys and 21 girls¡£ A£®forty B£®fourty C£®fourteen

12.Juice and water are healthy drinks£¬_____ Coke isn't healthy drink£® A£®and B£®but C£®or 13£®Can I have _____ water?

A£®these B£®some C£®one 14£®Lingling is in __________£® A£®Class Four£¬Grade One B£®Grade One£¬Class Four C£®Class four£¬grade one 15£®What's your _____ fruit?

A£®very like B£®favourite C£®much like 16£®She can't ________ in the lake£®

A£®swimming B£®swiming C£®swim


17£® There __________ a cat and two dogs in my home£® A£®be B£®is C£®are 18£® He _____ hamburgers£®

A£®like eat B£®likes eating C£®like to eats 19. The office building _____ the classrooms£®

A£®behind B£®behinds C£®is behind 20£®__________ there any apples in the kitchen? A£®Have B£®Be C£®Are ¶þ¡¢ÖÇÁ¦²âÑé(5·Ö)

21£®Paris is the capital of __________£®

A£®the USA B£®the UK C£®France D£®Australia 22£®About ________ percent of the earth's surface is covered with water£® A£®29 B£®82 C£®71 D£®100

23£®A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hour£®How long will it take to travel 300 miles? A£®250hours B£®6hours C£®1/6hours D£®15000hours 24£®Beijing Olympic Games are the __________ modem Olympic Games£® A£® B£® C£® D£®

25£®The number of seconds in one day _____ The number of minutes in one week A£®> B£®< C£®= D£®We don't know Èý¡¢ÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ(10·Ö)

NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world£®There_____ 26_____ a Chinese player in this game£®His name is Yao Ming£®He is _____27 _____ player in this game¡£In his spare time£¬Yao _____28_____cars. On last Christmas£¬he drove _____ 29 _____ old car to visit one of his _____ 30 _____£®On his way, he ______ 31 _____ a policeman following him£®Finally, he stopped and said to the policeman£º¡°______ 32 _____ Christmas£¬sir£®Is there anything wrong with me?¡±£®¡°No£¬of course not¡±answered the policeman£®¡°Then _____ 33 _____ did you _____ 34 _____ me?¡±asked Yao£®¡°______35______be angry£®¡±said the policeman£º¡°You did nothing wrong£¬I only want to ask you for a signature(Ç©Ãû)!¡±

26£®A£®be B£®are C£®is 27£®A£®tall B£®the tallest C£®tallest 28£®A£®1ikes driving B£®1ikes drive C£®1ike driving 29£®A£®a B£®an C£®the 30£®A£®friends B£®friend C£®the friend 31£®A£®sees B£®seed C£®saw 32£®A£®Marry B£®Merry C£®Happy 33£®A£®Why B£®How C£®When 34£®A£®ask B£®follow C£®stopped 35£®A£®Don¡¯t B£®You don¡¯t C£®You can't ËÄ¡¢ÔĶÁÀí½â(30·Ö) (A)

The following discussion(ÌÖÂÛ) took place(·¢Éú) between a father and his nine-year-old son£®

¡°It's unfair(²»¹«Æ½)£¬Dad£®Mum wants me to make my bed, but I don't know how£®¡± ¡°It's time for you to learn£®Where are your clean sheets(´²µ¥)?¡±


¡°I don't know£®¡±

¡°What do you mean you don't know? You need to take care of your things£®¡± ¡°Where are Jack's sheets?¡±the father called to his wife£® ¡°Right next to ours£¬¡±the wife answered£®

After a moment£¬the father asked slowly,¡°Where ale ours?¡± 36£®The discussion takes place between ________£®

A£®a husband and a wife B£®a mother and her son C£®a father and his son D£®a mother and a father 37£®The son doesn¡¯t know _____£®

A£®how to wash his sheets B£®how to make his bed C£®how to clean his sheet D£®how to clean his bed 38£®The father doesn't know _____£®

A£®how to wash sheets B£®how to make his bed C£®how to clean sheets D£®where his sheets are

39£®The father says his son is _____ because he doesn't know where his _____ is£® A£®careful£¬sheet B£®careless£¬bed C£®careful£¬bed D£®careless£¬sheet

40£®Who do you think take care of the housework(¼ÒÎñ) in the family? A£®the father B£®the mother C£®the child D£®No one (B)

A girl may pass easily through the first grades£®While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may get easily good grades£®Girls seem to have¡°betterbrains¡±in school£®Why do so few girls become scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult(³ÉÈË) world done by men? According to(¸ù¾Ý) scientists£¬the answer is aggression(µÐ¶ÔÐÐΪ)£®Boys usually refuse to accept other people's conclusion(½áÂÛ)£®They insist on solving problems by themselves£®while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in their own ways£®Boys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early age£®

41£®Girls get better marks at school than boys because _________£® A£®boys are lazier

B£®girls are better at remembering things than boys C£®girls are cleverer than boys

D£®teachers care more for girls than for boys

42£®There are so few women scientists because __________£® A£®boys are cleverer than girls B£®girls are less cared for C£®girls are lazier

D£®few of them are trained to be aggressive 43£®According to the scientists£¬__________£®

A£®boys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering things B£®boys Can easily get food jobs while girls can't C£®girls insist on doing things on their own

D£®the nature of the boys and girls is the same£®but their education is different


44£®In the view of the writer,__________£® A£®girls have better brains B£®boys have better brains

C£®neither boys nor girls have better brains

D£®usually great scientists are men and most important things are done by men 45£®Which of the following is right? A£®Boys are cleverer in school£®

B£®Girls are cleverer at an early age£®

C£®Boys and girls have good points in different ways£®

D£®Boys have good points only when they enter the adult world (C)

Answer the questions according to the poster at the next page£® 46£®How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage? A£®Five B£®Six C£®Seven 47£®A child under 12 Can go to the zoo __________£®

A£®with a ticket of $1.00 B£®with a ticket of $2.00 C£®freely 48£®Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons£¬one aged 14 and the other 10£¬how much are the tickets together?

A£®$2.00 B£®$3.00 C£®$4.00 49£®Which of the following is the visiting time? A£®8£º00 a£®m. Monday£® B£®9£º30 a£®m£®Friday£® C£®3£º00 P£®m£®Sunday£®

50£®Which of the following can we do in the zoo? A£®To give some food to the fish£® B£®To take a few nice photos£® C£®To throw things at animals£® Ö÷¹ÛÌⲿ·Ö


51£®I¡¯m ten years old and my sister is two years older than me£¬so she is t_____ years old¡£ 52£®Chinese people are very good at table t_____£¬and it's our favorite sport£® 53£®Lingling is now reading books in the school l__________£®

54£®I have a pen friend£¬and we always send e_____to each other by computer£® 55£®Ice-cream and candies are not healthy food£®They ale u_____ food£® 56£®What¡¯s the w_____ like in spring? It's warm£® 57£®When you see foreign friends in our school£¬you can say to them ¡°W_____ to my school¡±£® 58£®My uncle is a worker£®He works in a f_____£® 59£®Your father and your mother are your p_____£®

60£®Don't take this book because it is mine£®Y_____ is on the table£® Áù¡¢ÔĶÁÓë±í´ï(10·Ö) ¡°Early to bed£¬early to rise¡±makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise£®It's good for the body£® This is an old saying£®Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning£®Then we shall be healthy£®We shall also be rich and clever£® That is true£®The body must have enough sleep to be healthy£®Children of young age should