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实践教学 William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (26 April 1564- 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright. He was widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. His surviving works, including some collaboration, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.

Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men.

Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the famous works.

Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.

(Sonnet1 和sonnet5的相关资料由张文瑞提供)

Sonnet 1

That thereby beauty's rose might never die, But as the riper should by time decease, His tender heir might bear his memory; But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes, Making a famine where abundance lies, Thyself that art now the world's fresh ornament 译文:

And only herald to the gaudy spring Within thine own bud buriest thy content, And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding. To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.

(辜正坤 《莎士比亚十四行诗》 2008年1月第一版)我们总愿美的物种繁衍昌盛, 好让美的玫瑰永远也不凋零。 纵然时序难逆,物壮必老, 自有年轻的子孙一脉相承。 而你,却只与自己的明眸订婚, 焚身为火,好烧出眼中的光明。 你与自我为敌,作践可爱的自身, 有如在丰饶之乡偏造成满地饥民。 你是当今世界鲜美的装饰, 你是锦绣春光里报春的先行。 你用自己的花苞埋葬了自己的花精, 如慷慨吝啬者用吝啬将血本赔尽。 可怜这个世界吧,你这贪得无厌之人,

不留遗嗣在世间,只落得萧条葬孤坟。(辜正坤译) 评论一:

这第一首诗,诗人开宗明义地提出:熟透了的东西随时会殒落,血亲后嗣就该继承他的遗业,要美的生命不断繁衍孳生,艳丽的玫瑰才不会凋谢。这是自然法则,也启示着现实中人应步的常道。但是朋友,你却不去寻结连理,只独钟其身,恰似和自己的眼睛订婚,燃尽自身,也只能烧炼出双眸的光焰,而不能把你的美传诸后人。这是和自己作对,就会在丰饶的田野上酿出了饥馑。你本是天地的精华,鲜艳的珍品,自应婚娶,生育美的后代,为灿烂的春天开路。而你却不肯与美人结合,愿在自身的花蕾里埋葬了自己。这种自怜的吝啬,酿成了毁灭的浪费,该有多么可惜与可叹啊!所以,诗人于最后剀切陈情:亲爱的朋友,可怜这世界吧,你不能违背自然规律,把世界应得的统统让坟墓吞去,和你一同消逝。 从上段可以看出,这首诗主要表达莎士比亚一方面非常惋惜朋友独自生活而不肯结连理的情感,另一方面又在极力劝说他的朋友,传宗接代是自然规律,不能违背,留下后代才能让美永存,所以要赶快婚娶啊!蕴含着文艺复兴时代,一个人文主义者赤诚的现实主义精神。您听到了吗,诗人在为春天开路,为美的永驻而呐喊哩!


开篇的十七首诗,主题随同,但是莎氏以不同的譬喻,从不同的角度,提炼、抒发为深沉的诗。 来源:

zhidao.http://www.china-audit.com//question/263213139.html 评论二:

第一首十四行诗中的第六行,有一个短语“self—substantial fuel(把自己当燃料)”。这是一个蜡烛的意象,蜡烛燃烧自己旨在为世界带来光明,但这只是个短暂的瞬间。蜡烛燃尽后,世界依然一片黑暗。除了短暂的光明,蜡烛熄灭后什么