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图3.33 使用KH-33001/2/3 下载板时的跳线


若使用KH-33004/5 下载板则只需要将数码管的短路夹跳至JP2 即可,如图3.33 所示 图3.34 使用KH-33004/5 下载板时的跳线


1. VHDL 程序 library IEEE;


Port (Clock,Reset:in std_logic;

Strait_A_Out,Block_A_Out,Turn_A_Out,Strait_B_Out,Block_B_Out,Turn_B_Out:out std_logic;

Count_Down_LCD:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); Road_sign: out std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); Ctr:out std_logic ); end entity;

architecture traffic of traffic is signal Clock_4Hz,LCD:std_logic;

signal Count_4Hz:std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); signal Count_1Hz:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal Clock_1Hz:std_logic;

signal Count_Down:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

--signal Count_Down_LCD:std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); signal q:std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); signal State:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal Count:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

signal Strait_A,Block_A,Turn_A,Strait_B,Block_B,Turn_B,Blink:std_logic; --//wire [13:0] Road_sign

constant Strait_Block :std_logic_vector:=\constant Block_Turn :std_logic_vector:=\constant Turn_Block :std_logic_vector:=\constant Block_Strait :std_logic_vector:=\



Strait_A_Out<=Strait_A and (Clock_4Hz or Blink); Strait_B_Out<=Strait_B and (Clock_4Hz or Blink); Block_A_Out<=Block_A and (Clock_4Hz or Blink); Block_B_Out<=Block_B and (Clock_4Hz or Blink); Turn_A_Out<=Turn_A and (Clock_4Hz or Blink); Turn_B_Out<=Turn_B and (Clock_4Hz or Blink);

Road_sign(13 downto 7) <= q(13 downto 7);

Road_sign(6 downto 0) <= ((not q(6))and (Clock_4Hz or Blink))&((not q(5))and (Clock_4Hz or Blink))&((not q(4))and (Clock_4Hz or Blink))& ((not q(3))and (Clock_4Hz or Blink))&((not q(2))and (Clock_4Hz or Blink))&((not q(1))and (Clock_4Hz or Blink))&

((not q(0))and (Clock_4Hz or Blink));

--//************* Generate 4Hz Clock Signal from 1kHz Clock Signal ********** process(Clock) begin

if Clock'event and Clock='1' then Count_4Hz <= Count_4Hz-1; if Count_4Hz=\

Clock_4Hz <= not Clock_4Hz;--Generate 4Hz clock signal end if; end if;

end process;

--//************* Generate 1Hz Clock Signal from 4Hz Clock Signal ***********

process (Clock_4Hz) begin

if Clock_4Hz'event and Clock_4Hz='1' then Count_1Hz <= Count_1Hz-1; if Count_1Hz=\

Clock_1Hz <= not Clock_1Hz; --//Generate 1Hz clock signal end if; end if;

end process;

--//**************************** Main Program ******************************* process (Clock_1Hz) begin

if Clock_1Hz'event and Clock_1Hz='1' then if Reset='1' then

State<=Strait_Block; Count_Down<=\

Strait_A<='1'; Block_A<='1'; Turn_A<='1'; Strait_B<='1'; Block_B<='1'; Turn_B<='1'; Count_Down_LCD<=\ Blink<='1';


Count_Down<=Count_Down-1; if State=Strait_Block then

Strait_A<='1'; Block_A<='0'; Turn_A<='0'; Strait_B<='0'; Block_B<='1'; Turn_B<='0'; if Count_Down=\ State<=Block_Turn; end if;

elsif State=Block_Turn then

Strait_A<='0'; Block_A<='1'; Turn_A<='0'; Strait_B<='0'; Block_B<='0'; Turn_B<='1'; if Count_Down=\ State<=Turn_Block; end if;

elsif State=Turn_Block then

Strait_A<='0'; Block_A<='0'; Turn_A<='1'; Strait_B<='0'; Block_B<='1'; Turn_B<='0'; if Count_Down=\ State<=Block_Strait; end if;

elsif State=Block_Strait then

Strait_A<='0'; Block_A<='1'; Turn_A<='0'; Strait_B<='1'; Block_B<='0'; Turn_B<='0'; if Count_Down=\ State<=Strait_Block; end if; end if;

case Count_Down is

when \//1 when \//2 when \ when \//4 when \ when \//6 when \ when \ end case ;

if Count_Down>=3 then Blink<='1'; else

Blink<='0'; end if; end if;