商务英语-外贸函电课后答案整理版 联系客服

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confidence, of their financial and credit standing.


3..We know from a financial report that you have business relations/ record with the under-mentioned firm We should be glad to know if their financial position is considered strong.

..从一份财务报告中我们知道..贵方与下述的这家公司有业务联系/记录。我们很乐意知道他们的财务状况是不是很好。.. 4.. As we know nothing about the company, we are writing to request you to enquire into their credit position on our behalf. (由于我们对该公司一无所知..特致函烦请贵方代表我们对其资信情况进行调查。)

5..We know the Auto Engineering Co., but our knowledge of the company is limited. We should, therefore, like to know whether or not their financial and credit standing are sound .


6..For safty’s sake, we should like to know the financial and credit standing of the above-mentioned company. We should be very pleased if you would assist us in this respect.

(为安全起见..我们想了解一下上述公司的资信情况。如贵方能在这方面施以援助..我们会非常感谢。) 7..Please accept our thanks for any assistance you can give us. ..不管你方能给我们什么样的帮助..都请接收我们的感谢。..

8.. We should be most grateful for any information you can obtain for us. (不管贵方给我们调查到什么样的信息..我们都心存感激。)

2.Emphasizing the importance of keeping the information in confidence in a positive tone. (用肯定的语气强调信息保密的重要性)

1..It goes without saying that any information you can furnish as to their capital and reputation would be greatly valued and treated in absolute confidence by us.


2..You can rest assure that all result will be kept confidential. (您尽可以放心..所有的调查结果都是保密的。)

3..We can assure you that any information you may give us will be treated in absolute confidence. (我们向您保证..贵方向我们提供的任何信息都将被严格保密。)

4..This information is strictly confidential and is given without any responsibility on our part. (本信息是严格保密的..并且我方对此不承当任何的责任。)

5..This information is of course supplied in the strictest confidence. (本信息属于最高机密)

6..The above information is given on the understanding that it is to be treated as strictly confidential. 以上信息是基于该信息应该被严格保密的共识提供的。)

7.. All results will be kept confidential and you will not be contacted about the results unless you so desire. (所有的结果都是保密的..除非您有此意愿..否则我们将不通知结果。) 3. Offering the credit information in the form of ―describing the facts‖. (用实事求是的方法提供资信信息)

1..In reply to your letter of 8th August, we wish to inform you the following information as you required. ..兹答复你方八月十八日的来函..应要求向你们提供以下信息。..

2..Their chief line is in the import and export of machines. (他们主要的经营范围是机械进出口。)

3..The Co.you mentioned is a private company run as a family group and was founded 15 years ago. It enjoys a good reputation.

(你所提的公司是一个私人公司..以一个家庭集团的形式经营。该公司在15年前成立..信誉良好。) 4..The firm above is a leading importer .in this city. (上述公司是本市一个主要的进口商)

5..We consider them trustworthy and reliable. (我们认为他们是值得信任、可以信赖的。)

6..We regret being unable to help you with information about the firm you enquired in your letter of 10th July, .since we have not done any business with them in the past.


Part Five Practical Training I. Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese


1) 资信情况

2) 业务联系..记录.. 3) 短期贷款 4) 履行义务 5) 归因于… 6) 调查……

7) 毫无疑问..你们向我们提供的任何信息我们都会绝对保密..并且心存感激。 8) 如果贵方能把上述公司的资信情况告知我们..我方将不胜感激。

9) 能否恳请贵方尽量收集所有有关横滨市丰田公司信用状况方面的材料。 10) 特致函..烦请贵方代表我们对其资信情况进行调查。 II..Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English 1) credit investigation / enquiey 2) in (absolute) confidence 3) standing credit

4) responsibility on our part 5) It goes without saying that… 6) rest assure

7) In reply to your letter of 8th August, we wish to inform you the following information as you required. 8) Any information you may give us will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential. 9) We shall appreciate it if you will let us know their financial position.

10) The firm you mentioned is a leading importer .in this city. It enjoys a good reputation. We consider them trustworthy and reliable.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first letters are given.

(1)Referring (2)established (3)cost (4)quality (5)object (6) responsibility (7) part (8)satisfied (9)information (10)decision.

Unit 4. Inquiry 第四章 询盘

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Typical Sentences:

1. Inquiring for the full details of particular goods in courteous phrases. (用客气的表达询问某种商品的详细情况) 1..Will you please send us your illustrated/ latest catalogue and full details of your prices and terms of payment, together with samples.

(能否请你们给我们寄上带插图的/最新的产品目录表和价格表) 2..Please send me a description of your electric hedge trimmers. (请惠寄电动修剪机的说明书)

3..There is a steady demand for stainless steel tableware at our end. Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer?


4..We have seen your advertisement in China’s Foreign Trade and would be glad if you will send us the particulars of bed sheets and pillowcases.

(我们在《中国对外贸易》杂志上看到你们的广告..敬请告知有关床单和枕套的详细情况。) 5..We would be pleased if you would let us have a list of the items you required. (敬请将贵公司的进口目录寄来为荷。)

6..We have an importer enquiring for woolen blankets and would like to obtain a catalogue, and price-list together with the samples as soon as possible.


2. Stating your intention of purchasing and inviting an offer directly. (直接说明你的购买意愿并邀请对方发盘)

1..We would be pleased if you send us your lowest quotation for the following: (如能对下列产品报最低价..我方将不胜感激。)

2..A client of ours is interested in securing a certain quantity of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, as specified below, for which you are requested to make an offer.



3..We have pleasure in informing you that we are interested in your plastic kitchen-ware and would like you to make us an offer.


4..We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of Bitter Apricot Kernels. (我方手头现有一份欲购大量苦杏仁的询价单。)

5..Please inform us of the prices of the products that you can supply. (请告你方所能出手的价格。)

6..We’d like to have your lowest quotations C. I. F. Vancouver. (希望你方报成本加运费、保险费到温哥华的最低价。)

7..Kindly let us know the prices and quantities of the best refined sugar you are able to deliver to us. (敬请告知贵公司可供应的上等白砂糖数量和价格。)

8..We would be much obliged if you could quote us the best CIF Shanghai and indicate the respective quantities and various sizes that you could supply for prompt shipment.

(如果贵公司能给我们报成本加保险费、运费到上海价..并说明各种现货的数量和规格..我们将不胜感激。) 9..Please let us know at what price, on what terms and in what quantity you can supply the captioned goods. (请告知你方能以什么价格..按什么样的条件和数量供应标题商品。)

3. Indicating the possibility of placing a favourable order and stressing that the offer should be reasonable and workable. (指出大量购买的可能性..希望对方的报盘合理、可行)

1..You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities. (报价时请考虑我们可能会经常性地大量订购这一因素。)

2..We have ready buyers of these commodities and if your prices are competitive, we have every reason to believe that we can place large orders with you.


3..If you are in a position to meet our demand, we will place a large order with you. (如果你们能满足我们的需求..我们将向你们下大宗订单。)

4..We hope that your price will be workable and that our business will result to our mutual advantage. (希望贵方的价格可行..交易可以在互利的条件下达成。)

5..If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long term contract with you. (若贵方质好价适..我们愿与贵公司签署一项长期合同。) Part Five Practical Training I. Beginning Training

1 ..Put the following English into Chinese 1) 带有图片说明的目录表 2) 交货期 3) 优惠折扣 4) 市场需求 5) 最新价目表 6) 有前景的市场 7) 大量购买 8) 有存货的

9) 我方一客户想买123 型货物..希望你方寄一样品和报价单来。

10) 我方对你方的绿茶感兴趣。我方认为..其中的某些品种在我方市场上会很畅 销。希望得到你方的维多利亚目的港交货最低价。

11) 我们想购买你方4 号目录表上所列的男式衬衫。请报最低价..最优折扣以及交货期。 12) 请报下列各种商品的成本加保险费、运费至新加坡价..包括我方百分之三的佣金。 13) 我们希望你方价格可行..同时希望交易能令双方受益。

14) 我们获悉你方是空调生产商..请问你方是否能供应以下规格的产品..

15) 我方一些客户对你方的罐头食品有兴趣..请报到成本加保险费、运费至目的港价并惠寄样品及详细资料。

II..Intermediate Training

1 ..Put the following Chinese into English

1) be in the market for …/ to be desirous of …/ to desire …

2) lowest price/ best price/ favourable price/ rock bottom price/ competitive price/ reasonable price 3) make (send) sb. an inquiry for …/to inquire for…


4) This is in reply to one’s inquiry of … 5) place an order with sb. for sth. 6) ready market

7) Please state the terms of …

8) As we are in the market for men’s leather gloves, we would be pleased if you would send us your best quotation.

9) Please send us your best firm offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available, lowest prices with the best discount and the earliest date of delivery.

10) If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities.

11) We take pleasure in enclosing our Inquiry No. 345-9. We would appreciate it if you could make us a favourable offer on FOB basis.

12) Please let us know at what price, on what terms and in what quantity you can supply us with the following articles:

13) We are interested in 300 sets of “Five Rams” bicycles and would be pleased to have your best offer by cable on CIF Hamburg basis, including our 5% commission.

14) As one of our customers has a steady demand for your electric motors, please cable us a firm offer for 10 sets for shipment in September.

15..We would like to know what discount you would allow us for an order for more than 1000 dozen. 2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first letters are given.

(1) advertisement (2) leading (3) interested (4) details (5) dealers (6) line (7) market (8) replying (9) over (10) item

Unit 5. Offer 第五章 发盘

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Typical Sentences:

1. Stating the receipt of an inquiry and making an offer with pleasure. (明示感谢询盘的同时欣悦发盘)

1..Thank you for your inquir.We are pleased to inform you that there are 50 tons of walnuts now available for export. (谢谢贵公司的询盘。欣告现有50 吨核桃可供出口)

2..We are glad to have received your letter dated Nov. 14 for our bicycles. In reply to your inquiry, we are pleased in making you the following offer.

(很高兴收到你方11 月14 日对我方自行车的询函..现答复并报盘如下。)

3..Referring to your letter dated 10th July in which you inquired for plastic toys, we have pleasure in cabling you an offer as follows.

(关于贵方7 月10 日对塑料玩具的询价函..现电报价格如下。)

4..Thank you for your inquiry of September 4 informing us that you find our canned meat satisfactory and that you are considering placing a trial order with us. We are pleased to quote as follows:

(感谢贵方9 月4 日的询盘..通知我们贵公司认为我方的肉罐头很令人满意.. 并正在考虑向我们试订。我们很高兴报价如下。)

5..Further to our letter of Dec. 12, we now offer you, without engagement, our various items as follows. (继我方12 月12 日函..现报没有约束力的各种货物价格如下。)

2. Describing all the details of goods and the main terms of transaction concretely. (具体描述商品的详细情况和主要的交易交易条款)

1..We are pleased to notify you that the whole of our extensive stock of silks, velvets, ribbons, mantles, shawls, woolen and cotton goods, is now on sale at prime cost.

(我们正在清仓..有丝织品、天鹅绒、丝带、披风、披肩以及毛织品、棉织品.. 均以进货价出售..特告。)

2..We understand that there is a good demand for glassware in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No 1338 for your consideration.

(我们了解到你方市场对玻璃器皿需求强劲..借此良机..附上我方第1338报价单..供你方参考。) 3. .We are sending you by airmail a small sample. A copy of the relative description leaflet is enclosed. (现航寄一件小样品..并随函附上一份有关的说明书。)

4..We are enclosing samples and a price list of back cushions giving the details you asked for. ..我们特此附上样品和价目表..里面含有你们所希望了解的所有详情。..

5..We are making you a firm offer of 30 metric tons walnut meat at EUR 2500 per metric ton CIF European Main Ports for November shipment.

(我们报实盘..30 公吨核桃仁..CIF 欧洲主要港口..2500 欧元每公吨..11 月 装运。)

6..In reply to your inquiry of yesterday, March 5th 2010, we have pleasure in offering you these at the very low price of HKD 11,000 per M/T CIF Stockholm, packed in ordinary gunny bags.