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丹花卉,足无釉,呈灰色。此罐属山西窑口产品。此类黑釉剔花器,在宋、金时期北方的山西、河北、宁夏等地多有烧造。 Carved black glazed jar Jin Dynasty (1115 – 1234)

This jar was made in Shanxi. This kind of carved black glazed ware was made in Shanxi, Hebei and Ningxia in the Song and Jin Dynasties.

67、河南观台窑黑釉划纹碗 金(1115—1234) Black glazed bowl, Guantai ware, Henan Jin Dynasty (1115 – 1234)

68、登封曲河窑素三彩牡丹刻花小碟 金(1115—1234) Plain tricolor dish with design of carved peony, Quhe ware, Henan Jin Dynasty (1115 – 1234)

69、黑釉刻花小口瓶 金(1115—1234) Black glazed bottle with incised floral design Jin Dynasty (1115 – 1234)

70、耀州窑刻花犀牛望月纹碗 金(1115—1234)


Bowl with incised design of rhinoceros looking at the moon, Yaozhou ware Jin Dynasty (1115 – 1234)

Porcelain with design of rhinoceros looking at the moon made in the Song and Yuan Dynasties reflects the fear psychology and heavy pressure of the Han people caused by the war under the rule of the Northern Jin Dynasty. 唐三彩:






第三部分 各领风骚——陶瓷的鼎盛期







(From the Yuan to the Qing Dynasties)

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, ceramic industry developed to its heyday in China. The kilns in Jingdezhen made an innovation in techniques in the Yuan Dynasty so that large porcelain wares could be made there. Blue and white glazed porcelain and porcelain in underglaze red made the technique, which combined Chinese painting with porcelain making technique, more mature. The success of high temperature glazed porcelain was a sign that various coloring agents were mastered skillfully. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, ceramic industry in Jingdezhen had further development. Official kilns were set up there. Porcelain in strongly contrasting colors, polychrome colors, cloisonné enamel and pink family and so on was made.Jingdezhen became a well-known center of ceramic industry at home and abroad.

Purple stoneware teapot made in Yixing, Jiangsu and white porcelain and white


porcelain made in Dehua, Fujian, had also made outstanding achievements. Porcelain export in this period had reached an unprecedented prosperity, Chinese porcelain exported to all over the world.

1.龙泉窑暗花瓣口盘 元(1260—1368) Plate with veiled decoration, Longquan ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

2.龙泉窑刻花罐 元(1260—1368) Jar with incised floral design,Longquan ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

3.磁州窑《西游记》故事图枕 元(1260—1368)

这件器物是典型的元代瓷枕造型,正面绘唐僧取经图,底有楷书印款―张家造‖。《西游记》成书于明代中期,而相关内容的画面在元代瓷器上已出现。说明在《西游记》成书前,有关的故事已通过戏剧、说书等形式在民间广为流传。 Pillow with the decoration of A Record of Pilgrims to the West, Cizhou ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

This was a typical shape of pillow made in the Yuan Dynasty. A Record of Pilgrims to the West was usually regarded to be written in the middle Ming Dynasty. Picture in terms of the story appeared on the pillow of the Yuan Dynasty, which meant that this legendary story had been told in the form of drama or storytelling before the book was written.

4.磁州窑孔雀绿釉人物纹梅瓶 元(1260—1368) Peacock green glazed prunus vase with design of figures, Cizhou ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

5.德化窑树头杯 明(1368—1644) Cup, Dehua ware

Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

6.德化窑牺首纹鼎式炉 明(1368—1644) Incense burner, Dehua ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

7.德化窑夔纹三足炉 明(1368—1644) Incense burner, Dehua ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

8.德化窑花瓣口吸管杯 清(1644—1911)


Cup, Dehua ware

Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

9.德化窑―博及渔人‖铭暗花持莲佛像 清(1644—1911) Buddha with lotus, Dehua ware Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

10.德化窑―张寿山‖款负书罗汉像 明(1368—1644) Arhat with books, Dehua ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644 )

11.德化窑贴花双兽耳桃纽盖罐 清(1644—1911) Covered jar, Dehua ware Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

12.德化窑童子观音像 清(1644—1911)


Guanyin (Mother of Mercy) with a child, Dehua ware Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

Guanyin was introduced into China in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Instable society made the belief popular. Dehua Kiln was famous for Buddhist or Taoist statue. Among them, Guanyin was made most and the most beautiful in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Guanyin made in the Dehua Kiln was usually dressed in gown with radiating lines, eyes drooping, facial expressions, three folds on the neck and jeweled necklaces and strings of ornaments on the chest. The artistic characteristic can be traced to the earliest outstanding representatives of ancient Indian Buddhist arts - Gandhara Art and Gupta Art. '

13.宜兴均釉凤尾瓶 清(1644—1911) Phoenix-tail-shaped vase, Yixing ware Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

14.宜兴紫砂刻花提梁茶壶 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Purple stoneware teapot with over-top handle, Yixing ware Qing Qianlong Period (1736 – 1795)

15.宜兴紫砂象生瓜形茶壶 清(1644—1911)