毕业论文极限思想及应用 联系客服

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广东金融学院 本科毕业论文——分布式移动*****系统可靠性研究与设计

摘 要






广东金融学院 本科毕业论文——分布式移动*****系统可靠性研究与设计


Limit thought as a mathematical idea of the mankind from the ancient to the present limits of the full theory of the evolution of its long and tortuous journey filled with hard work of many mathematicians, intelligence, conscientiousness and pursued the struggle footprint. Limit the evolution of thought process that is thousands of years of human knowledge and transform the world's response to one aspect of the process, the human pursuit of truth, the pursuit of ideals, always realistic, vivid portrayal of innovation. Limit the production and improvement of ideological and social needs of practice, it produces for the development of mathematics has added a new impetus, as the ideas and methods of modern mathematics foundation and starting point. Theoretical limit of thought is the basis of calculus, and calculus and economics, physics, mechanical and automation disciplines and daily life are inseparable. Especially in economics, is a look at the nature of the phenomenon through the essential tools, the core of economics, the word \is one of the guide number of economic concepts. Only the combination of calculus and other mathematical knowledge, to make economics the surface from a mere superficial knowledge of the phenomenon of reasoning, superficial subject, into a scientific approach to mathematical analysis, combined with extensive knowledge of the social sciences, to analyze the deep-seated, more widespread application of the basic conclusions of the subjects.

The same is same in other disciplines, limit the application of nowhere, without thinking, understanding and rational application of control limits to thought, allows us to solve practical problems in the process, can quickly find solutions to the problem and improve the practical results. In this paper the limits on the use of mathematical ideas in various disciplines to solve practical problems in the thinking process to make a preliminary exploration and analysis.

[Key Words]:Limit thought;Application;Calculus;Economics


广东金融学院 本科毕业论文——分布式移动*****系统可靠性研究与设计

目 录

摘 要??????????????????????????????I Abstract????????????????????????????II 1、极限的产生及发展??????????????1

1.1极限思想的萌芽时期???????????????????????1 1.2极限思想的发展时期?????????????3 1.3极限思想的完善时期?????????????3


2.1计划经济???????????????????????????5 2.2市场经济 ????????????????????????10



3.1完全竞争市场?????????????13 3.2

垄断市场 ????????????15



4.1极限思想在建筑学中的应用???????????????????20 4.2极限思想在化学中的应用????????????????????20


参考文献 ????????????????????????????26 致 谢 ????????????????????????????27 附 录 ????????????????????????????28


广东金融学院 本科毕业论文——分布式移动*****系统可靠性研究与设计


1. 极限的产生及发展


极限思想作为一种数学思想,其发展经历了思想萌芽、理论发展和理论完善时期。在其漫长曲折的演变历程中布满了众多哲学家、数学家们的奋斗足迹,闪烁着人类智慧的光芒。极限理论的形成为微积分提供了理论基础,为人类认识无限提供了强有力的工具,它从方法论上凸显出了高等数学不同于初等数学的特点,是近现代数学的一种重要思想和方法。理清极限思想的发展脉络,揭示极限思想的核心内容及其与哲学思想的内在联系,对于理解数学史上的一些问题将具有一定的理论意义。 1.1极限思想的萌芽时期




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