(浙江专版)2019版高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第三周 星期日 仿真模拟卷(三) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(浙江专版)2019版高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第三周 星期日 仿真模拟卷(三)更新完毕开始阅读

W:I want to fly to Chicago on Thursday.I’d prefer a morning flight,between 8:00 and 10:00.

M:Let me see what’s available.United Airlines 1145 leaves at 9:20.That’s the second of the day. W:Great. Text 5

M:Hi,Mrs Brown.Why do you look so upset?

W:My son was not offered a job by the Nicholson Group after his interview.He is very depressed because he likes that company very much. M:One must be well prepared before he does something. Text 6

M:Excuse me,madam. W:What can I do for you?

M:I’m a newcomer here.Can you tell me the way to the Renaissance Hotel? W:Sure.You first go along this main street until you come to a crossroads.You will see a shopping mall there.Then turn right,go down one block,and you’ll notice a bank.Keep going until you see a railway station.The Renaissance Hotel is just around there.

M:How long will it take to get there?I must get there before 11 o’clock.I only have 30 minutes.

W:Don’t worry,sir.It’s about a 20-minute walk. M:Thanks a lot. W:My pleasure. Text 7

W:Welcome to my shop.What can I do for you,sir?

M:I’d like to have these clothes washed—three shirts and a coat.The coat is a bit faded.Please be careful when you wash it.

W:OK,sir.You can pick everything up in three days,on Thursday morning.Is that OK? M:Can I get them on Wednesday morning instead?I will attend a party that evening. W:No problem.Our hours are from 8:30 a.m.to 6:30 p.m.on weekdays,and from 9:30 a.m.to 6:30 p.m.on weekends.Please give me a call before you plan on coming.My telephone number is 86-638-5022.

M:Thanks a lot.How much should I pay for everything? W:5 pounds for each shirt,and 10 pounds for the coat.


M:Here is 30 pounds.

W:Thank you.Here is your change.Have a good day! Text 8

W:Good morning,Mr Jackson.You’re always the first guest in our fitness center.How are you?

M:Not bad,Cathy.Look,I’m not trying to complain,but I’ve found some problems in the locker room.I wonder if you could help me.

W:I’ll see what I can do for you.What’s the problem?I noticed you went in only 5 minutes ago.

M:Yes,but...You know,some lockers are always occupied but not often used.Obviously,some people use them as their own storage cupboards.I think you need to remind them to remove their things and empty those lockers.

W:OK.Wait a minute so I can take that down...Is that all?

M:The next problem is that the clothes hangers are sort of weak and too thin for winter clothes.I think you need to change them during different seasons. W:Thank you,Mr Jackson.We’ll make these improvements as soon as possible.Thank you for your suggestions. Text 9

W:Welcome to Pacific University.I’ve been over with your application,but I’d like to hear more about you.

M:Sure.I’m a senior in high school,and I love basketball.In fact,I’m hoping to get a basketball scholarship to come here.When I’m not playing,I volunteer at my local food bank,take care of my younger brothers and sisters,and do homework. W:Wonderful!I have to tell you that we are very impressed by your basketball scores.If you get in here,I’m sure we can work out a scholarship. M:That’s great!

W:Now,your grades aren’t as high this year as they were last year,especially in math and English.Why is that?

M:Well,I’ve been focusing a lot more on ball than on school,but I know I can do better.I promise you that if I come here,I will take schoolwork very seriously. W:The SATs are coming up.Have you been studying?

M:Yes.I go to a study group twice a week,and I’ve been doing practice tests on the weekends with my friends.

W:That’s good.Well,we really want you here; you just need to bring your grades


up! Text 10

W:Good evening,folks.It’s Mary here with the 7:00 News Report.In sports news today,the New Hampshire State women’s basketball team won their sixth straight game on Saturday over the University of Ohio.This gives New Hampshire State a chance of attending the championships later this year.There was big lightning storm in Hampton earlier this week.Many residents have been without power since Monday.A small earthquake hit the New York area this morning,but luckily,there have been no reports of any injuries.This afternoon,a three-car accident was reported on Highway 10.Two people were rushed to the hospital in an emergency.According to a source at the scene,only one person was able to walk away from the crash.In happier news,a dog and her nine puppies were rescued from a pipe in Dover yesterday.They are all alive and well.If you would like to adopt one of the puppies,call the Dover Humane Society at the number listed on the screen.The Concord School District is raising money to start their art and music classes again.If you would like to donate,we will get the information to you shortly.Now over to a commercial break.We will return soon with the weather.Keep it tuned right here,everyone!

语篇解读 作者出生在南平的一个村庄里,长大后,在父亲的朋友的帮助下被父亲送到一所英文学校,而这么多年来,作者一直困惑当初父亲为什么会送他去英文学校而不是传统的中文学校。 21.B [细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一、二句“Mrs Gutzlaff’s comprador(买办) happened to come from my village and was actually my father’s friend and neighbor.It was through him that...through his influence and means that my father got me admitted into the school.”可知,通过父亲的朋友的帮助,作者才进入这所学校。故选B项。] 22.C [细节理解题。根据文章第三段倒数第三句“In this way he might become an interpreter and have a more advantageous position to enter the business and diplomatic world.”可知,父亲认为作者上了英文学校之后或许可以成为一名翻译,在做生意和外交方面有优势,所以才送作者去英文学校。故选C项。]

23.D [细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“It has always been a mystery to me why my parents should put me into a foreign school...”可知,父母送作者去英文学校而不是传统的中文学校的原因似乎是个谜,作者对此比较困惑。故选D项。]

24.A [词义猜测题。根据第三段倒数第三句“In this way he might become an interpreter and have a more advantageous position to enter the business and diplomatic world.”


可知,作者以为父亲送自己去英文学校是期待他以后成为翻译,但实际上会有什么样的结果谁也不知道,且根据最后一句中的“eventually brought about(引起,导致)”可推测出sequence应为result的同义词。故选A项。]

语篇解读 文章介绍了一项动物研究,研究表明锻炼对大脑有终生的好处。至少对老鼠是这样的。 25.D [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain,in rats at least.”可知,锻炼对大脑终生有好处,至少对老鼠是这样的。故选D。]

26.A [代词指代题。根据第二段介绍一项动物研究,体育运动对身体的发育和认知的发展都很重要,对于人类,它可能会推迟阿兹海默氏症的出现。因此it在句中指的是physical activity,也就是exercise。故选A。]

27.B [观点态度题。作者只是介绍了实验的过程及其结果,并未作任何评论,可知作者的态度是客观的。故选B。]

语篇解读 本文为新闻报道。有人开发了一种程序,它用3-D打印技术复制一些名画以便盲人可以欣赏。 28.B [细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“One painting printed with the new technology is Gustav Klimt’s ‘The Kiss’.”可知“The Kiss”为一幅画,故答案为B项。] 29.A [细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中的“...because the couple’s robes are so detailed.”可知答案为A项。]

30.B [标题归纳题。根据第一段第一句可推知本文最佳题目为:3D技术使得盲人体验名画,故答案为B项。]

语篇解读 本文列举了阅读的一些好处。

31.A [由上一句“If you’re one of those who don’t make a habit of reading regularly,you might be really out.”及下文列举的内容可知选A。]

32.E [E选项中的“allow you to relax”与小标题Stress Reduction相对应。故选E。] 33.F [上一句“Everything you read fills your head with new information,and you never know when it might come into use.”提到了知识问题,并且F项中的knowledge与小标题Knowledge相对应,所以选F。]

34.C [由下一句“As a result,this will gradually enlarge your everyday vocabulary.”可知选C(你读得越多,你获得的词汇就越多)。]

35.G [“Exposure to well-written work has a great effect on your own writing.In other words,writing styles of other authors will influence your own work.”这里提到了