生物专业英语第三版蒋悟生编__课文翻译 联系客服

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Hyphae grow and branch to form a filamentous network called a mycelium. Food is digested and absorbed at the tip of each hyphae; more hyphae are generated as this process continues. As a result, fungi may grow very rapidly. Growth depends on mitosis and the rapid manufacture of cytoplasm; fungal mitosis is unique in that it occurs within the nucleus. Hyphae from genetically distinct individuals may fuse to form a heterokaryon-a single cytoplasm with dissimilar nuclei.


As nonmotile heterotrophs, fungi must eventually be able to find new sources of nutrients. This function is fulfilled by spores, the fungal reproductive bodies. Spores may be home on aerial hyphae, which discharge spores into the air, and depending on the species they may haploid or diploid. There are two main categories of spores: (1) dispersal spores, which are usually short-lived and are produced in large numbers during active fungal growth; and (2) survival spores, which are usually produced in smaller numbers and at a time in the life cycle when the fungus is under some kind of environmental stress.


段;(2)存活孢子,通常产生很少的数量,在生存压力条件下的一种生命循环。 Classification of fungi

As with some of the other groups you have studied, it is difficult to group fungi according to actual evolutionary relationships. In general, they are classified according to morphology, methods of reproduction, and modes of spore

production. On the basis of these features, the single division of the kingdom Fungi, Mycota, is divided into six principal classes. 对真菌依据实际进化关系进行分类是很困难的。总体来说,它们是依据形态学,生殖方式,孢子产生的模式来分类。基于这些特性真菌界的门被分成6个基本纲。

The lower fungi comprise the groups Chytridiomycetes, Oomycetes, and Zygomycetes. All lack septate hyphae and are commonly coenocytic; spores are formed by asexual means. Of the six fungal classes, only the oomycetes usually have a diploid vegetative state. Oomycetes and chytrids (sometimes called water molds) produce motile, flagellated spores in sporangia. They also produce gametes in gametangia; oomycetes are distinguished by their large, immobile egg cells. In fact, both these groups have such distinctive features that some biologists prefer to classify them as protists rather than fungi. Zygomycetes resemble the other two classes in this group but have nonmotile spores. They are also completely terrestrial, and some form mycorrhizal associations with plant roots.


The higher fungi include the class Ascomycetes, the largest class of fungi. Most ascomycetes are either saprobes or parasites. Asexual reproduction produces spores called conidia, which develop on the tips of specialized aerial hyphae. In the ascomycete sexual cycle, hyphae of different mating strains fuse, giving rise to ascospores that form in a small, saclike ascus. Groups of asci form fruiting bodies. Ascomycetes of interest to humans include truffles, yeasts, and Penicillium species.


Most members of the class Basidiomycetes—the second group of higher fungi form visible fruiting bodies. A prime characteristic distinguishing basidiomycetes from ascomycetes is the dense mass of dikaryotic hyphae called the basidiocarp-the \seen on damp lawns and the forest floor. Club-shaped basidia, each bearing four haploid basidiospores, line the surfaces of the gills on the underside of the mushroom cap. Members of this group undergo both sexual and asexual reproductive processes at different times in their life cycle, and in response to varying environmental influences.


The class Deuteromycetes, or Fungi Imperfecti, includes a variety of fungi that lack modes of sexual reproduction. Most are

known to reproduce asexually by means of conidia. Deuteromycetes important to humans include those used to ferment soybeans and rice to make soy sauce and sake respectively, and those responsible for producing citric acid and the highly dangerous aflatoxin.

半知菌纲,包括大量无性繁殖的真菌。分生孢子完成非性繁殖。对人类很重要的半知菌纲包括发酵大豆成酱油和大米发酵成清酒的菌类,它们也产生柠檬酸和有毒的黄曲霉毒素。 Lichens: The Ultimate Symbionts

Lichens are composite organisms in which about 90 percent of the lichen mass consists of one species of fungus, while the remaining 10 percent is made up of one or two species of algae. The algal portion of the lichen provides the fungal portion with essential nutrients, while the presence of the fungal component may enable the alga to exploit an otherwise unavailable ecological niche. Lichen fungi are usually ascomycetes, although the other two higher fungi are sometimes found in lichens. Lichens have a number of remarkable features, including their ability to become almost completely desiccated without drying and their ability to absorb inorganic nutrients. Reproduction in lichens is not well understood.

地衣是复合生物,大概90%的地衣团由一种地衣组成,10%含有一两种藻类。藻类为真菌提供必要的营养,真菌为藻类提供了难得的小生态环境。地衣真菌通常是子囊菌,有时在地衣中也能发现其他两类真菌。地衣有大量的显著特征,包括在几乎脱水条件下仍能吸收无机养分。地衣繁殖方式还不清楚。 Fungal Evolution

The various fungi may have arisen independently from prokaryotes, since some evidence suggests that ascomycetes and basidiomycete did not evolve from known lower forms. However, all fungi do show the same dependence on nutrients produced by plants, animals, or algae.