医学博士研究生入学英语考试词汇 联系客服

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1. Aberrant adj 越离常规的;离开正路的 a rocket on an aberrant course 逸出轨道的火箭barren

2. Abolition 毁坏;废除主义; abolish slavery(cancel; destroy; do away with; exterminate; put an end to ;wipe out)/establish

3. Abrade 磨损,擦伤 frication摩擦/friction摩擦,摩擦力 bruise擦伤;打伤;使成瘀伤 She bruised her knee.

4. abstain vi戒(烟、酒等)to abstain from smoking 戒烟 节制 He abstained from speaking at the meeting. 会上,他默不作声。弃权She abstained from voting. 她弃权了。 refrain抑制;自制;避免to refrain from smoking( 一时的)请勿吸烟 abstinence 禁戒嗜好 节俭;省用 5. achromatopsia n. 色盲

6. acne 【医】痤疮;粉刺 ;acme n. 顶点, 极致(crown;peak; summit; top;zenith;apex)beneath

7. acoustic [E\?stik] 【医】听的;声学的 aural

8. acupuncture [??kju\ˉNktSE] 【医】针术;针刺;针刺术;针 9. addict 【医】addiction 瘾,癖,嗜 10. adduce 【标】v. 引证, 举出

11. adept a. 熟练的, 老练的; n. 名手, 专家;inept adj. 不适当的, 无能的, 不称职的;adapt vt. 使适应, 改编;adopt vt. 采用, 收养 12. admonish 【标】v. 劝告, 训诫, 告诫 13. advent n. 来到, 来临, 耶稣降临时 14. adverse a. 不利的, 敌对的, 相反的 15. aerobic a. 好氧性的, 氧气的, 依靠氧气的

16. afar ad. 由远处, 遥远地 come from ~ 从远方来.[ far 17. afebrile a. 无热的

18. afferent 【医】传入的;向心的;输入的;传出的【医】Efferent

19. affiliate n. 会员; 分部 vt. 接纳. . . 好会员; 使隶属 vi. 交往; 有关[E\smaller companies 合并小公司. an ~d middle school 附属中学. ~ oneself with (to) a political party 加入政党. The hospital is ~d with (to) the Beijing

20. aggravate [\grEveit]vt ①加重(负担);加剧;恶化: ~ an illness 加重病势. A lie will only ~ your guilt. 说谎只能加罪.②[口语]使(人)恼火,惹: He ~d her beyond endurance. 他把她惹急了. be ~d at a thing 为某事发怒. be ~d with a person 大生某人的气;aggressive[E\①爱寻衅的,性好攻击的: an ~ man好与人争吵的人.②[贬义]侵略的,攻势的: an ~ war 侵略战争.

21. ague [\?]n ①疟疾: I had the ague last year. 我去年患过疟疾.②寒颤.[ 中世纪拉丁语]

22. ail [eil] (1)vt 使…苦恼: What ~s him?他怎么不舒服了?什么事使他苦恼?(2)vi 生病: He is ailing. 他在生病. 23. aisle n. 走廊, 侧廊

24. alga n. 藻类, 海藻[\lgE](pl algae)[\ldZi?]n [常用复] 25. align v. 排列; 使. . . 结盟 alien 外国人

26. alimentary [??li\食物的;营养的;消化的: the ~ canal 消化道.

27. alkaline [\lkElain]a 碱的;强碱的: ~ battery 碱性电池.~ soil 含碱土壤.~earth metal;acid

28. allergic a. 过敏的, 患过敏症的, 对. . . 极讨厌的

29. alleviate [E\减轻(痛苦等): Heat often ~s pain. 热常能减轻疼痛

30. allocate [\lEkeit]vt 拨给,配给(原料,粮食等);分配,分派;部署:~ sb to certain duties = ~ duties to sb 给某人分配任务. That space has already been ~d for building a new hospital. 那块空地已经拨作兴建医院之用.

31. allude [E\?d] vt 暗指,影射,提到(与 to 连用): Whom do you ~ to ? 你指谁说的?[ 拉丁[E\?ZEn]n ①[U][C]暗指,影射;指及: make (an) ~ to 提起. His ~ to my failure was unnecessary. 他没有必要提到我的失败.②【修辞】引喻;影射;典故: a classical ~ 典故.[ allude] hint ; imply ;

32. almighty [O?l\Ⅰa 全能的: the A~ (基督教)全能上帝.Ⅱad[美口]非常,极为: an almighty fine girl一个极好的女孩. 33. amid prep. 在其间, 在其中 34. ammonia n. 氨水, 阿摩尼亚

35. amputate [\mpiuteit] vt (外科)截断,切除,截(肢): amputate a leg at the knee 从膝部将腿截断

36. analogue 【医】同功异质体;类似体;计量型 analogy 【医】推论;类推;类比;类似;同功[器官];模拟

37. anemia 【标】n. 贫血, 贫血症 38. anesthesia anesthetic 【医】麻醉药

39. anguish [\NgwiS]Ⅰn [U]极度痛苦;苦恼:She was in anguish over her missing child.由于孩子走失,她处于极度痛苦之中.She felt ~ at the idea.一想到这件事她就苦恼得不得了.She vented the ~ of her heart in bitter tears.她痛哭流涕以排遣心中的苦恼.She cried out for ~ at parting.分手时,她由于痛苦而大哭失声.Ⅱvt & vi (使)极度痛苦:The lost of her son ~ed her deeply.丧子使她深为悲痛.He had waked and ~ed.他醒过来处于极度痛苦之中. 40. anhydrous adj〈化〉无水的;hydrous 含水的

41. anonymous 无名的;不具名的 匿名的an anonymous letter 匿名信 42. anorexia n厌食,食欲缺乏 43. anoxia n. [医]缺氧症 44. antenna 天线

45. antifebrile adj. 退热的, 解热的 n. 解热剂。febrile发烧的;热病的;Defervescence n. [医]退热 46.

47. antiseptic adj. 防腐的, 杀菌的, 消过毒的 n. 防腐剂, 杀菌剂 aseptic [?\无病菌的;防腐的:~ surgery 无菌外科手术.

48. appalling 可怕的;吓人的 质量极差的appalling food 非常糟糕的食品 49. appendicitis

50. appraisal appraise 评估,评价,鉴定 appraiser 51. apron 围裙

52. aptitude 【医】能力倾向 53. archaeology 标】n. 考古学 54. archive 【医】资料;文献;档案

55. ardent [\?dEnt] a ①热心的,热忱的:an ~ worker 干劲冲天的工人.an ~ lover of art 热爱艺术的人.②强烈的:an ~ protest 强烈的抗议.

56. arduous [\?djuEs] a ①陡峭,险峻:~ road (path) 陡峭的道路(小路).②费力的,艰巨的:an ~ task 艰巨的任务.an ~ climb 费力的攀登.

57. arena [E\?nE]n [C]①(古罗马圆形剧场中心的)竞技场.②舞台;活动场所;竞争场所:the ~

of politics 政界,***舞台.the poetic (literary) ~ 诗(文)坛

58. aroma [E\①芳香;香气:develope the ~ of coffee by roasting 以焙烤使咖啡放出芳香.②(艺术品的)神韵;气魄;氛围:the ~ of poetry 诗的神韵.a pure Parisian ~ 一种纯属于巴黎的气氛. scent n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 线索, 嗅觉, 臭迹vt. 闻出, 嗅, 发觉, 循着遗臭追踪, 使充满气味vi. 嗅猎, 发出气味 odor n. 气味, 名声 perfume n. 香味, 芳香,香vt. 使发香, 洒香水于, 发香味/stink fragrance n. 芬芳, 香气, 香味 59. arrhythmia 【标】n. 心律不整; 节律不整

60. arrogance arrogant [\rEgEnt]a 傲慢的,狂妄的:speaking in an ~ tone用傲慢的口气说话.~ manners 狂妄的态度.He is ~ toward us.他对我们很傲慢. haughty adj. 傲慢的conceit n. 原义:想法, 意见, 自负, 幻想, 狂妄proud 61. arthritis [A?\【医】关节炎.

62. articulate Ⅰ[A?\①咬字清楚,发音清晰;明确表达:He ~d each word carefully.他将每个字都讲得清清楚楚.He ~d his anger.他明确表示了他的愤怒.②(用关节)连接;结合,绞接:The bones of our fingers are ~d.我们手指的骨头是由关节连在一起的.an ~d trailer 绞接拖车. 63. ascribe [Es\将…归于,推诿于:We ~ all the glory to the Party.我们把一切光荣归于党.The discovery of America is usually ~d to Columbus.美洲的发现通常归功于哥伦布.He ~d his failure to bad luck.他将失败归咎于运气不佳 attribute n. 属性, 品质, 特征, 加于, 归结于

64. asphyxia [?s\窒息

65. aspirate [\spErit] n【医】吸出. n. 抽出物,吸出物 吸气;exhale v. 呼气, 发出

66. aspiration aspire [??spE\①[C][U]向,志趣,抱负;渴望:I have no ~ for (after) fame.我不求名.his ~ to be an actor 他想当演员的愿望.②【语】送气.③【医】吸出.[ aspire] 67. aspirin 医】阿司匹林,乙酰水杨酸

68. assassinate 【标】v. 暗杀, 行刺 murder n. 谋杀, 凶杀 vt. 谋杀, 凶杀 v. 谋杀 69. assess 【标】v. 估定, 评定

70. asset 【标】n. 资产, 有用的东西 property n. 财产, 所有物, 所有权,性质, 特性,

71. assimilate [E\①吸收(食物,思想等):Do you ~ all that you read?你读的东西都能吸收吗?We ~ some kinds of food more easily than others.我们吸收某些食物比另一些食物要容易.[同 digest] ②同化:The USA has ~d people from many countries.美国同化了从许多国家来的人.③将(甲)比作(乙)(与 to,with 连用):~ human society to (with) a beehive 将人类社会比成蜂巢.(2)vi①被吸收:Some kinds of food ~ easily.有些种食物容易吸收.②被同化.③成为相似,变成一样

72. assort [E\?t] (1)vt ①分类,分配,编配:~ them into groups 把它们编组.②配合,配全.(2)vi 相配,相称;配和:It ill ~s with his character.这同他的性格很不配 73. asthma [\smE]n [C]气喘病,哮喘病

74. astound [E\使震惊:He was perfectly ~ed at the intelligence.他对这种巧妙的心计深感惊愕 astonish vt. 使惊讶

75. asymmetric [??si\不对称的:an ~ carbon atom 不对称碳原子 symmetric 76. athletic [?T\①运动的,体育的:an ~ meet(ing) 运动会.~ sports 体育运动,竞技.②强壮的,有活力的,有膂力的:an ~-looking young man 一个膀大腰圆的青年. 77. atrium 心房 ventricle 心室

78. atrophy [\trEfi]Ⅰn [U]【医】萎缩;虚脱;衰退:muscular ~ 肌肉萎缩.Ⅱvt & v i (使)萎缩;(使)虚脱:Constant pressure atrophies the mind.持续压力会使头脑萎缩. 79. atropine [\trEpin] n【化】阿托品,颠茄碱.belladonna.

80. attenuate [E\①使变细;使变小;使变薄.②使变稀,稀释,使变淡.③减少,减弱,变瘦:He was ~d by hunger.他饿瘦了.The authority of kings has been ~d in modern times.现代帝王的权力已减弱了.

81. attic [\tik] n [C]【建】屋顶室,顶楼,阁楼:two small rooms in the ~ 顶楼上的两间小屋

82. auction [\?kSEn] Ⅰn [C]拍卖;标售:put sth up to (at,for) ~ 交付拍卖.sell a thing by (at) ~ 拍卖某件东西.When will the ~ take place?什么时候拍卖?Ⅱvt 拍卖.||~ off拍卖掉. 83. auscultate [?O?skEl\n [U]【医】听诊. 望诊observation,inspection;触诊 palpate叩诊 percuss

84. auspice [\?spis]n ①吉兆.②[常用复]赞助,主办,主持.||under the ~s of由…主办,在…主持下,承…赞助:This concert has been arranged under the ~s of the Central Conservatoire.本次音乐会由中央音乐学院主办.under favourable ~s吉利,顺遂

85. authoritarian [O??TOri\EriEn]Ⅰa 权力主义的,***主义的.Ⅱn 权力主义者;***主义者autocracy. authorize 【标】v. 授权与, 批准, 委托代替, 使. . . 有理, 辩护 86. autoclave [\?tEkleiv] n [C]热压器,高压消毒锅;高压蒸锅.

87. autonomy [O?\①[U][C]自治,自治权.②人身自由.③自治的政府,自治社区,自治团体.④【哲】自律,意志自由.

88. autopsy [\[C]【医】尸体剖检,尸体解剖.hold an ~ on the remains of … 对…的遗骸进行尸体剖检. Corpse; corpus

89. avail [E\Ⅰ(1)vt 有用;有利于,有助于:It will ~ you little.这对你没什么好处.His prestige was ~ed of for political reason.为***原因利用他的声望.(2)vi 有用;有利于,有助于:Money does not ~ on a desert.在荒原上金钱就失败了.Talk will not ~ without work.光说不做没有用.The medicine did not ~ against the disease.这药对这个病没用.||~ oneself of利用[无被动形式]:You should ~ yourself of the books in the library.你应该利用图书馆的藏书.Ⅱn [C]效用;利用;用处.||of no (little) ~全然无益,不中用的:It is of no ~ to say such a thing now.现在说这种话有什么意义呢.His intervention was of little ~.他的干预不起什么作用.to no ~无益,徒劳:We pulled him out of the river,and tried to revive him,but to no ~.我们把他从河中捞起来,想方设法挽回他的生命,但却徒然.Of what ~ is it?这有什么用呢?without ~无益,徒劳.[ 拉丁语; available;unavailable]

90. avenge [E\为…报仇,替…雪恨(耻):~ a wrong 报仇.~ an insult 雪耻.I will ~ you (on the enemy) 我要替你(向敌人)报仇.I will ~ my father's wrong.我要报父仇.~ oneself (up) on an enemy 向敌人报仇.They ~d his death by burning the village.他们烧了村子为他的死报仇.[ 拉丁语][辨异] avenge 这一行动,无论是为别人或自己,都是出于正义感;revenge 则只是报私仇. I'll revenge that insult. 我要报复那侮辱。Hamlet revenged his dead father. 哈姆雷特为他死去的父亲报仇。 91. awfully adv. 非常, 很, 十分 92. axilla 【标】n. 咯肢窝, 叶腋

93. bacillus [bE\杆菌:B~ Calmette-Guerin [k?l\?n]【医】卡介苗.[ 拉丁语 baculus,stick] 94. backflow n. 逆流; 流向来源 95. bactericidal a. 杀菌的

96. badge n. 勋章; 象征 medal 奖章

97. baffle v. 困惑, 为难; n. 困惑, 阻碍物 ruffle 弄皱 98. bait n. 饵; v. 以饵引诱 bite