GMDSS英语阅读 联系客服

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1 ________ is a generic term, meaning as the case may be uncertainty phase, alert phase or distress phase. A. Emergency phase. B. Distress phase C. Alert phase. D. Uncertainty phase 2

When approaching the SAR scene, ships should make full use of any radio direction-finding

facilities to ________ and to locate any transmissions from EPIRB. A. find B. search C. home

D. transmit

3 It is important that _________ for indicating the position of ships in distress or survival craft should be properly used. A. communication methods B. signaling methods C. rockets and hand flares. D. All are right 4

A. continuously

The broadcast of MSI will be made ______________.

B. on terrestrial communication system

C. on satellite communication system D. both B and C. The INMARSAT space segment consists of the satellite and support facilities operated by INMARSAT. These satellites ____________. A. aren?t moving

B. are stationary

C. are in geostationary orbits D. are in the polar orbits.



________ is an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available. A. Sea area A1. B. Sea area A2. C. Sea area A3. D. Sea area A4.

7 8

________is an area, excluding area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available. A. Sea area A1. B. Sea area A2. C. Sea area A3. D. Sea area A4. geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available. A. Sea area A1 B. Sea area A2. C. Sea area A3.


________ is an area excluding sea area A1 and A2, within the coverage of an INMARSAT

D. Sea area A4. 9

_________ is safety communication between ships from the position from which the ships are normally navigated. A. VHF communication. B. MF communication.

C. INMARSAT communication. D. Bridge-to-bridge communication.

10 ________ includes navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships.

A. Distress traffic.

B. Urgency communication C. Public correspondence.

D. Maritime Safety Information.

11 ________ is a unit responsible for promoting efficient organization of SAR services and for

coordinating the conduct of SAR operations with a SAR region. A. NCC. B. RCC C. NSC. D.LUT.

12 _________ is a radio communication service in which transmissions are intended for direct

reception by the general public.

A. Receiving service. B. AM service. C.FM service.

D. Broadcasting service.

13 ________ is a satellite-aided SAR system based on low-altitude near polar orbiting satellites and designed to locate distress beacons transmitting on the frequencies 121.5 MHz and 406MHz.

A. GPS system B. INMARSAT system C. NNSS system. D. COSPAS-SARSAT system.

14 ______is the coordinate broadcast and automatic reception on 518kHz of MSI by means of

NBDP using the English Language. A. International NAVTEX. B. National NAVTEX

C. Broadcast of MSI reception of MSI

D. HF MSI Broadcast.

15 MCC is the abbreviation for Mission ______ Centre. A. Correction B. Certificate

C. Control D. Calling.

16 IDD is the abbreviation for International ______ Dialing.


A. Data.

B. Datum C. Direct.

D. Distress.

17 The letter G in GMDSS is the abbreviation for the word ___________.

A. Global. B. General C. Ground. D. Group. A. Single. B. Side

18 The second letter S in SSB is the abbreviation for the word_________.

C. Shipyard D. Safety.

19 D/F is the abbreviation for Direction/________. A. Finding B. Found. C. Find. D. First. A. East

B. Error. C. Earth D. Easy.

21 The world wide navigational_______ service is a coordinate globe service for the broadcast

by radio of vital information on hazards to marine navigation. A. Weather. B. Watch. C. Warning. D. Wire.

20 FEC is the abbreviation for Forward _______Correction.

22 VDU is the abbreviation for Visual _____ Unit. A. Data.

B. Direct

C. Digital

D. Display.

23 The distress alert may also contain information regarding the_______, the type of assistance

required, the course and speed of the ship and the time at which the information was recorded. A. nation of distress B. series of distress C. degree of distress D. nature of distress.

24 Choice of HF bands will depend on the position of

the ship in distress, the geographical area to be alerted and current_______. A. communication congestion


B. day and night characteristics.

C. propagation characteristics. D. equipment conditions.

25 In GMDSS, MSI broadcasts will be made on two _______ which provide near continuous

automated reception on board ships. A. dedicated systems. B. associated systems. C. different systems D. various systems.

26 The coverage area for a satellite is defined as the area on the earth?s surface within which ______ can be made with the satellite.

A. line of sight communication B. service communication. C. two-way communication.

D. locating signal.

27 The service of MSI provides a combined news broadcast suitable for _______ in all principal waters of the globe. A. a vessel.

B. some vessels. C. all ships.

D. some specific ships.

28 Before an INMARSAT-A SES can be used in the INMARSAT system, it must have been

properly ________. A. fixed and tried.

B. performed and confirmed. C. observed and surveyed. D. installed and commissioned.

29 COSPAS-SARSAT consists of_____ satellites in polar orbit and a network of earth stations. A. a B. a few of. C. 4.

D. a constellation of.

30 Distress beacons transmit signals that are detected by COSPAS-SARSAT spacecraft in ______. A. polar orbit.

B. geostationary orbit. C. equator. D. clouds.

31 Every ship, while at sea, ______ maintain continuous watch on VHF DSC channel 70.

A. will B. /

C. shall D. should.