人教版小学四年级英语下册教案加课后反思 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章人教版小学四年级英语下册教案加课后反思更新完毕开始阅读

Step one:Warm –up 1、Free talk 2、Let?s chant 3、Make a new chant Step two:Presentation 1、Write the words 2、Teacher write some words on the board.(itwhite is what is colour it)Ask students rearrange the words. 教 3、Teach the sentence (1)Play VCD, get students to guess: blue skirt ? yellow dress? Green jacket? When students guess blue skirt or the other phrase, teacher write the phrase on the board. (2)Get students read the phrases and teach the sentence: 学 I have a new dress for my birthday. 4、Game :Circle words 5、Pronunciation (1) Play VCD (2) Read the chant: 过 (3)Listen and write the words. Step three:Consolidation and extension 1、Let?s check 2、Finish the Activity Book 程 第六课时 教 学生能够掌握AB 部分Let?s learn/read and write 的四会词。 能够听说认读AB 部分Let?s talk 的单词和句型。 后 能够掌握AB部分Read and Write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。 反 思


题 Unit 4 It’s warm today

共6课时 教学目标 1、能听说认读Let?s learn 、Let?s talk部分的单词和句型 2、能听说读写Read and write 部分的单词和句型 教学重点 四会单词和四会句型的正确拼写 教学难点 教学准备 Pictures recorder tape 第一课时 修改意见 Step one:Warm up 1﹑Free ttalk 2﹑Do actions Step two: Presentation 教 学 过 程 1 、Let?s learn (1)、T: Are you tired? Oh, yes. I?m tired. And I?m very thirsty. Can I drink some water, please? 在教学中利用实际来练习对话,这样能更好的掌握知识。 S: Yes. T: Oh, my dear, the water is too hot! Please touch it. Is it hot? Ss touch it and repeat: Yes, it?s hot. (2)、Ss pass it one by one and say ”cold”. 2、Teach the word “cold、warm、cool in same way. 3、Teach the word “Weather” Look, It?s cold, It?s cool, it?s warm and it?s hot. Oh, what?s the weather like today? Is it cold? Is it…? Do you know “weather”? What is weather? Read the word together.