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Collect by Shine Zhang

A. Sailors came from many countries in Europe. B. C.

The voyages laid the foundations for western Europe. The foundations from empires were established.

D. Western Europe lost its power. 7.

Young people need to develop the values, attitudes, and problem-solving skills essential to their participation in a political system that was designed, and is still based, on the assumption that all citizens would be so prepared. What is a basic assumption of this political system? A. All people will be capable of participation. B. C.

All people participate in the system.

All people should have the same values and attitudes.

D. Most people cannot develop the skills to participate in the system. 8.

While we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individual fulfillment to be achieved through nontraditional education, one cannot help being cautious about accepting any sort of one-sided educational program as a cure for the world’s ills.

How does the author feel about nontraditional education? A. He believes that it has no possibility of success. B. C.

He doubts that it can cure the world’s ills. He feels that it is a cure for the world’s ills.

D. He believes it will bring social harmony. 9.

The complexity of the human situation and the injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches. What is necessary to correct the problems of society? A. basic changes in its structure B. C.

fewer political speeches honest politicians

D. basic changes in political methods



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Collect by Shine Zhang

Exercise 3: 1.

Like physical anthropology, orthodontics (dentistry dealing with the irregularities of teeth) tries to explain how and why men are different; unlike anthropology, it also tries to correct those differences for functional or aesthetic reasons. How does orthodontics differ from physical anthropology?

A. Physical anthropology is concerned with aesthetics; orthodontics is not. B. C.

Physical anthropology deals with the irregularities of teeth.

Orthodontics tries to explain why men are different; anthropology does not.

D. Anthropology does not try to correct differences among men; orthodontics does. 2.

What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living that make Mrs. Richards anything but common. According to this statement, what kind of person is Mrs. Richards? A. She is very obvious. B. C.

She is an unusual person. She is anything she wants to be.

D. She is quite ordinary. 3.

A third island appeared gradually during a period of volcanic activity that lasted over four years. Later, the 1866 eruptions, which brought to Santorin those volcanologists who first began archeological work there, enlarged the new island through two new crater vents. What enlarged the third island? A. the eruptions of 1866 B. C.

a four-year period of volcanic activity

the activities of the men who came to study volcanoes

D. archeological work, which created two new crater vents 4.

Just before his tenth birthday John received a horse from his father; this was the first of a series of expensive gifts intended to create the impression of a loving parent. Why did John receive the horse? A. because he was ten B. C.

because his father loved him

because his father wanted to seem loving

D. because his father wouldn’t be able to give him expensive gifts in the future 5.

Since industry and commerce are the largest users of electrical energy, using less electricity would mean a reduced industrial capacity and fewer jobs in the affected industries and therefore an unfavorable change in our economic structure. According to this sentence, decreasing the use of electricity _____________. A. must begin immediately. B. C.

isn’t important. will cause difficulties

D. won’t affect industry 6.

The medical journal reported that heart attack victims who recover are approximately five times as likely to die within the next five years as those people without a history of heart disease.

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Collect by Shine Zhang

What did this article say about people who have had a heart attack? A. They are more likely to die in the near future than others. B. C.

They will die in five years.

They are less likely to die than people without a history of heart disease.

D. They are likely to recover. 7.

Few phenomena in history are more puzzling than this one: that men and women with goals so vague, with knowledge so uncertain, with hopes so foggy, still would have risked dangers so certain and tasks so great. What historical fact is puzzling? A. that people had such vague goals B. C.

that people took such great risks

that people had foggy hopes and uncertain knowledge

D. that people completed such great tasks 8.

Next he had to uncover the ancient secret—so jealously guarded by the ancients that no text of any kind, no descriptive wall painting, and no tomb inscriptions about making papyrus are known to exist. What secret did this man want to discover? A. how to understand wall paintings B. C.

how to read tomb inscriptions how to read the ancient texts

D. how to produce papyrus 9.

Alexis, ruler of a city where politics was a fine art, concealed his fears, received the noblemen with extravagant ceremonies, impressed them with his riches, praised them, entertained them, bribed them, made promises he had no intention of keeping—and thus succeeded in keeping their troops outside his city walls. Why did Alexis give money and attention to the noblemen? A. because they praised him B. C.

in order to prevent their armies from entering the city in order to impress them with his riches

D. because they were his friends


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Collect by Shine Zhang

Exercise 4: Restatement and Inference 1.

Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to their patients if they recommend anything.

A. Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product. B. C.

Of the doctors who responded to a survey, nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.

If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey recommend the product.

D. Most doctors recommend the product. E. 2.

This organization may succeed marvelously at what it wants to do, but what it wants to do may not be all that important. A. The organization is marvelous B. C.

The organization may succeed.

Although the organization may reach its goals, the goals might not be important. We don’t know how many doctors recommend the product.

D. What the organization wants is marvelous. E. 3.

This book contains a totally new outlook that combines the wisdom of the past with scientific knowledge to solve the problems of the present.

A. Problems of the past and present are solved in this book. B. C.

In this book, current knowledge and past wisdom are combined to solve current problems. Only by using knowledge of the past and present can we solve problems. The author questions the goals of the organization.

D. None of today’s problems can be solved without scientific knowledge. E. 4.

Like other timeless symbols, flags have accompanied mankind for thousands of years, gaining ever wider meaning, yet losing none of their inherent and original force.

A. In spite of losing some of their original force, flags are a timeless symbol that has accompanied mankind for

thousands of years. B. C.

Flags have existed for thousands of years.

Timeless symbols typically gain wider meaning while not losing their inherent force. This book is different because it combines the wisdom of the past with scientific knowledge.

D. Thousands of years ago flags accompanied mankind but through time they have lost their force. E.

Because flags are considered a timeless symbol, they have gained continually wider meaning without losing their inherent original force.


When there is an absence of reliable information about drugs, the risks involved in using them are greatly increased. A. There is no reliable information about drugs. B. C.

Using drugs is more dangerous when we don’t know what effects and dangers are involved. The risks involved in using drugs have increased.

D. People should try to find out about drugs before using them. E. 6.

The project of which this book is the result was first suggested in the summer of 1992, in the course of some leisurely conversations at he foot of and (occasionally) on top of the Alps of western Austria.

There are no risks involved in using drugs if we have reliable information about them.

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Collect by Shine Zhang

A. This book was written in 1992. B. C.

This book was written in Austria.

This book is a collection of conversations held in 1992.

D. This book is the end result of a project. E. 7.

Los Angeles’ safety record with school buses is generally a good one, but of course this record is only as good as the school bus drivers themselves.

A. In spite of a generally good safety record for their school buses, Los Angeles school bus drivers are not very good. B. C.

If school bus drivers are not very good, the town’s school bus safety record will not be very good either. If cities wish to maintain good safety records with school buses, they should hire good school bus drivers. This book is about western Austria.

D. With better school buses, drivers will be able to maintain better safety records. E. 8.

Taxes being so high, the descendents of the wealthy class of the nineteenth century are being forced to rent out their estates to paying guests.

A. In the nineteenth century, the wealthy class rented out its estates. B. C.

Because of high taxes, families that were rich one hundred years ago now rent out their estates. Guests pay high taxes when they rent old estates.

Los Angles’ safety record with school buses has improved because better bus drivers have been hired.

D. Some families that were once wealthy are having trouble paying their taxes. E. 9.

According to the definition of Chinese traditional medicine, acupuncture is the treatment of disease—not just the alleviation of pain—by inserting very fine needles into the body at specific points called loci.

A. The author believes some people do not know that acupuncture can be used to treat illness. B. C.

Finely pointed needles called loci are used in acupuncture.

In Chinese traditional medicine, acupuncture is known to treat disease and alleviate pain. High taxes have changed the lives of some of the old wealthy families.

D. Those using acupuncture treat disease by placing needles into the body at specific points.

10. It would be difficult to overpraise this book.

A. This is a difficult book. B. C.

This book deserves much praise. It is difficult not to overpraise this book.

D. It is difficult to praise this book. E.

Key: 1. CE 8. BDE

Good Luck!

Collect by Shine Zhang

2. BCE 9. ACD

3. BE 10. BE

4. BC

5. BD

6. D

7. BC

The author of this sentence thinks this is an excellent book.

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