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章节或项目名称 Unit 6 Text B Never Too Old to Live Your Dream (Unit 4 Text B) 1.To make Ss master the meanings and usages of some important words, phrases and sentence patterns 3. To help Ss understand the text completely and learn the skills of skimming &scanning 4. To stimulate Ss to think about the purpose of education and the meaning of life 5. To get to know the rhetorical device of pun 1. To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text 2. To understand some idiomatic English expressions mentioned in the unit 3. To master the key words, phrases and sentence patterns 1.some difficult sentence structures 2.talkng about the purpose of education and the meaning of life 教学目标(知识目标/能力目标) 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法与手段 task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach 教学过程(教学环节、要点、时间分配等) Part One Unit 6 Text B I. Warming-up Activity(10’) 1. What is the purpose of education? 2. What is the meaning of life? 3. What is your opinion of elderly people going to college? II. New Words and Expressions(10’) 1. bent: v. have or take on a curved shape or sloping position a. an act of bending, a curved part, especially in a road or stream 2. curious: a. eager to know or learn, especially about something unfamiliar or mysterious 3. wisdom: n. knowledge gained through learning or experience 4. humorous : a. funny, that makes people laugh 5. deliver: v. speak or read aloud to people listening v. take goods, letters, to people’s houses or places of work 6. achieve: v. get as the result of action or effort, gain v. finish successfully, succeed in doing or reaching 5 《大学英语》电子教案



教学过程(教学环节、要点、时间分配等) III. Skimming and Scanning (15’) Questions About the Text 1. Why did Rose go to college at the age of 87? 2. How to describe Rose? 3. Which advice was not mentioned by Rose? 4. What is the main idea about the title “Never too old to live your dream”? IV. After-reading Exercises (15’) Pp117-118 V. Summary and Exploration(10’) 1. Summarize the main idea of the text 2. What have you learnt from the text? Part Two Unit 4 Text B I. New words and Expressions(10’) 1. enclose: vt (1) put inside an envelope, especially in addition to something else If you want to buy that product, please enclose $20 plus $2 postage. (2) surround with a fence or w wall to shut in They enclosed their yard with a fence. 2.be concerned about: worry about Is it a waste of time to be concerned abut other people’s troubles? 3.the ticket to: the desirable or correct thing (for a certain purpose) He believe that love is the ticket to a successful marriage. 4.take on: (1) begin to have(a quality or appearance) With the spring flowers, the city with a long history is now taking on another look. (2) accept(work or responsibility, etc) Single-parent children often take on some of the housework. II. Skimming and Scanning(10’) Questions for the Text How did the author’s friend feel after he broke up with his girlfriend? What did he think was very important in building a good relationship with women? How did the author’s friend hide his thinning top during a date? How did the author help his friend to get back to the normal dating world? What can we tell about the author from this story? III. Rhetorical Device(8’) Puns used in the text: 1)ahead of the game; 2)from above VI. Assignment(2’) Review the key points Finish the exercises after class



章节或项目名称 Unit 6 Comprehensive Exercises (Unit 4 Section C)