全身放松的六大步骤 联系客服

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Everyone suffers from stress, but stress can take a toll on our bodies and our minds. Take a minute to relax – stop and smell the roses.

You Will NeedQuiet, relaxing place Breathing exercises Focus

Relaxation massage Yoga Acupuncture Hypnotherapist

Self-hypnosis techniques Mantra (optional)

Step 1: Meditate 深思, 沉思, 冥想

Meditate. Find a quiet, relaxing place, sit with your back

straight, close your eyes, and breathe deeply from your abdomen. Relax your muscles and relax your mind, focusing only on your breathing.

Chant a mantra, such as “Om,” in rhythm with your breathing. Step 2: Get a massage 做按摩。全身放松

Get a relaxation massage. In contrast to a therapeutic massage, which is designed for pain or discomfort, a relaxation massage is intended strictly to relieve stress. Step 3: Practice yoga 练习瑜伽

Practice yoga. Enroll in a class or learn on your own. More than mere exercise, yoga intends to balance body, mind, and spirit through exercise, breathing, and meditation. Step 4: Consider acupuncture 针灸

Consider acupuncture. Acupuncture has long been used to treat stress and tension headaches and has been known to be calming and relaxing as well.

Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and not likely to cause any pain.

Step 5: Consider hypnosis 使用催眠术

Consider hypnotherapy. A hypnotherapist will induce a relaxed, meditative state and can introduce healing behaviors to alleviate stress in everyday life.

Step 6: Try self-hypnosis 尝试自我催眠

Try self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis helps you to relax your body and mind, causes stress hormones to dissipate, and distracts your mind from unpleasant thoughts. Many tools for self-hypnosis are available on the web.

Studies have shown that hypnosis can suppress the brain’s perception of pain. [重点讲解] meditate

vi.1.深思, 沉思, 冥想

He meditated for two days before giving his answer. 他在作出答复之前考虑了两天。

vt.1.内心策划, 考虑

massage n.1.按摩, 推拿

Montgomery offered me a massage. 蒙哥马利主动为我推拿。 acupuncture


It’s known that acupuncture originated in China. 众所周知, 针灸起源于中国。 He cured her by acupuncture. 他用针灸疗法治愈了她。



I decided to put him under hypnosis and ask him again. 我决定先让他进入催眠状态,然后再问他一次。

Patients under hypnosis pass into a trance-like state. 被催眠的病人逐渐进入昏睡状态。