河南省三门峡市灵宝市八年级上仁爱版2018-2019年英语期末测试(无答案)-精品 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章河南省三门峡市灵宝市八年级上仁爱版2018-2019年英语期末测试(无答案)-精品更新完毕开始阅读


The year 2022 will be a big year for sports.That’s because the 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou,China.

The city Hangzhou won the hosting rights for the 2022Asian Games in 2015.It will be the third Chinese city to hold the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010.

The Asian Games is the largest multi-sport(综合体育)event in Asian.It was first held in 1951,and it also means a lot to China.The Beijing Asian Games was the first large international sports event to be hosted by China.To make the Games a great success , Chinese people worked hard to get ready for it.Beijing built a great number of roads and stadium(体育馆),including the famous Beijing Olympic Sports Center and Asian Games Village .Also, the Games helped the world to see China and its achievements.(成就)

With the upcoming of 2022 Asian Games,it will be another chance to show our country.Hangzhou has already started building 33 sports venues(场馆),according to The Paper.The theme for the Hangzhou Asian Games are “green,smart,economical(节俭的)and civilized(文明)”All the buildings will be healthy for people. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 46. Which city will hold the 2022 Asian Games? A. Beijing B. Hangzhou C. Guangzhou ( ) 47. When was the first Asian Games held?

A. In 1951 B. In 1985 C. In 199 D. In 2010 A. Beijing built a lot of roads and stadiums(体育馆)

( ) 48. About the Beijing Asian Games,which of the following sentence is NOT right?

B. It helped the world to see China and its achievement.(成就) C. Because of it,people around the world knew China better. D. It was held in 2010.

( ) 49. The underlined word “success” in the passage means________


People across the world need to get moving,according to (依据)a new study by the World Health Organization(WHO).

About 25 percent of adults(成年人)do not get enough exercise,according to the study.This number hasn’t changed from 2001.Because of this,about 1.4 billion of people are at great risk(风险)for deadly diseases(致命的疾病)such as heart disease and cancer.

People should do at least 150 minutes of “moderate intensity(中等强度)”exercise each week,such as dancing or swimming.They can also do 75 minutes of “vigorous intensity(高等强度)activity,such as running or playing soccer,according to the WTO.

A. 成功的事 B. 活动 C. 完成 D. 表演 A. why China wants to held the Asian Games. B. the Beijing Asian Games C. the Asian Games in China D. upcoming of 2012 Asian Games.

( ) 50. The main idea of the passage is that________.

D. Shanghai

The study also found that women are less active than men,with 32 percent women failing to exercise enough compared to 23 percent of men.Women spend more time at home taking care of children and doing housework ,Time magazine noted.

Countries with higher incomes(收入) exercise less.For example,people in the United States exercise less than people in Nepal(尼泊尔).This maybe because in developed areas,desk jobs have taken place of manual labor(体力劳动).

根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 51.How much people get enough exercise,according to the WHO?

A. 25 percent of adults B. 1.4 billion people C. 150 million people D. 75 percent of adults. A. Taking care of children C. Running

B.doing housework

( ) 52. Which of the following is “ vigorous intensity” activity?

D. sleeping

B. office workers.

( ) 53. Which of the following may exercise more according to the passage?

A. house wives(家庭主妇) C. people in rich countries.

D. manual workers(体力的).

( ) 54. The underlined word “developed” in the passage means_________

A. 发现的 B. 发达的 C. 发展中的 D. 灾难的

( ) 55. Which of the following is TRUE,according to the passage? A.People get cancer because they don’t exercise enough B. Playing soccer is a moderate intensity exercise.

C. Men are more active than women.


How did you learn to ride your bike? You have a few lessons and then practiced a lot,right? You can learn how to study in much the same way.No one is born knowing how to study. 56 Pay attention (集中注意力)

Do you find it difficult to pay attention in class?Are you sitting to a noisy person?Is it hard to see the blackboard? Make sure you are sitting in a good place that lets you pay attention. 57 Write important things down

It’s a good idea to write down important things your teacher says or writes on the blackboard in class. 58 Good notes(笔记)can help you study easily. Plan ahead (提前)

If you have a test(测试)on Friday,prepare for it early.Don’t wait(等待)until Thursday night.That will make you feel tired. 59 One of the best ways to make sure that doesn’t happen(发生)is to plan ahead. Have a good sleep

The test is tomorrow and you’ve finished your study plan,but you find you just can’t remember anything!Don’t worry. 60 You’ll be surprised by what comes back to you in the evening.

D. People in rich countries don’t need much exercise.


A. Try to get a good night’s sleep. B. Remember good study starts in class! C. It also makes it hard to do your best.

D. You need a few study skills and then practice them. E. Try your best to write well so you can read them later.

56. ________ 57. ________ 58. ________ 59. ________ 60. ________



after, rest, ill,she, up, on, from, what,many, grow, work,healthy

Hannah was a nice little girl.She was born and 61 up in a poor family.She wore clothes that were from her older sisters. 62 Christmas,she usually got some used(用过的)toys and books.As a child,she always wanted to have 63 beautiful clothes and toys.

Five years after college,she became a manager(经理)and she forced 64 to work harder than everyone else. 65 ten years,she had enough money to build her own company(公司) near Central Park.At the age of 40,Hannah became a very successful woman.

Once she had her health check,her doctor told that she had a serious 66 and said that she could live for only one year.The doctor also suggested that Hannah should spend her time in 67 at home.But she still went to work every day.Later ,she stayed in hospital(医院),and the 68 there took care of her.Because she died,she said,”If you have your

69 ,you have everything.And I would give 70 everything for my life” However,that was too late.

61. ________ 62. ________ 63. ________ 64. ________ 65. ________ 66. ________ 67. ________ 68. ________ 69. ________ 70. ________


根据对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A Hello, John! You look weak today,(71) __________________________. B I have a stomachache and can’t eat anything.

AI’m sorry to hear that(72)_____________________________.

B Yes,I went to see a doctor this morning B(73)_____________________________? A The doctor said I ate too much ice cream.

B Oh.I see,you must have a healthy eating habits to keep fit A Yes,you’re right.(74) __________________________ B All right. (75) ___________ A:You’re welcome.



___________________________________________________________ 77、我们应该远离烟和酒。

___________________________________________________________ 78、继续努力,下次你会做的更好。

___________________________________________________________ 79、你是否介意加入我们?

___________________________________________________________ 80、你最好卧床休息。



同学们进入初二,身体和心理健康都非常重要,这是父母和老师非常关心的问题,希望每个人都有一个健康的生活方式。请根据下面提示以“have a healthy lifestyle”为题写一篇短文。内容包括:

1. 健康的重要性 2. 一些不注重健康的生活方式


要求:1. 书面干净整洁,书写标准整齐。(1分)

2. 条理清晰,表达准确,不少于70词。 Have a healthy life As we all know,health is important

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