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发布时间 : 星期六 文章[精品]汉译英更新完毕开始阅读

will feel secure.

?2. 他给我的印象是态度非常呆板僵硬,仿佛肚子里吞下了一根播火棒似的。

?He had given me the impression of absolute rigidity, as though he had swallowed a poker. ?3. 河边枯柳树下的几株瘦削的一丈红,该是村女种的吧。

?The few sparse hollyhocks beneath the withered willows by the stream must have been planted by

the country girls.

?4. 关于如何改进市民的居住条件问题市政府给予了充分重视。

?a. The housing conditions of the urban inhabitants has been paid full attention to by the municipal government. (Grammatically incorrect, not idiomatic)

?b. The municipal government has paid full attention to the housing conditions of the urban inhabitants. (week in meaning)

?c. Full attention has been paid by the municipal government to the improvement of the housing conditions of the urban inhabitants. (better)

?5. 液体的形状总是随着容器的变化而变化,因为液体没有自己的固定形状。换言之,无论你把它放在什么样的容器中,它的形状总是和容器内壁的形状完全一样。

? Since a liquid has no definite shape of its own, it varies in shape from container to container. In other words, in whatever container it is poured, the liquid will take exactly the interior shape of the container. (―你‖不译出,用a liquid, the liquid, it 作主语,句子上下连贯,自然顺畅。)

?6. 忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病。

? Just as bitter medicine cures sickness, so unpalatable (不可口,令人不愉快) advice benefits


?7. 本文认为,这一定义具有重要意义。

?a. The author holds that this definition has important meaning.

?b. The author holds that this definition is of great significance. (better) ?8. 四川被称为―天府之国‖。

? Sichuan Province is noted as / is known as the ―Land of Abundance‖.






?1. 中国的批评界怎样的趋势,我却不大了然,也不很注意。(O+S+V)

? I am not too clear, not too interested, either, regarding current trends in China‘s literary criticism. ?2. 沙发上坐着一个人。(adv.+V+S) ? A man was sitting on a couch.

?3. 马可?波罗的中国之行,给他留下最深刻印象的是杭州西湖之秀美。

? The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou was what impressed Marco Polo most during his trip to


?4. 早晨的公园里,遛鸟者时常可见。

?a. Early in the parks we often see people walk with caged birds in hand.

?b. Taking a walk in parks with caged birds in hand is a common scene in the early mornings. (more idiomatic)

?5. 生日是自己长大以后听家里人说的。

? I was told about my birthday by my foster-parents when I grew up.




?1. 我们明天上午九时动身。

? We are going to start at nine tomorrow morning. ?2. 这本书是三天前买的。

? The book was bought three days ago. ?3. 他每天晚上都要看电视。 ? He watches TV every evening. ?4. 武当山终年云雾缭绕。

? Seas of clouds enshroud the peaks of Mt. Wudang throughout the year. ?(以上四例,状语都放到了宾语之后的句尾)

?5. 在机器中很多能量是由于部件之间的摩擦而损失的。

? In a machine a great deal of energy is lost because of the friction between its parts. ?6. 他们很细心地观察化学变化。

? a. They observed the chemical reaction with great care. ? b. They observed with great care the chemical reaction. ?7. 他们肩并肩地以疯狂的速度向那座石塔奔去。

? a. They ran side by side at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda. ? b. Side by side and at a fantastic speed they ran towards the stone pagoda. ? c. Side by side they ran at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda.

?三、一系列表示时间、地点、方式状语位 置的调整

?表示时间、地点、方式的状语同时使用时,在汉语中的排列顺序通常为 ―时间—地点—方式—


?1. 大会将于今年九月在北京隆重开幕。

? The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September. ?2. 他每晚都在图书馆用心读书。

? He reads hard in the library every evening.

?3. 他1935年8月22日早晨6点30分诞生在湖南的一个小县城。

? He was born in a small town of Hunan Province at six thirty on the morning of August 22, 1935.

?4. 设在位于纽约市中心一座摩天大楼第40层楼里的那间办公室,就是他工作的小天地。 ? The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he

works in.




?1. 浩瀚的大海 the vast sea

?2. 古老的中原文化 the time-honoured Central Plain culture ?3. 举世闻名的万里长城 the world-famous Great Wall

?4. 正月十五元宵夜,街上挂着各式各样精巧的灯笼。

? On the evening of the Lantern Festival, the 15th of the first lunar month, exquisite lanterns of

diverse designs are hung along the streets.

?5. 避暑山庄和北京的故宫、山东曲阜的孔庙一样,是中国保存最完好的古代建筑群,也是中国现存规模最大的古典皇家园林。

? The Summer Palace of Chengde is one of the three best-preserved magnificent ancient architectural complexes in China, the other two being the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Confucian Temple in Qufu of Shandong Province.

?6. 卢沟桥位于北京广安门外约10公里处的丰台区永定河口。

?Lugou Bridge (also known as Marco Polo Bridge) spans the Yongding River mouth at Fengtai District, about ten kilometers from Guanganmenwai Street of Beijing. ? 7. 山东曲阜是中国古代著名的思想家、教育家孔子的故乡。

? Qufu, Shandong Province, is the birthplace of Confucius, a well-renowned ancient Chinese thinker and teacher.






?1. 我走过地板时,一块板子吱吱作响。 ? A board creaked as I crossed the floor.

?2. 佗用刀刮骨,悉悉有声。 The knife made a thin, grating sound as it scraped the surface. ?(译文颠倒了语序,并用knife 替换了―(华)佗‖,使行文更加连贯)

?3. 如果说白天广州像座翡翠城,那么当太阳沉没,广州就成了一颗夜明珠,灯光如海,千街


? If Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime, it becomes a luminous pearl, with a sea of lights twinkling in the streets after the sun sets in the west.

?4. 女主人已经离开人世,再没有人喂它了。它好像已经意识到这一点。

? He (the dog) must have been aware that nobody was going to feed him after the death of his


?5. 此新品种耐寒、耐旱,适合在中国北方生长。

? Cold and drought tolerant, the new variety is adaptable to north China. ?6. 他比赛失败,我感到很惊讶。

? a. He lost the game; I felt very much surprised.

? b. I was not a little surprised that he lost the game. (better) 第九章 无主句和省略句的译法

? 汉语中只有谓语部分而没有主语部分的句子(并非省略主语)叫做无主句。如―下雨了‖,―楼

前栽了两棵松树‖,―全国呈现出一片新气象‖等。翻译这种句子,可以用被动语态、用―there be‖句型,用倒装句、祈使句,或补充适当主语。 一. 用被动结构

某些表示事物存在、出现的无主句,或表示要求、规定的无主句,往往可以译成被动句。如: ?1. 封面上印着一个猎人的像。

? The figure of a hunter was printed on the cover of the book. ?2. 这儿将修建更多的居民大楼。

? More apartment houses will be built here. ?3. 去年发现了一种稀有元素。

? A rare element was found last year. ?4. 本剧场内禁止吸烟。

? Smoking is not allowed in this theatre. ?5. 发现了错误,一定要纠正。

? Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. ?5. 必须保证八小时睡眠。

? Eight hours‘ sleep must be guaranteed. 二. 用there be 或 it + be … + to… 结构

?1. 没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺利。

? Without facility, there would be no difficulty; without difficulty, there would also be no facility. ?2. 活到老,学到老。

? One is never too old to learn. ?3. 究竟能不能巩固呢?

? Is it possible to consolidate them?

三. 用倒装语序

表示事物存在、出现或消失的无主句, 有时可以译做倒装句。如:

?1. 盘子里还放着当天的报纸。

? On the tray also lay the morning newspaper. ?2. 地下埋藏着大量的金银铜铅和锌。

? Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. ?3. 和这些产品一道展出的还有钢铁厂和高炉的模型。

? On display by the side of those products were models of steel works and blast furnaces.

四. 用祈使句

?汉语中表示请求、命令、号召,及标语口号的无主句,可以翻译成祈使句。如: ?1. 请勿吸烟。