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常有标新立异、别具一格的词语,报道的语气比较亲切随和,文风简洁(The simpler, the better.)。汉语新闻的商业化长度相对较低,比较注重实事求是,语气比较客观冷静。但往往有不少冗余信息,英译时可灵活处理,根据情况适当加以简化、修改或删除。

?1. 新闻标题(headlines)的翻译

?新闻标题贵在语言简洁生动,因此句子要简明扼要。例如: ?a. 美国媒体变恐怖主义传声筒

? American Media: Mouthpiece of Terrorism ?b. 澳洲也兴华文网络热

? Chinese Net Craze in Australia ?c. 向甲型流感病毒开战

? China Spares No Effort to Combat H1N1 Virus

?d. 三进狮城感触多(文章报道新加坡如何在30年内建成一个富裕文明的现代化国家) ? What makes Singapore Tick? (tick 一词生动形象地反映出高效运转和井然有序的情况) ?e. 团结一致,共赴时艰

? Unity in Adversity (英语押韵,对称)

2. 新闻内容的翻译


文政治观点恰当。例如,钓鱼岛应当翻译成Diaoyu Islands, 不可使用 Senkakus (日本所称的―尖阁列岛‖);两岸的统一,要使用reunification一词,不用 unification。



?西部大开发 (grand) western development

?全面提高 to enhance (completely) ?认真执行 to execute (conscientiously)

?有了新的突破 made a (new) breakthrough

?会议胜利闭幕 the conference concluded (victoriously)



?Over a number of years in the past, much fruitful work has resulted from hard working of the County Radio & TV Bureau, which mad its due contribution to expand the popularity of the county. (没有用great achievements和 outstanding contribution,避免夸大其词)



?一国两制 one country, two systems ?乡镇企业 rural enterprises

?法盲 legally blind

?南水北调 divert water from the Yangtze River to North China ?胡子工程 long drawn-out project

?―豆腐渣‖工程 bean-curd projects / jerry-built projects / projects of very poor quality ?对口支援 rendering support on a place-to-place or unit-to-unit basis ?人员分流 reposition of redundant personnel

?旅游搭台,经贸唱戏 tourism paving the way for economic and trading activities ?(证券) 网上发行 share offer to the general public



?-- 80年代的广东,因为与香港的地域联系,因为南大门的作用,因为率先的开放,经济的发展


?By the 1980s, Guangdong‘s economic development had leapt far ahead of other provinces thanks to its advantageous geographical location and favorable policies.

?-- 3月9日,正宗的西湖龙井茶在西湖乡翁家山开采,比去年足足提前了两周。

?On March 9, the picking of the West Lake Dragon Well Tea began at Wenjia Mountain, West Lake

Village, two weeks earlier than last year. 四、科技翻译

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