中考英语看图填词50篇 - 完型填空专项练习,广东历年重点 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章中考英语看图填词50篇 - 完型填空专项练习,广东历年重点更新完毕开始阅读

4.The owner didn't come, 6 they had to hand it in to a policeman.

5.The 7 morning, the headmaster and the owner came to Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming's classroom.

6.The owner said lots of thanks to them and offered(送)a letter of thanks to the headmaster. The headmaster praised(表扬)them for 8 they had done and called on(号召)the 9 students to 10 from them.



After the heavy rain, there was 1 everywhere. A school girl was walking 2 herself. She was on her way home. Her shoes got 3 .

At that moment, a man with an umbrella(雨伞)in his 4 hand came to her. He meant to give her some help. The man carried the girl on his 5 to cross the water.

How kind! The girl thanked him and 6 good-bye to him.

As she 7 on, she found that the man's umbrella was in her hand. She returned at 8 to give it back to him.



It is a Tree-Planting Day. The 1 is shining. Zhao Wen 2 Cao Lanfang are planting trees 3 the river. Zhao Wen has 4 a hole large enough for the 5 . But the hole is not too deep. Cao Lanfang is now ready to 6 the tree into the 7 . Then they will put the earth 8 in it again and get water 9 the river to 10 the tree. They had a hard but nice day.


1.One day, Mr White finished his work very 1 . On his way home, there were no people and no buses. So he had to go home on 2 .He held his bag in hi 3 .

2.When he got home, he opened his bag. He wanted to get the keys. They were always there. But he couldn't find the keys this time.He was worried and he didn't know what to do. When he looked 4 ,

he suddenly saw his windows was 5 . He had an 6 .

3.There was a ladder behind his house. He carried it to the window. Then he began to 7 up the ladder. 8 dark it was! It was dangerous for him to do that and his hat fell down. So he was very careful and very afraid.

4.A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But when he put his hand into his 9 , he found his 10 right there.



One day my brother was 1 a kite. Suddenly it rained 2 . He had to 3 flying his kite. The kite and his clothes were wet. A 4 minutes 5 the rain 6 and the sun 7 out. He flew his kite 8 . He put his clothes on the line(线)to make them 9 . How 10 the boy was!




1.It's Sunday. A cat is in his garden. He's putting a 1 and a table under a 2 . 2.Now, the cat is 3 on the chair. He's 4 a thick magazine(杂志).

3.A black dog is coming 5 ! The cat is jumping on the 6 ! The black dog is taking the magazine in his 7 .

4.Look at the garden now! The 8 is empty and the bottle is empty too. The cat is 9 the tree. A 10 is coming in.




The night 1 Jim 2 very late(watched TV far into the night).When he 3 in the morning, Jim found that it was already 4 o'clock. He thought he would be 5 for school and felt very 6 . He 7 the bed, took his schoolbag and 8 school without breakfast. When he 9 school, he found it was quiet and nobody else had come. He realized it was 10 and he had made a mistake.



One Sunday Mr Black went to town on 1 2 his dog for shopping. Just before be 3 the gate of the 4 , a 5 6 him.

He said, “The dog mustn't be 7 to town and should be kept at 8 !”So Mr Black said 9 to him and went back home 10 buying anything.



One morning, Lin Tao carried his bag and said to his father,“It's t 1 for me to go to school. G 2 , Dad.”

He came to a bus s 3 near his home. There were a few people w 4 for a bus. One of his classmates, Li Lei, was there, too.

They got off the bus near their s 5 . Li Tao put his b 6 on the ground, and he wanted to p 7 in the street for a while, f 8 it was very early.“S 9 we go there to fly k 10 . then?”said Li Lei.

“Good i 11 . Let's go!”said Lin Tao.“Haven't you forgotten s 12 ?”Li Lei 13 , John 14 very 15 , too.


书面表达: 看图填词

1.What's the 1 like today? It's 2 .

2.On Tuesday afternoon a 3 of children are 4 their way home from school.

3. 5 6 he go to work? He goes to work 7 8 .

4.What's the time? It's six o'clock. He 9 10 at six every morning.


