土木工程英语词汇3 联系客服

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split lock WESTBANK 双位锁锭 split mold WESTBANK 分割模型

split pin WESTBANK 开尾销 ,夹针销 split plate WESTBANK 裂口垫板

split ring WESTBANK 开口锅圈 ,裂环 split ring connection WESTBANK 裂环接合 split ring connector WESTBANK 裂环接件 split ring dowel WESTBANK 裂环桦 split saw WESTBANK 粗齿锯 split sleeve WESTBANK 夹板套筒 split spoon WESTBANK 劈管

split spoon sampler WESTBANK 劈管采样器 split spoontype sampler WESTBANK 劈管采样器 split stuff WESTBANK 制材 split test WESTBANK 开裂试验 split thimble WESTBANK 断圈嵌环 splitter WESTBANK 屡叶隔板 ,分裂器 splitter wall WESTBANK 隔墙 splitting chisel WESTBANK 劈凿

splitting property of wood WESTBANK 木材开裂性 splitting test WESTBANK 开裂试验 splocket WESTBANK 接橡 spm WESTBANK 漫溢 ,溢出 spoil WESTBANK 挖土

spoil bank WESTBANK 弃土堆 ,堆土岸 spoil chute WESTBANK 弃泥槽 spoke WESTBANK 轮辐 、扶梯棍 sponge glass WESTBANK 玻璃绒 ,毛玻璃 sponge iron WESTBANK 海绵铁 sponge lead WESTBANK 铅绒

spongy structure WESTBANK 多孔性结构 sponk WESTBANK 引火木

spontaneous potential method WESTBANK 自然电位法 spool WESTBANK 铸铁隔块

spoon dredge WESTBANK 匙式挖泥船,匙式挖泥机 sporadic development WESTBANK 蔓延式发展 sport center WESTBANK 体育中心 sport field WESTBANK 运动场 sport ground WESTBANK 运动场 spot WESTBANK 斑点

spot level WESTBANK 水准减低 spot light WESTBANK 注光 spot of light WESTBANK 闪光 spot test WESTBANK 斑点试验

spot welding WESTBANK 点焊接 、点焊 spotting WESTBANK 水泥包散置

spotting projector WESTBANK 对点投影器 spout delivery pump WESTBANK 隔膜泵 spouting WESTBANK 喷射

spouting velocity WESTBANK 喷水速度 ,放流速度 sprag WESTBANK 间隔木 ,支柱

sprawl WESTBANK 展开 ,蔓延

spray WESTBANK 跳波 ,跳浪 ,水雾 ,喷洒 spray application WESTBANK 喷射应用 spray bar WESTBANK 喷杆

spray distributor WESTBANK 喷酒分水器 spray fountain WESTBANK 喷水池 spray gun WESTBANK 喷鎗 、喷漆鎗 spray irrigation WESTBANK 喷酒灌溉 spray jet WESTBANK 喷雾口 spray lance WESTBANK 喷液枪 spray method WESTBANK 喷射法 spray nozzle WESTBANK 喷酒管嘴

spray nozzle aerator WESTBANK 喷水式曝气器 spray painting WESTBANK 喷漆 spray wave WESTBANK 跳波

sprayer WESTBANK 喷洒器 ,喷雾器 spraying WESTBANK 喷帝,喷雾 spraying nozzle WESTBANK 喷雾嘴

spread WESTBANK 布覆料

spread footing WESTBANK 展式底脚 ,扩大基脚 spread foundation WESTBANK 展式基础 spread recorder WESTBANK 扩展记录器 spread span WESTBANK 展宽端跨 spreader WESTBANK 散布机

spreader bar WESTBANK 分量搪杆 spreader beam WESTBANK 分荷多支点梁 spreading ballast WESTBANK 铺喳 spreading depth WESTBANK 分布厚度 spreading machine WESTBANK 散布机 spreading room WESTBANK 配线室 sprig WESTBANK 无头钉

spring WESTBANK 弹簧 ,泉

spring balance WESTBANK 弹簧秤

spring balance scale WESTBANK 弹簧秤 spring band WESTBANK 弹簧箍 spring bolt WESTBANK 弹簧螺栓 spring breakup WESTBANK 春援解冻

spring catch WESTBANK 弹簧销

spring compass WESTBANK 弹簧小圆规 spring constant WESTBANK 弹簧常数

spring fender WESTBANK 弹簧护木 ,弹性护栏

spring fender for jetty WESTBANK 防浪堤之弹性隔批木 spring force WESTBANK 弹力 spring frog WESTBANK 弹簧岔心 spring head WESTBANK 泉源

spring hinge WESTBANK 弹簧铰链 spring house WESTBANK 熏房 spring latch WESTBANK 弹簧门闩 spring lock WESTBANK 弹簧锁

spring mass constant WESTBANK 弹簧质量常数 spring opening WESTBANK 泉眼 spring point WESTBANK 弹簧辙尖 spring range WESTBANK 大潮差

spring ring dowel WESTBANK 弹性环桦 spring rise WESTBANK 大潮高度,大潮升 spring steel WESTBANK 弹簧钢 spring switch WESTBANK 弹簧转辙器 spring tide WESTBANK 大潮

spring tide range WESTBANK 大潮差 spring tongue WESTBANK 弹簧岔心

spring tooth harrow WESTBANK 弹齿式碎土器 spring turnover WESTBANK 春季倒流 spring washer WESTBANK 弹簧垫圈 spring water WESTBANK 泉水 ,矿泉 spring wood WESTBANK 春材 springer WESTBANK 起拱石

springer bow WESTBANK 弹簧小圆规 springing WESTBANK 起拱点

springing block WESTBANK 起拱石 springing course WESTBANK 起拱层 springing height WESTBANK 起拱高度 springing line WESTBANK 起拱线 sprinker filter WESTBANK 喷洒滤床 sprinker irrigation WESTBANK 喷洒灌溉 sprinkler WESTBANK 喷洒

sprinkler head WESTBANK 洒水头

sprinkler irrigation method WESTBANK 喷灌法 sprinkler nozzle WESTBANK 洒水管嘴 sprinkler system WESTBANK 酒水灭火系统 sprinkler tank WESTBANK 酒水灭火箱 sprinkling WESTBANK 酒水 ,撒水

sprinkling filter WESTBANK 滴滤池

sprinkling irrigation method WESTBANK 喷灌法 sprocket WESTBANK 吃形木钉,接橡 sprocket chain WESTBANK 扣齿链

spruce WESTBANK 桧 ,云杉 、鱼鳞松 sprue WESTBANK 溶喳 spud WESTBANK 锚柱

spud machinery WESTBANK 下挖机械 spud well WESTBANK 锚井 ,锚柱 spun concrete WESTBANK 旋制混凝土 spun pipe WESTBANK 旋制管

spur WESTBANK 支线 ,丁坝 ,支撑物 spur canal WESTBANK 支运河

spur culvert WESTBANK 支涵 ,支涵洞 spur dam WESTBANK T坝 ,挑水坝 spur dike WESTBANK 丁坝 ,排水坝 spur pile WESTBANK 斜桩 spur stone WESTBANK 护角石 squad WESTBANK 小组

squall WESTBANK 暴风

square WESTBANK 曲尺 ,广场 ,矩尺 square and flat panel WESTBANK 方平镂板 square angle ply plate WESTBANK 直交夹板 square bar WESTBANK 方钢筋 ,方钢 square bolt WESTBANK 方头螺栓 square bridge WESTBANK 正交桥 square butt joint WESTBANK 平对接

square cornered entrance WESTBANK 方角入口 square cotter WESTBANK 方梢

square cylindrical projection WESTBANK 正方圆柱投影 square edge timber WESTBANK 方正木材 square edged board WESTBANK 方边板 square edged orifice WESTBANK 方缘孔口 square elbow WESTBANK 直角肘管 square end WESTBANK 方端 square grid WESTBANK 方格网 square head bolt WESTBANK 方头螺栓 square head screw WESTBANK 方头螺钉 square headed window WESTBANK 方头窗 square iron WESTBANK 方铁条 square jamb WESTBANK 方角侧墙 square joint WESTBANK 对接 square key WESTBANK 方键

square kilometer WESTBANK 平方公里