【完整版】网上购物系统的设计与实现毕业论文设计 联系客服

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图5.2 用户注册页面


图5.3 用户注册成功页面

为了便于网站对用户的管理,在用户注册页面接收到的注册信息要经过严格的过滤,保证注册用户名的唯一性,在提交表单后需要对数据表中的数据进行查询,如果没有找到,则在插入数据表时提示注册成功,否则提示此用户已被占用请重新注册,注册时如果输入邮箱,也会有唯一性的限制。 (2)用户登录




Private Sub command1_click() dim conn as new adodb.connection dim rs as new adodb.recordset dim str as string

Static logintimes As Integer dim sql as string str = App.Path

If Right(str, 1) <> \ str = str + \ End If

str = \Security Source=\ conn.open str


sql=\用户名='\ rs.open sql,conn,adopenkeyset.adlockpessimistic if rs.recordset.eof and rs.recordset.bof then msgbox \没有此用户\



if trim(text2.text)=rs.fields(\密码\

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附 录

Online shopping: more popular than ever, but still not so


Author: brad Tuttle (beauty)


According to sales data, according to a large number of consumers to switch to Internet is satisfied with the general we about online shopping continues to increase.By most accounts can learn, it is for electronic commerce a great Internet week increased by 17% than last year, at the same time, online retail sales in the Thanksgiving Day and black rose on Friday. In general, e-commerce payment already more than 15% in the quarter, according to comScore, and 12 days at the end of the quarter will be more than $100 million in online sales.

And, more importantly, December 25th May, but we still stay in the , thanks for Christmas and New Year's increase in the number of popular gift card. \gift CARDS and more discount temptation, the will last for at least by the middle of January.\said: \will make online sales into an\ to online shopping, whether before or after. More commentators want to express their discontent with the online retail. In favor of online shopping one of the biggest issue is that it eliminates the trouble the New York times staff. Here, the playwright Delia Ephron < order messed up, or is a click on the shopping like magic to eliminate a quarter did not give clear limits on some complain. In its annual 24000 consumers online shopping experience, in general, it does not make us feel very a 100 - point of satisfaction scale, online retail as a whole, scored 78 points, 2011 points below the in 2011. Several major retailers announced online customer satisfaction declined significantly, one of the most obvious is J.C. Penney, the weak sales of a year, saw its customer satisfaction rating fell by 6% in the research.

Business week will focus only on those retailers, including fashion online retailer Gilt and the most versatile two lowest rated website at FingerHut. The two companies in the