基于单片机的温室温湿度控制系统的设计 毕业论文最终版含全部源程序 - 图文 联系客服

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电子与信息工程专业班级 学院 题目 基于单片机的温室温湿度控制系统的设计 1.毕业设计(论文)指导教师评语及成绩: 学生姓名 学院名称 成绩: 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 2.毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会评语及成绩: 成绩: 答辩主席(或组长)签字: 年 月 日 3.毕业设计(论文)总成绩: a.指导教师 给定成绩 b.评阅教师 给定成绩 c.毕业答辩成绩

总成绩 (a×0.5+b×0.2+c×0.3)

摘 要




In the rapid development of modern agricultural production, many healthy agricultural products come from the cultivation of crops in hothouses. Hothouses applications have become increasingly widespread. It can create great economic value and social benefits for humans. Traditional greenhouse Temperature and Humidity Control System is entirely by manual control and measurement. Not only time-consuming, but also inefficient and ineffective. Now, in the hothouse, the intelligent control system will directly affect crop yields, growth and so on. In recent years ,a variety of microcontroller and sensor developed rapidly, so we can use them to make more perfect greenhouse intelligent control system. The design, which is based on STC89C52 microcontroller as the master chip, combined with DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensors, 12864 Intelligent LCD screen and so on, has a simple structure, and the greenhouse temperature and humidity control system is easy to operate . We can program to achieve the intelligent control of greenhouse temperature and humidity. When the temperature in the greenhouse is too high , the buzzer alarm, and the relay begin to work to control air conditioning for heating ; contrary, the air conditioning is for cooling. The same applies to the humidity, controlled by humidifying and drying. Compared to other common greenhouse intelligent systems, this design has a low price, excellent performance, high security, stability , and many other advantages. In this control system of the greenhouse temperature and humidity vegetables reliably and efficiently are controlled and tested to ensure the growing of crop s under proper temperature and humidity conditions, where improving quality and productivity is easy, in order to achieve the results we want.

Key words:SCM STC89C52;keyboard;temperature and humidity sensors;12864 LCD display;relay