(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年浙江省湖州市英语八年级(上)期末综合测试模拟试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年浙江省湖州市英语八年级(上)期末综合测试模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.Look!Half of the students ________ studying in the classroom right now. A.is




2.Jenny isn’t at home_______.

A.at moment B.the moment C.a moment D.at the moment

3.Minnie_______ herself that she is going to study hard and get good grades next term. A.keeps B.takes C.promises D.gets

4.I have to study ________ my math test ________ Friday afternoon. A.at;on B.for;on C.for;in D.on;for

5.We were wet and cold ________________ we didn’t bring an umbrella. A.because B.because of C.so D.or

6.(题文)He is nice and always keeps his promise. You can _____ him. A.trust B.miss C.stand D.refuse

7.(题文)一Because of G20,________visitors come to visit Hangzhou. —Yes, my hometown is one of_________ in China. A.many and many;the most beautiful cities B.more and more;the most beautiful city C.more and more;the most beautiful cities D.more and more; the beautifulest city

8.He was so ______ that he made some mistakes in the English exam. A.careless ─_________.

A.I'd love to, but I have a lot of things to do B.Oh, that'll be too boring C.I'll stay at home

D.Yes, I can't

10.—I called you at 8:00 yesterday evening, but no one answered. —Sorry. I __________ clothes for my parents at that time. A.wash


C.was washing

11.─Why do you look so _________?

─Because I didn't take first place in the English competition. A.happy




12.---What a beautiful watch! Did you buy it ____?




9.─Can you come to my house for dinner this Sunday, Mary?

---No. My mother bought it for me. A.herself —It’s Thursday.

A.What day is it today B.What’s the date today C.What day today D.What date is it today 14.— Mario,your mobile phone is ringing.

— Wait a minute. It’ s dangerous for us it while crossing the street. A.answering A.in

B.to answer B.at

C.answer C.of

D.answered D.from

15.Thanks for your help. We learned much knowledge ___________ you. 16.The soup is very ______. I’d like some more. A.delicious B.awful C.well D.cheap

17.The librarian told us not to _______ the books from the library. We can only read them in it. A.take out A.not get up C.do not get up

A.well; beautiful and beautiful B.better; more and more beautiful C.well; more and more beautiful D.better; beautiful and beautiful

20.Don't worry. I promise ________ there on time. A.get 二、单词填空 21.

1)I ________(想知道)how much the pen is. 2)Many people ________(不喜欢)mutton.

3)There is a beautiful _________(建筑物)near the river. 4)The movie is boring. I feel ________(厌倦的).

5)There are three ________(差别)between the two pictures. 三、句型转换 22.完成句子(10分)

1)The store wascrowded. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ the store?

2)They stopped working at 7: 00 yesterday. (改为否定句) They ________ ________ working at 7: 00 yesterday. 3)We went toBeijingon vacation. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ you ________ on vacation? 4)[11·本溪中考]夏季,人们喜欢到凉爽的地方度假。

________________________________________________________________ 5)尽管很累,但我们感觉很幸福。


C.to get


B.take up

C.cut up B.don’t get up D.not to get up

D.wake up

18.The teacher told her students_______ so late on weekends.





19.I like my hometown _________ because it is becoming _________.

We are very tired, but we ________ ________ . 四、完成句子

23.根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(包括缩写词) 1)周末她常和朋友去商场闲逛。

She often______ ______in the mall with her friends on weekends. 2)今年暑假他们打算去夏威夷旅行。

They are going to______ ______ ______to Hawaii this summer vacation. 3)我希望很快收到你们的来信。 I hope______ ______ ______you soon. 4)如果你生病了, 你必须去看医生。

If you are ill, you______ ______to a doctor. 5)我们盼望着搬入新居。

We are______ ______ ______ ______to a new house. 五、完形填空

24.Last summer, my family and I went to England and we spent two weeks in Cornwall. It 1 us five hours to get there by car. We 2 in a hotel near a lake. We did a lot of different things there:We went for long walks,played games,went shopping and swam 3 the lake.

I played happily at first, but then something 4 happened (发生). One morning I went to the forest near the hotel by 5 . I walked and walked. I watched the birds and took some 6 of them. When I got hungry I wanted to go back to the hotel. 7 I couldn’t find the way back. I tried different ways. However, at last I was 8 in the same place.

“Oh, God! What should I do? I’m so afraid!” I thought. Later it started lo rain. I didn't have a (n) 9 so I was wet and cold.

I 10 to stay under a tree and wailed for my parents. After a few hours they found me. It was dark and I was cold, hungry and scared. I will never go to the forest again. 1)A.got B.took C.Showed 2)A.stayed B.worked C.studied 3)A.of B.on C.in

4)A.interesting B.boring C.terrible 5)A.myself B.yourself C.Himself 6)A.orders B.photos C.Lessons 7)A.And B.Or C.But 8)A.still B.yet C.once 9)A.swing B.gift C.Umbrella 10)A.liked B.helped C.decided 六、用所给的词正确形式填空

25.(题文)B) 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 1)Do these __________(travel) come from the USA? 2)Linda, go and see how many __________(plate) we have.

3)The restaurant __________(serve) nice food. We often go there. 4)Why are all the windows __________(shake)?

5)Mom, could you help me put some __________(butter) on the bread?


26.The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west. When the sun rises, It is morning. When the sun sets, it is evening. When the sun is shining, it is day. Morning is the time between sunrise and twelve o'clock, or between sunrise and lunch. At twelve o'clock, the sun is the highest in the sky over our heads. The sun is overhead at noon. The sun shines during(在……期间)the day. The moon and the stars shine during the night. When the sun rises, it is light. It's light during the day. During the night, if the moon is not shining, it is dark. What are the days and nights like in summer? In summer the days are longer and the nights are shorter. What about in winter? In winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer.

1)The sun rises in the ____ and sets in the ____west.

A.west,east B.south,north C.east,west D.north,south 2)Morning is the time between sunrise and ____.

A.supper B.breakfast C.eleven o'clock D.lunch 3)At noon the sun is ____.

A.high up in the sky B.setting C.shining D.not overhead

4)When the moon shines, it is during the ____. A.day B.night C.dark D.evening 5)In summer, the days are ____ than the nights. A.longer B.short C.long D.shorter

27.补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 M: Hey, Jenny! How was your weekend? W: It was great! __________ M: Who did you go with? W: My parents. M: ________

W: Yes. It took us over five hours to drive there. M: _______

W: It was sunny and quite warm. M: _______

W:Iwent fishing with my cousins. Mum and Dad helped my grandmother cook. M: ________

W: Yes, I had great fun. 1)

A.Thank you very much. B.I stayed at home and relaxed.

C.I went to my grandparents’ home. D.What about your weekend? 2)

A.Was it far from here? B.How far is it?

C.How long does it take? D.How did you get there? 3)

A.How were your grandparents? B.How did you get there?