[典中点]2016秋外研版八年级英语上册教案M8Unit2教学设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章[典中点]2016秋外研版八年级英语上册教案M8Unit2教学设计更新完毕开始阅读

Module 8 Accidents

一、 教学内容:Unit2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. 二、 课型:Reading and writing 三、 教学目标:

1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语:bite, climb, hide, throw, fridge, pain, worse, medicine


3、能够仿照范文,用过去进行时对发生在自已周围的事故进行描述或报道。 四、教学重难点:

1、 理解解语篇中故事。

2、 能够仿照范文,用过去进行时对发生在自已周围的事故进行描述或报


五、 教学准备:

课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品. 六、 预习要求:

根据音标自学本课新单词; 七、教学过程: 教学 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 步骤 Step One 1.Lead in (1). Let the students to (1). To talk about what I 通过一个talk about what you can can do with a mobile 轻松的话phone. 题引导学Warmindo with a mobile phone. g-up (5’) Step Two Pre- 1. Presentation Show the picture and What can you use a If I have a mobile phone, 生进入本mobile phone to do? I can…. 单元的课文,既可以活跃课堂(2)T: Do you know that a mobile phone can save a person’s life? (2) Read the title together. 气氛,.也在无形中培养学生大胆说英语的习惯。 Show out the title and lead into the passage) 引导学生Look at the pictures to 谈论图片,训练学生描述物品物的能力。在描述的同时学习help the students say say what is happening. what is happening. (Activity2) Use these questions to reading guide them: (5’) A. What is the man’s job? B. Where’s he? C. Where’s the snake? 新单词和句型,为学生扫清阅读障碍。 D. What’s the man doing? E. Why did the man take a photo of the snake? 2. Learn the new words (1) While the students talk about the picture, they learn the new words. (2) Check the new words. Step Three While- 1. Scanning (Fast Talk about the picture and learn the new words. reading) (1)Ask students to scan (1) Scan the passage and 要求学生answer the question: 快速阅读Which paragraph is the 文章,回答reading the passage and answer: (18’) Which paragraph is the main idea of the passage? 问题,帮助main idea of the passage? (The last paragraph) 学生理解 2. Careful reading. (1)Paragraph 1&2: 课文内容。 通过学生快速阅读,①Read paragraph 1&2 培养学生①Ask the students to and answer the following 获取主旨read the Paragraph 1&2 questions. 的能力。并and answer the following 1. What did Henry do 进一步理questions. when a snake appeared? 解文章的1. What did Henry do 2. Where did the snake 内容, 为when a snake appeared? bite him? 进一步学习做好铺2. Where did the snake bite him? 3. When and where was 垫。 3. When and where was the snake from? the snake from? ②Organize ②Some students come to 让学生带some the blackboard and show 着任务(问some difficult 题)去阅读students to come to the out blackboard and show out language points that they 课文,去找some difficult language found in this paragraph. points that they found in this paragraph. 答案,有助于学生更加准确地