[成才之路]2014-2015学年高中英语(人教版,十二省区)必修2练习:unit 4 Wild life protection section 2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章[成才之路]2014-2015学年高中英语(人教版,十二省区)必修2练习:unit 4 Wild life protection section 2更新完毕开始阅读

答案:A 推理判断题。文章是关于如何通过小的行为举动来保护野生生物的,与环境息息相关,故选A。


Can we give a hand to those endangered animals? Yes, we may only do a little bit, but together our small actions add up to a lot.

1. Protect wildlife habitat

Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Cutting down forests, farming, and development all

result in loss of wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species live, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction. By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected together naturally. Parks and reserves are now all too often the only habitats that are left untouched by habitat destruction.

2. Reduce the threat of invasive (入侵的) species

The spread of non-native species has greatly reduced native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources(资源)and habitat. They can even prey_on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction.

3. Place decals (贴花纸)on windows

It is reported that as many as one million birds in the United States die each year because of collisions (碰撞) with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office.

4. Slow down when driving

Many native animals have to live in developed areas and this means they must move in human-living areas. One of the biggest obstacles (障碍)to them is that created by roads. Roads divide habitat and present a constant risk to any animal attempting to cross from one side to the other. So when you drive out, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.


6.What would be the best title for this passage? A.How Animals Go to Extinction B.The Importance of Protecting Wildlife C.What to Do to Help Save Wildlife D.How to Protect Wildlife Habitat

答案:C 主旨大意题。本文主要列举了人们怎样伸出援手去救助濒危动物,故C项最能概括文章的大意,为最佳标题。

7.People are advised to put decals on windows to ________. A.decorate the houses and beautify the environment B.protect the windows from birds-hitting C.attract more birds to make homes nearby D.avoid birds hitting the windows by mistake

答案:D 细节理解题。根据第三种措施的描述可知,在窗户上贴花纸是为了避免飞鸟因误撞而丧命,故选D。

8.The underlined phrase “prey on” in the passage means “________”. A.drive away C.kill for food

B.live with D.fight with

答案:C 词义猜测题。根据上文的意思:入侵物种与当地的物种争夺资源和栖息地。再结合该句的意思“它们甚至直接prey on当地的物种,这样迫使当地的物种灭绝”可推知,该短语的意思为“猎食,捕食”,故选C。

9.We can learn from the passage that ________. A.the habitats of many species have been destroyed

B.about one million birds are attacked by invasive species each year

C.perhaps the biggest threat to many species is that they easily bumped by cars D.invasive species only compete for food with native species

答案:A 细节理解题。大概有一百万只鸟是死于误撞窗户,而不是外来物种的袭击,故B项错误;很多物种的最大威胁是栖息地被破坏,故C项不对;入侵物种和本地物种竞争的不仅仅是食物,还有栖息地和资源,故D项错误,A项指出许多物种的栖息地被破坏了,符合文章大意。故选A。



Recently I have been quarrelling about my mother over whether I can watch TV after the school. She holds the view that Senior Three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lesson. It seems to her that I am allowed to watch TV, I won't be able to control me and I'll forget all about my studies. She also thinks that it is bad to my eyes. But I really can't accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day's hard work. Besides, it is important for me to know what had happened both at home and abroad. However, I shouldn't be forbidden to watch TV.


Recently I have been quarrelling about my mother over whether I can watch TV after the


school. She holds the view that Senior Three students have to make fully use of every minute to

fullwork hard at their lesson. It seems to her that ∧ I am allowed to watch TV, I won't be

lessonsif/onceable to control me and I'll forget all about my studies. She also thinks that it is bad to my myselfforeyes. But I really can't accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest

watchingafter a day's hard work. Besides, it is important for me to know what had happened both at

home and abroad.

Thus/Therefore/SoHowever,hasI shouldn't be forbidden to watch TV.