外贸英语函电 - 第二版 - (隋思忠 - 著) - 课后答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章外贸英语函电 - 第二版 - (隋思忠 - 著) - 课后答案更新完毕开始阅读

Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings 17

10. We trust this trial order may lead to more important transactions. VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the letter 1. receipt 2. requested 3. under 4. catalogue 5. transaction 6. offer 7. to 8. confirmation 9. Specifications 10. option

11. installments 12. confirmed 13. irrevocable

VII.Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese




接你方8月15日函,按通常条款报(盘)给我方5 000公吨标题货物,单价每公吨人民币1 600 元。兹复,很遗憾我奥登色买主认为你方价格太高。有消息说,数批土耳其货在该地以约比你价格低10%的价格售出。


为促进交易,我们代表客户还盘如下:以我方当地时间8月26日前收到你方答复为条件, 5 000公吨2005年产大豆,每公吨奥登色到岸价人民币1 300元,包括2%的佣金,哥本哈根转船, 其他条款按你方2006年8月15日函办理。





非常高兴收到您的订单并乐于确认您所需货物有现货供应。很高兴为您效劳,相信您对货物的质量和我们的服务会感到满意的。 可以接受的付款方式是不可撤销的信用证,9月15日前有效,总金额不超过500美元。一收到第一国民银行的确认,就准备着手装船,并听候贵方代理人的装船指示。



VIII. Translate the following letters into English



Dear Sirs,

Re : Tablecloth

Reference is made to your quotation for the captioned goods and the samples and catalogue enclosed. After we contacted our customers, they found both the quality and time of shipment acceptable? but the difference between your quoted price and the price at which we have got the goods from other suppliers is too great to accept. The price of same goods of Hong Kong is 10% lower than that of yours. We would therefore suggest that you reduce your price to the level which is in line with the prevailing price* and then we would place a large order with you.

It is in view of your being our old customer that we make this counter-offer. Should the above be agreeable to you? please fax us so as to enable us to open the relative L/C.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your quotation for men's shirts and the samples sent to us on May 6. We have approached a number of our customers in this area and many of them take an interest in Swan brand men's shirts. We, therefore f ask you to make us your best offer on GFR Singapore basis for 5 ,000 men's shirts ( NO. G―3 ) - We believe we may secure some orders for you. Wef however, would like to point out that unless your quotation is attractive to the buyers, it would be difficult to push the sale of your shirts successfully.

Yours truly,

Skill Drilling


Dear Sirs,

With reference to your letter of 10th July, we regret to learn that since other suppliers are offering at lower prices, you are unable to accept our offer.

However desirous we are to do more business with you, we are sorry to say that your counter-offer is unacceptable to us. The best we can do is to make a reduction of 2% in our originally quoted price.

We wonder whether the other suppliers are offering a quality as good as ours. We do hope that you will direct the attention of your clients to this point and try to persuade them to take into consideration not only the price but also the quality, which is more important.

We await your early reply.

Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings 19

Yours faithfully,


Unit 6


I. Put the following Chinese into English


以…为目的with the view of 幵列,膳写make out

销售确认书sales confirmation —式两份in duplicate 返签,会签countersign

以…为抬头,以…为受益人in one's favor 公吨(=1 000千克)metric ton 购货确认书purchasing confirmation II. Multiple choice

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. d


有效(性),有效(期)validity 耽误,延误delay

与…相~1致in conformity to ( with) 令人满意to prove (to be) satisfactory / to turn

out to the satisfaction of 减价to reduce the price by / to reduce the

price to 急需be in urgent ( great / bad) need of 保兑行confirming bank

9. d 10. 11. a 12.

III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms 1. confirm 2. acceptable / confirmation 3. agreed 4. confirmation 8. 5. agreeable 6. accept / acceptance 7. confirmed agreed 9. agreement 10. acceptance 11. confirm IV. Put the following sentences into Chinese

1. 兹确认,我方将于3月15日按要求交货。

2. 我们相信,此次首批订单将导致我们两家公司之间进一步的交易。

3. 我们可以肯定,我方货物会令你方完全满意,且完全适合你方需求。

4. 希望货物能及时到达你方,并盼你方的进一步订单。 5. 若你方产品令人满意,我们打算洽谈长期合同。 6. 我们急需上述订单之货,特要求你方空运此货。

7. 感谢你方试订,我们将保证你方订单会得到及时、认真的处理。 8. 谈到近几日我们之间的传真交往,我们很高兴能与你方达成下列交易。

9. 虽然你方价格低于我方报价,但为了启动我们之间的业务,我们还是破例接受。


10. 我们已经按你方4月4日传真及我方4月8日传真接受下列订单。请放心,一收到相关信用 证,我们将及时发运货物。

V. Put the following sentences into English

1. If your prices are reasonable we believe we could conclude substantial business with you.

2. If you can reduce your price by 5% ? we believe it is possible for us to conclude the deal.

3. As we are heavily committed* we can only accept orders for shipment in November.

4. The price you quoted is competitive? but the date of delivery can not be accepted.

5. As a result of the limited stock of the article, we suggest you accept our offer as soon as possible.

6. As the peanut market is declining, we can hardly conclude the business unless you reduce the price by 5% .

7. In reply to your letter of March 5 quoting us the prices of writing paper, we are pleased to place a trial

order as mentioned in the enclosed sheet.

8. We have received your catalogue and price list, and now we order the following goods at the prices named.

9. As our factories are fully committed for the fourth quarter, we regret our inability to entertain any fresh orders.

10. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and we will keep you informed of the progress.

VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message 1. In 2. confirming 3. Enclosed 4. duplicate 5. countersigned

6. established 7. conformity 8. amendment 9. delay 10 - cooperation

VII.Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese



