新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book1-Unit7电子教案 联系客服

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The move is a means to fight crime. 这个行动是打击犯罪的一个手段。

12. The demanding task of writing term papers has always been a source of tense nerves and frustration, if not the ultimate homework night mare. (Para. 2)

Meaning: Although the difficult task of writing term papers may not be the most terrible homework, it is so challenging that it has been making students feel very worried, annoyed, upset, and impatient. ★nerve: n.

1) (~s) [pl.] a worried feeling that makes you afraid that you will not be able to do sth. well 精神紧张;焦虑不安;神经质

Calm your tense nerves by deep breathing, not by having another drink. 用深呼吸来缓解你的紧张不安,而不是再继续喝酒。 2) [C] 神经

★frustrate: vt. make sb. feel annoyed and impatient by preventing them from doing or getting sth. 阻挠;使烦恼;使灰心

If you give a child a math problem that is hard to solve, you may frustrate him. 如果你让一个孩子做太难的数学题,你会使他气馁的。

★frustration: n. [C, U] the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve sth. 懊丧;懊恼;沮丧

I was close to tears with frustration, but I held back. 我沮丧得快要哭出来,但我忍住了。 ★ultimate: a. (only before noun)

1) better, bigger, worse, etc. than all other things or people of the same kind 最出色的;最大的;最糟糕的

In the war, he gave his life and thereby paid the ultimate price. 他在战争中牺牲了,因此付出了最大的代价。

2) sb.’s ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future (目标等)最终的,首要的

His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country. 现在他的首要目标是去国外读书。

3) happening at the end of a process or activity 最终的;最后的

The ultimate outcome of the experiment cannot be predicted. 实验的最后结果无法预测。

Usage Note In this sentence the conjunction if has a special usage. It is used when you are adding that something may be even more, less, better, worse, etc. than you have just said. For example: The snow is so deep, making it difficult, if no impossible, to get the car out of the garage. 雪很厚,要把车从车库里开出来虽说不是不可能,但是很困难。 13. But now, with Internet access, illegal resources are just a few links away. (Pare. 2)

Meaning: But now, with the use of the Internet, one can obtain unlawful resources just by clicking on a website.

★illegal: a. not allowed by the law 违法的

In some countries, it is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under 16. 在有些国家,出手烟草给16岁以下者是违法的。

14. Modern students who want to fake a term paper don’t have to browse long. (Para. 3)

Meaning: Nowadays, students don’t need to spend a long time “stealing” online papers and ideas to be used in their own term paper. ★fake:

vt. make sth. seem real in order to deceive people 伪造;仿造

The criminal faked an identity card to avoid investigation, but he was caught eventually. 这名罪犯伪造了一个假身份证来逃避调查,但他最终还是被抓住了。

n. [C] a copy of a valuable object, painting, etc. that is intended to deceive people 赝品;假货 The painting he bought online was proved to be a fake. 他在网上买的这幅画被证实是赝品。 a. (usu. before noun) made to look like a real material or object in order to deceive people 伪造的;冒充的

The bank uses special machines to detect fake money. 银行用特殊的机器来识别假钞。 ★browse: v.

1) search for information on a computer or on the Internet (在计算机或因特网上)浏览(信息) Students browsed the Internet for information on the assigned topic. 学生们浏览互联网以查找与作用题目相关的信息。

2) look at the goods in a shop without wanting to buy any particular thing (在商店里)随便看看

The tourists were given enough time to browse around the fashion shops in Paris. 给游客们留出了足够的时间在巴黎逛时装店。

vi. look through the pages of a book, magazine, etc. without a particular purpose, just looking at the most interesting parts. 随意翻阅;浏览

On weekends Mike likes to browse through magazines in the library. 周末麦克喜欢在图书馆里浏览杂志。

15. They only have to locate the appropriate website, purchase or order online papers, or even download them for free. (Para. 3)

Meaning: They only need to find the right website, buy or order papers from it, or even download them without paying any money. ★locate: vt.

1) find the exact position of sth. 找出?的准确位置

X-rays are used to locate breaks in bones and to treat certain diseases. X光可以用来确定骨折的位置,并用于治疗某些疾病。

2) (be ~ed in / near, etc. sth.) be in a particular position or place 位于某处/位于某处附近等 The shopping center is located near the railway station. 这个购物中心位于火车站附近。 ★appropriate: a. correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose 恰当的;合适的 Sometimes a gesture that is appropriate in one culture is insulting in another. 有时候一种文化中得体的手势在另一种文化中却被认为具有侮辱性。

16. Busy, cost-conscious students will find other “low-priced” term papers on websites that promise consumers “You will be happy and successful”. (Para. 3)

Meaning: Students who are busy and are concerned about saving money will find other term papers with low prices on the websites which promise buyers “You will be happy and successful”. ★conscious: a.

1) thinking a lot about or concerned about sth. 关注的;有意识的;注重 She was very conscious of security. 她非常注重安全。

Note Conscious in this sense is also a suffix (-conscious), used with some nouns and adverbs to make adjectives describing a person or organization that gives a lot of attention to a particular subject or thing, for example, fashion-conscious (有时尚意识的), age-conscious (有年龄意识的), environmentally-conscious (有环保意识的), socially-conscious (有社会意识的).

2) (not before noun) noticing or realizing sth. 注意到的;意识到的

Whether we are conscious of it or not, our body language tells what we really feel. 不管我们是否意识到了这一点,我们的肢体语言传达了我们的真正感受。

3) awake and able to understand what is happening around you 清醒的;有知觉的;神志清醒的 When I first woke up and became conscious again, I didn’t remember anything about the accident. 当我刚醒过来,恢复意识的时候,我一点也不记得那场事故了。

17. Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating. (Para. 3)

Meaning: Some people are worried that the Internet, which was once described as the best learning tool, could become the most effective means of cheating.

★the best/biggest/worst, etc. (sth.) yet: used to say that sth. is the best, biggest, worst, etc. of its kind that has existed up to now 迄今为止最好/最大/最糟糕的(某物)等

This could turn out to be our biggest mistake yet. 这也许会是我们至今为止犯下的最大错误。 18. To cope with the growing plague of cheating, universities around the world now use anti-plagiarism software and have very strict cheating and plagiarism policies. (Para.4)

Meaning: To deal with the increasing cases of cheating, universities around the world now use computer programs that can detect if a student has copied other people’s work or ideas without giving credit to the original author; and they also have very strict policies to deal with cheating and copying.

★cope: vi. Succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation (成功地)应付,对付 She coped very well as a CEO while still taking care of her 3-year-old daughter. 她既当首席执行官,又要照顾3岁的女儿,两样她都干得非常好。

★cope with: deal successfully with sth. difficult (成功地)对付,处理

To my delight, he was able to cope with the stress of his study. 令我高兴的是,他能够应对学习上的压力。

★plague: n. [sing] sth. that is very common and harmful 普遍的祸害

Have you noticed the plague of violence in that country? 你注意到那个国家普遍存在的暴力危害吗?

★plagiarism: n. [U] when sb. uses another person’s words, ideas, or work and pretends they are their own 剽窃;抄袭