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发布时间 : 星期四 文章六级听力文本材料更新完毕开始阅读

A) It teaches the foreign children English. B) It teaches the children foreign languages.

C) It trains the teachers for foreign language teaching. D) It trains the parents to teach their children languages. 27.

A) They develop a series of language books for teaching. B) They provide reading and writing practices to toddles. C) They keep using the word they want the listeners to learn. D) They work together with the translators in the classes. 28.

A) It is the revolution of the brain’s memory. B) It is the challenge for the brain’s capacity. C) It is the activator of the brain’s evolution. D) It is the revelation of the brain’s genius.

Passage Two 29.

A) When she was three years old. B) When she was six years old. C) When she was fifteen years old. D) When she was eighteen years old. 30.

A) He became a pop music composer. B) He became a talented pianist. C) He became a pop music composer. D) He became a professional singer. 31.

A) It is as lovely as her child. B) It is as sweet as flowers. C) It is as eager as a lover.

D) It is as comfortable as home.

Passage Three 32.

A) He explored the night life of New York. B) He collected used boxes from the streets. C) He joined many art-related activities. D) He had organized artistic groups. 33.

A) He spent all the time on making it. B) He made it at night and sold it at day. C) He put the objects inside the box. D) He collected and rearranged pictures. 34.

A) About 40. B) Almost 200. C) Over 240. D) More than 72. 35.

A) A map of loop.

B) Photos of sea animals. C) Two pipes for playing. D) A music box.

Test 2

Passage One 26.

A) Because her mind went blank under great stress. B) Because her intelligence was below average. C) Because she studied for too long before a test. D) Because she wasn’t well prepared for her tests. 27.

A) She was often scolded by her teachers. B) She performed well on normal occasions. C) She had quite a lot of poor study habits. D) She was a problem student when young. 28.

A) By teaching them more test-taking skills. B) By giving them more supervision. C) By offering them counseling courses. D) By assigning them much easier work.

Passage Two. 29.

A) How to effectively communicate with other people. B) The necessity of completing any task effectively. C) Why some of us have better memories than others. D) The importance of memory and ways to improve it.


A) Remember everything that they have seen even once. B) Express their ideas or feelings by drawing pictures. C) Point out the places where they’ve been to in maps. D) Recall the knowledge they have acquired quickly. 31.

A) Associate what we see with words. B) Find special ways to remember things. C) Go picnic to release our tension. D) Use our memory as much as we can.

Passage Three 32.

A) When they are with a baby-sitter. B) When they are with another baby. C) When they are with a strange adult. D) When they are with an elderly person. 33.

A) He conducts large-scale tests. B) He writes books about children. C) He teaches at the university. D) He recommends babysitters. 34.

A) They show fear. B) They reach out. C) They start to cry. D) They turn to adults. 35.

A) Keep them in family-based day care centers. B) Let them stay with their parents or teachers. C) Ask elderly adults to attend them. D) Hire an experienced baby-sitter.

Test 3

Passage One 26.

A) What the US patent system was about.

B) How the US patent system encouraged technology and creativity. C) How the US patent system protected Americans. D) The reasons for the patent system.


A) Sue the government B) Sue the individual

C) Close down the company.

D) Sentence the individual to death. 28.

A) He could renew it.

B) He could destroy it at random.

C) He could sell it and make a lot of money.

D) He could do nothing since the patent expired. 29.

A) It encouraged people to invent. B) It protected people’s invention.

C) It publicized ideas that might be kept as trade secrets. D) It provided a way for people to make money out of ideas.

Passage Two 30.

A) A chocolate chipmaker. B) A big real estate agent. C) A cookie factory. D) A talent agency. 31.

A) He couldn’t sell the cookies. B) He was a bad manager.

C) He was not a good salesman. D) He was sued for libel. 32.

A) Because he was sued.

B) Because he gave up his trademark rights.

C) Because he sold the company to the Shanby Group. D) Because he had no money to register.

Passage Three 33.

A) He was born in New England.

B) He once worked for Harvard University. C) He was Edward Thomas’ friend. D) He wasn’t awarded any prize.