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Conversation One 19.

A) A chemistry assignment.

B) A study their chemistry professor did. C) A course the woman is taking. D) A job possibility. 20.

A) She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab. B) She wants to get practical experience.

C) She’s interested in becoming a psychology major. D) She wants to earn extra money. 21.

A) Write their lad reports.

B) Find out Professor Smith’s schedule. C) Interview some high school students. D) Finish their chemistry experiment.

Conversation Two 22.

A) She doesn’t want to pay the late fee. B) She was given incorrect information C) She can’t afford to pay her tuition.

D) She didn’t pass her mathematics course. 23.

A) The director couldn’t give her an appointment right away. B) The office was closed the first time she went. C) The computer was out of service the first time.

D) She didn’t have acceptable identification with her on her first visit. 24.

A) Her prior schooling B) Her age

C) Her residence D) Her driving record 25

A) The director probably isn’t able to make an exception. B) The director probably won’t see her. C) The director usually isn’t very helpful.

D) The director usually isn’t responsible for part-time students.

Test 3

Conversation One 19.

A) Her landlord will not give back the book. B) Her landlord did not return the book.

C) She has a big fine from the school.

D) She didn’t return eight books to the library. 20.

A) She had moved out of the old address. B) She did not care about them.

C) The library didn’t try to inform her about it.

D) The landlord refused to give the books back to her. 21.

A) It happened too long ago.

B) She was too busy to return the books. C) She gave the books to the landlord.

D) The landlord didn’t remember to return the books. 22.

A) Pay for the lost books.

B) Check if the books are still at her home. C) Check if the books are at Henzer’s place. D) Reconfirm whether the books were returned.

Conversation Two 23.

A) The University faculty. B) The Student Association. C) The Alumni Association. D) The President office. 24.

A) They are grateful students. B) They are “brains”.

C) They are hard-working students. D) They are fun people. 25.

A) She is the organizer.

B) She is contributing to some part of it.

C) She is the head of the Alumni Association. D) She was a student of the university once.

Test 4

Conversation One 19.

A) Going to Italy vs. helping her mother. B) Going to Nepal vs. staying home. C) Having fun vs. making money.

D) Attending her family vs. improving her job skills. 20.

A) Find a high-paying part-time job.

B) Practice his knowledge in field work. C) Borrow some money from financial aid.

D)Prepare for his last academic year in advance. 21.

A) Many programs are provided. B) It is difficult to get in.

C) Students’ fees are rather high.

D) Students have many chances to go abroad.

Conversation Two 22.

A) Specific paycheck

B) Sense of accomplishment. C) Chances of promotion. D) Awards she deserves. 23.

A) List her greatest strengths and weaknesses. B) Say something about her likes and dislikes. C) Write a brief report to her department manager.

D) Justify her choice for joining a small and young firm. 24.

A) Talking about her dislike of any subject. B) Regretting not getting along with her partners. C) Telling lies about her ability and disgrace. D) Making reference to her former employers. 25.

A) That will ensure her success in the speech contest. B) That will earn her additional scores in the exam. C) That will convey her interest in the host company. D) That will influence her superiors’ decision of award.

Test 5

Conversation One 19.

A) The erupted lava. B) The destructive ash. C) The unbearable heat. D) The poisonous gas


A) Indonesia.

B) Yellowstone National Park. C) The Wales.

D) The Great Britain. 21.

A) By observing the ordinary ones that have already erupted. B) By studying the larger part of a volcano hidden underground. C) By tapping their potential of imagination.

D) By resorting to past information and modern technology.

Conversation Two 22.

A) She knows nothing about the tennis courts. B) She does not have a good sense of distance. C) She is also a stranger to the university. D) She can serve as a great tourist guide. 23.

A) A large amount of money was donated by an unknown player. B) A schoolfellow raised millions of dollars for the construction. C) The school got a large fund from the local government. D) A rich businessman in the town contributed some money. 24.

A) Tennis. B) Hockey C) Gymnastics D) Bridge 25.

A) Introduce the woman to his friends.

B) Get familiar with the university campus. C) Go to the tennis courts for an appointment.

D) Take part in a tennis contest at a sports meeting.

IV. 短文听力

Test 1

Passage one 26.