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Exercise 1

The WTO was created in 1995 after the ( 1 ) round of world trade talks. The rounds began in 1947, each one on different areas of trade. The WTO tried to launch a ninth round in Seattle in 1999. But trade (2) argued and free trade (3) rioted. The WTO launched the ninth round in Doha, Qatar, in November of 2001. The new round was named the Doha Development Agenda. This was meant to show developing countries that the goals included reducing(4) . Two other ministerial (5) took place: in Cancun, Mexico, in 2003 and Hong Kong in 2005. There was little progress toward (6) on major issues. WTO Director General Pascal Lamy of France (7) the negotiations last July. But talks (8) in January. Mister Lamy said he planned to send a strong (9) this week to leaders of the Group of Eight and other nations at meetings in Germany. He said their active support is needed for a successful and (10) outcome. Last month he said the negotiations were (11) but not very fast. Twenty-one issues are listed under the Doha Development agenda. At the heart, though, is agriculture. Developing nations want industrial countries to end farm supports that (12) say drive down prices on world markets. The United States has (13) for as much as an eighty-five percent (14) and an(15) list of banned subsidies. European countries have (16) deep cuts. Last week, the new French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, said France would(17) any agreement that did not meet its (18) EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson warns that if the talks (19) now, they would not reopen before 2010. The European Union, the United States, India and Brazil are (20) for talks later this month. These four major WTO members are working for a deal on the Doha round by the end of the year. The World Trade Organization currently has one hundred fifty members.

Exercise 2

A new form of treating grief following the death of a loved one has been found to be

more successful than (1) psychotherapy in some patients. Two years ago, Heather Chatterjee's daughter, Renee, was killed in an (2) accident.

Heather Chatterjee: \ or any (4) that you can feel that describes

the (5) . It becomes (6) pain. It's the (7) and the (8)_______.” Ms. Chatterjee suffers from \grief\a condition that (9) an (10) ____ 10 to 20 percent of bereaved (11) following the loss of a loved one. Complicated grief includes (12) feelings that last six months or longer, according to psychiatrist Katherine Shear of the University of Pittsburgh.

Experts say people suffering from complicated grief do not (13) well to (14)______ psychotherapy.

So, Dr. Shear and (15) developed a new form of treatment(16)______ to get those with complicated grief to both accept their loss and(17) on their personal life goals. The therapy includes \ \one's death--and having the patient listen to the story daily, to help them lessen the (19) _______

of feeling. The patient also tells the loved one things they didn't get to hear in life.

In a study comparing the two types of therapy, 51 percent of people with complicated grief were helped compared to 28 percent of people receiving traditional psychotherapy. Dr. Shear was (20) by the results. Among them is Heather Chatterjee, who has come to accept the death of her daughter.

Heather Chatterjee: \ok. I can go on now. \

Exercise 3

The man widely (1) as Britain's greatest (2) playwright has won this year's Nobel prize for literature. The (3) was made by the Nobel (4) secretary Horace Engdahl in Stockholm.

Horace Engdahl said: \

English writer, Harold Pinter, who, in his plays, (5) the precipice (悬崖,绝壁)under everyday prattle (天真的谈话) , and forces entry into oppression's closed rooms. \

The playwright, who has written more than 30 works, is best known for his sparse style, dubbed \which takes full ( 6 ) --~ of the ( 7 ) and (8) that build the (9)_____effect. Mr. Engdahl says Harold Pinter (10) similarly when the call came through from the Nobel( 11 ) informing him of the award.. Mr. Engdahl said: \did not say many words. In fact, he was so surprised by this (12) , but he was very happy. \

Harold Pinter is best known for his plays, The Birthday Party and The Caretaker.

He is widely (13) to have (14) an (15) generation of British writers. Mr. Pinter

also has never shied away from (16) political (17) . The human rights (18) _____and anti-war (19) has in recent years been an (20) critic of the war in Iraq.

Exercise 4

Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and (1) ____ We're all used to thinking that work provides the (2) ____things of life--the goods and services that make possible our modern (3) .But we are much less (4) of the extent to which work provides the more (5) ___, but more ( 6 ) ____, psychological ( 7 ) that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.

Historically, work has been (8) with slavery and sin and(9)_____. And in our own day we are used to hearing the traditional(10) : \_____ I wish I could stay home today\ \to do and not enough time to do it\ Against this background, it may well come as a surprise to learn that not only psychologists but other (12) scientists have come to accept the positive (13) of work to the individual's happiness and sense of personal (14) . Work is more than a (15) for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and creativity.

Rather than a burden, work is the (16) to realize one's potential. Many psychiatrists heading mental health clinics have observed its (17) effect. A good many patients who feel depressed in clinics gain renewed self-confidence when gainfully employed and lose some, if not all, of their most acute (18)_____ .

And the (19) is true, too. For large numbers of people, the (20) of work is harmful to their health. Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the \do I do with myself?\ cares. Large numbers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don't have their jobs to go to, and must fend for (照顾) themselves. It has been observed that unemployment, quite aside from exerting financial pressures, brings enormous psychological troubles and that many individuals deteriorate rapidly when jobless.

But why? Why should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction? A good share of the answer rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of accomplishing.


1.__________________________________________________ A. Albert is at a loss what to say next. B. Albert is proud of his answer. C. Albert's answer was off the point. D. Albert's answer was to the point.

2. __________________________________________________ A. We won the game at four year intervals. B. Our team didn't win the championship. C. The Anderson's team won for three years.

D. The Anderson's baseball team hasn't won for four years.

3. __________________________________________________ A. Bill's opinion is different from Tom's. B. Bill is crying over his mistakes.

C. Bill called me up and talked about my report. D. Bill and Tom agree on the evaluation.

4. __________________________________________________ A. Your jacket is too tight to wear. B. Your jacket is too old to wear.

C. A new jacket will make you look sharp. D. I like your jacket better than a new one.

5. __________________________________________________ A. I have not written to Mark for three months. B. Mark will come back in two months. C. Please tell me how I can contact Mark. D. You'd better talk to him.

6. __________________________________________________ A. Sullivan found the watch.

B. Sullivan was absorbed in the work. C. Sullivan found some new evidence. D. Sullivan was an ex-detective.

7. __________________________________________________ A. Peter's story was too curious to believe.

B. Peter's story was so easy that Virginia could understand it. C. Virginia means to tell the story to Peter. D. Virginia couldn't understand Peter's story.

8 . __________________________________________________ A. Ellen was made to obey the rule.

B. Mr. Rogers rejected Ellen's proposals. C. Ellen was the first to present her opinion. D. Mr. Rogers asked Ellen to marry him.

9. __________________________________________________ A. Wally didn't go to the theater.

B. Wally happened to meet his friends. C. Wally had words with Robert.

D. Wally, John and Robert went to the theater together.

10. __________________________________________________ A. Betty is going to run the Anello Hotel. B. Betty is going to stay at the Anello Hotel. C. Betty won't make a reservation. D. Betty is at a loss where to go.

11. __________________________________________________ A. Debbie did not cash check because the bank was not open.

B. Debbie endorsed a check to do some shopping in a department store. C. Debbie did not open an account.

D. Debbie opened the bank by the department store.

12. __________________________________________________ A. Fourteen students submitted the term paper to George. B. Thirty-nine students turned in the term paper. C. Only George handed in the term paper. D. Only George turned in the term paper.

13. __________________________________________________ A. Ralph made reservations on the phone.