译林牛津英语电子课本 2016-2017学年牛津译林版八年级上英语组合训练含答案 联系客服

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译林牛津英语电子课本 2016-2017学年牛津译林版八年级上英语组合训练




2016-2017学年上学期八年级英语组合训练(8) 【完型填空】

The lion is called the king of all animals. Once it was also called as the king of the desert (沙漠). However, live in any desert now. Their colour different from yellow to brown and males (雄性动物190 kg and are about 1.20 metres tall while the females(雌性动物)weigh nearly 130 kg and are 1 beautiful fur, strong legs with sharp claws and a long tail.


Panthera Leo (非洲狮) lives in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. of animals. When it’its food, it can reach the speed of 60 km per hour and jump even 12 metres. The lion likes to eat its food at once, sometimes it has to hide the food because of hyenas (土狼). Hyenas are the only animals which kill lions for food.

20 to 30 members. In each family there is usually one , the lion population is in great danger mainly because of people’s hunting.

( ) 1. A. never B. always C. sometimes D. usually

( ) 2. A. is B. are C. am D. be

( ) 3. A. eat B. weigh C. grow D. hold

( ) 4. A. want B. need C. have D. like

( ) 5. A. Where B. Here C. There D. Which

( ) 6. A. chasing(追逐)B. watching C. enjoying D. thinking

( ) 7. A. so B. but C. and


D. because

( ) 8. A. made from B. made of C. made up with D. made in

( ) 9. A. healthy B. beautiful C. young D. grown(成年的)

( ) 10. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Unluckily D. Cheerfully

( ) 1. When does the koala often move around during a day?

A. In the morning. B. In the evening. C. In the afternoon. D. At weekends.

( ) 2. If someone sees a newly born koala, he will find that ___________________.

A. it is really small B. it can see everything C. it has thick hair D. it is very big

( ) 3. A baby koala can’t live without ____________________.

A. water B. grass C. milk D. meat ( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE? A An adult koala often weighs more than 16kg. B The female koala is smaller than the male one.

C The claws of the koala are sharp but their teeth are not.


D The koala often sleeps more than 20 hours.

( ) 5. The koala is in danger now. The main reason is that __________________. A. big animals eat them B. people hunt them for their fur C. people cut down many trees D. They often kill each other 【阅读表达】

Dogs are known as humans’friends.But in British woman Caroline’s eyes,her dog Sam means more.This special dog has completely changed her life.

Caroline had some hearing loss when she was a child。but she lived a normal life.However,when she was in her twenties,her hearing loss got worse and even simple conversations could be very tiring.Since 2007,she has lived in a quiet world with almost no sound.

One day when Caroline was shopping in a big shop,suddenly she found she was the only person there.All the other people left as the fire alarm went off.But she didn’t hear it at a11.She knew that it was time for her to ask for help.

Caroline wrote to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People,a famous