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(3) 买方是否有复验权?其复验的法律效力如何? 案例五:

1994年陕西某进出口公司(以下简称S公司)与德国某跨国钢铁公司新加坡公司(以下简称M公司)签订了进口一万吨拉丝盘条(WIRE ROD FOR DRAWING)合同,金额为USD3140000.00。付款方式为L/C180DAYS SIGHT。货物产地为保加利亚,材质为美国标准SAE1008。检验条款以SGS验货报告为付款依据.以中国出口商品检验局(CCIB)商检为索赔依据。争议最终解决方式为仲裁.仲裁地为香港,以香港法律为准。






(1)货物件数短少一事,我们会与保险公司交涉.但最终应由造成短少方赔偿; (2)关于“耳子”,指轧钢未被切掉的多余部分,一般的英文技术辞典都有解释,作为一个专业经营钢材的商业公司,不应该不明白; (3)关于短重一事.请遵守合同条款。


至此,S公司已清醒地意识到,对方根本没有 解决问题的诚意。怎么办?S公司为此专门请来了资深律师、国际结算专家共同出主意想办法.又结合S公司多年来处理涉外案件的经验、经反复研究讨论制定了如下索赔计划:



(3)向国际好事局提出申请.调查这批货的装船时间、地点能找到对方欺诈行为的证据; (4)向省高院通报此案,以寻求支持,因为根据以往经验,香港仲裁机构是不会受理此案的。一切都按计划进行。






至此,情况发展急转直下,S公司已完全由被动变主动了。当对方银行提示付款时,开证行回复:由于接到法院止付令笔贷款已拉冻结,请速电出口商.尽快解决其法律纠纷。 这时,M公司自然也积极起来.每天电话传真不断,对于法院介入大为光火。但一切的一切S公司都有道理,M公司只好自己品尝他们一手造成的尴尬。很快,M公司派人来S公司面谈,并强烈要求S公司败诉,以仲裁方式解决。对于没有及时验货,表示道歉。其总部亦泥人来天津,委托天津SGS并邀请S公司,三方共同验货,其结果与天津CCIB几乎一致。最后,M公司新加坡总裁飞抵北京,邀请S公司做最后谈判。经过大约连续l0个多小时的艰苦谈判双方互不相让。但M公司始终无法摆脱被动。




第三部分 附录


一、Willing to Establish Business Relations 1 Your name and address have been given us by ***



2 The American Consulate in Shanghai has advised us to get in touch with/communicate with/contact you concerning?

3 Will you please send us your catalogue and price list for?

4 Will you please quote price CIF San Francisco for the following items in the quantities stated?

5 We are also interested in your terms of payment and in discounts offered for regular orders.

6 We would appreciate a sample of each of the items listed above. 7 We are looking forward to hearing from you. 8 We would appreciate a prompt answer. 9 We hope to hear from you shortly.

10 Since the traditional season is approaching, we must ask you to reply by the end of this month.

11 Your letter expressing the hope of entering into business connections with us has been received with thanks.

12 Your Commercial Counsellor’s Office has referred us to you for establishing business relations with your corporation.

13 We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a SOE dealing exclusively in light industrial goods.

14 With a view to expanding our business at your end, we are writing to you in the hope that we can open up business relations with your firm.

15 In order to extend / to increase our export business at your end, we are writing to you in the hope that we can open up business relations with you.

16 As we learn that you buy large quantities of *** and as we are among the largest exporters of this article, we have pleasure in submitting herewith our samples and to see if we could commence business with your firm.

17 However desirous we are of establishing business relations with you, we regret being unable to do so as our previous commitment prevent us from doing so. 18 We are pleased to learn from your letter of ? that you wish to enter into trade relations with us but we feel sorry that the goods you wish to purchase are not in our line.

19 Much to our regret, we are unable to do business with you direct, as we have been represented by *** in your city.

20 Please accept our regret for having to decline your request for establishment of business relations with us as the items named in your letter have been exhausted. 21 We thank you for your letter of *** expressing your desire to trade with us direct, which coincides with ours.

22 We are indebted to *** ? for your name and address and should be pleased to open up business relations with your firm in the line of ?

二、Status Enquiry


1 We would like to know whether the ABC Company is in the wholesale trade. 2 We should be glad to know if ABC Company is among the leading wholesale firms in your country.

3 We shall appreciate it if you will let us know their financial position. 4 We should be pleased to know whether they have the reputation of paying promptly. 5 Any information you can give as to their capital would be greatly valued by us. 6 Will you please be good enough to obtain for us all the information possible respecting the financial standing and modes of business of?

7 There is a firm in your city by the name of ?, who have written to us that they are the leading importers in your place dealing in chemicals and that they now wish to switch to us for the supply of the similar item. As we have no business relations with them before we should be most grateful for any information you may obtain for us.

8 We are at present negotiating with the firm named below about the question of agency. They have given us your name as a reference. Will you please inform us frankly whether you consider we may safely give them credit to the extent of US $10,000. 9 We should appreciate it if you would obtain for us reliable information respecting ***? if ? .We wish to know if their financial standing is considered strong. 10 We wish to inform you that ***, whose name you gave us as a reference, have replied to us and they say they are unable to trace your name on their books. Will you please, therefore, furnish us with another reference, so that we may take up the matter without delay.

11 Not having your name on our book, we respectfully request that you furnish us with two references.

12 We thank you for your letter of ? giving us references, but regret to say that these are not what we require. If you will please refer to our last letter, you will notice that we ask for bank references.

13 May we ask for the favor of your advice, in confidence, as to the prudence of our allowing credit to the extent of US $ 5,000 to the firm named at the foot of this letter.

14 We should be greatly obliged if you would inform us a. how long they have had a credit account with you. b. if you consider them good for $ 10,000.

c. if their account with you is overdue at present. d. whether they pay punctually or promptly. e. of their credit standing.

三、Enquiries And Replies

1. Thank you for your enquiry of 3 August. 2. We are pleased to have your enquiry for ? 3. ?We are pleased to inform you that?

