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发布时间 : 星期二 文章中国人说英语音标更新完毕开始阅读

All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 单词训练 词首


old /????/ 老的 post /?????/ 邮件 open /’?????/ 开cold /?????/ 冷的 的

goat /????/ 山羊 over /’????/ 结束 home /????/ 家 only /’?????/ 只有 词尾

短语训练 on the road. 在路上 at the most. 最多 so cold. 太冷了 wrote a poem. 写了首诗句子训练 No smoking here. 这儿不能吸烟。

There will be a magic show in October. 十月份将有魔术表演、

My home ia very close to my school. 我家离学校很近。

He is nobody and holds no post here.

no /???/ 不 grow /????/ 成长 know /???/ 知道




双元音/??/与/??/ /??/


Never judge by appearances. 人不可貌相。 单词训练

词首 词中

ear /??/ 耳朵 real /????/ 真的 hero /’??????/ 英雄

material /??’???????/ 物质

theatre /’?????/ 戏院

短语训练 here and there. 到处 clear away. 清理 drink the beer. 喝啤酒 fear nothing. 无所畏惧句子训练 Cheers! 干杯!

There is nothing to fear in the world. 世事没什么可怕的。 I have explained it very clearly. 我已经把它解释得很清楚了。 Is there any cinemas near here?


dear /???/ 亲爱的 near /???/ 接近 fear /???/ 恐惧 appear /?’???/ 出现18

附近有电影院吗? /??/

一句话练发音 Beware beginnings. 凡事开头要当心。 单词训练


air /??/ 空气

area /’?????/ 地区 airport /’????:?/ 机场


barely /’?????/ 几乎不 careful /’??????/ 小心的 various /’???????/ 各种各样的


hair /???/ 头发 wear /???/ 穿

repair /??’???/ 修理 compare /???’???/ 比较

短语训练 holiday wear. the lion’s share. at the trade fair. at various times. 句子训练

She worked as an interpreter at the trade fair. 她在交易会上当过翻译。

He must deal with many affairs every day. 他每天要处理许多事情。 He is not fair and square. 他办事不公正。

I don’t care what she wears.


节日服装 最大的份额 在交易会上 在不同的时代

我不在乎她穿什么。 双元音/??/与/??/ /??/

一句话练发音 Poor but honest. 虽贫穷,但诚实 单词训练



jury/’??????/ 陪审团 tour/???/ 旅行 usual/’??:????/ 平常的 sure/???/ 当然 curious/’????????/ 好奇的 pure/????/ 纯洁的Europe/’??????/ 欧洲

cure/????/ 治疗

短语训练 make sure 确信 as usual 照例 pure English 纯正的英语 during the day 在白天


Our product sells well in European countries. 我们的产品在欧洲国家销路很好。 Mary made a tour to ltaly in February. 玛丽二月份去意大利旅行了。

I’m quite sure that the watch is made of pure gold.