我国文化贸易逆差原因分析及对策研究(1) 联系客服

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辽宁科技大学信息技术学院本科生毕业设计(论文 ) 第 I 页


摘 要


关键词:文化贸易; 逆差原因; 对策

辽宁科技大学信息技术学院本科生毕业设计(论文 ) 第 II 页

Analysis on the reason for China's cultural trade

deficit and Countermeasures


In recent years, with depth development of economic globalization, cultural trade as a new form of trade has become an important part of an important economic and national growth of international trade. Our country is a big country and cultural resources, is not the cultural trade powerhouse. Although China's foreign trade in the development process, and gradually realized that the cultural industries and cultural trade in an important way to develop their economies and enhance their level of external development, and in recent years, China's cultural industry has also experienced a scratch, the gradual development of the situation and have made certain achievements stage, but China's development of foreign trade in culture, when the deficit is still more serious, especially in the core cultural products, cultural trade with foreign countries have a big gap, always in a huge state deficit . The reason is because the international competitiveness of China's cultural products is weak, and cultural development of China's foreign trade, the country has been more and more attention and support competitiveness of China's cultural trade should be optimized and enhanced. Therefore, the study of the cultural status quo of China's foreign trade, analyze problems and shortcomings of China's foreign trade in cultural presence, find solutions to China's foreign trade deficit in cultural programs and a way for the development of China's cultural trade has a very important significance. This article will introduce the concept of cultural trade, starting characteristics, reasons for China's foreign trade deficit and cultural development problems were analyzed, summarized the causes and proposed the development of cultural policies and measures China's foreign trade.

Key Words: cultural trade; deficit causes; countermeasures

辽宁科技大学信息技术学院本科生毕业设计(论文 ) 第 III 页

目 录

摘 要 .................................................................. I ABSTRACT ............................................................. II 第1章 绪论 .......................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景及目的 .................................................... 1 1.2国内外主要研究成果 ................................................ 1 1.3研究方法及研究内容 ................................................ 2 第2章 文化贸易的概念与特点 .......................................... 4 2.1文化贸易的概念及特点 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。 2.1.1 文化贸易的概念 ................................................ 4 2.1.2文化贸易的特点 ................................................ 5贸易市场的高度垄断性 ........................................ 5 2.2我国文化贸易发展现状 .............................................. 6 2.2.1文化贸易的规模 ................................................ 6 2.2.2文化贸易的地理结构 ............................................ 6 第3章 我国文化贸易逆差原因分析 ....................................... 8 3.1国际营销薄弱 ...................................................... 8 3.2我国对外文化贸易结构不平衡 ........................................ 8 3.3无序竞争制约了文化产品出口效益 .................................... 9 3.4中介发育不全 ...................................................... 9 3.5政府服务不到位、政策支持力度不够 .................................. 9 3.6 缺乏优秀的企业和产品 ............................................. 10 第4章 我国文化贸易发展对策 .......................................... 11 4.1 政府层面的对策 ................................................... 11 4.1.1要有明确的发展目标 ........................................... 11 4.1.2明确支持重点 ................................................. 11 4.1.3加大财税支持 ................................................. 12

辽宁科技大学信息技术学院本科生毕业设计(论文 ) 第 IV 页

4.1.4强化金融服务 ................................................. 12 4.2企业层面上的对策 ................................................. 13 4.2.1加强人才的培养与人才留住机制建设 ............................. 13 4.2.2完善文化产业的运营机构 ....................................... 13 4.2.3加强文化传播的高度 ........................................... 14 结 论 ............................................................... 15 致 谢 ............................................................... 16 参考文献 ............................................................. 17