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发布时间 : 星期五 文章肖申克的救赎全部台词更新完毕开始阅读


-Heywood: Six feet long. feet: 英尺 六英尺长。

-Skeets: And you gave it to him. 那你给他了?

-Heywood: Sure. Why wouldn't I? 当然为什么不呢?

-Floyd: Jesus! Heywood. 上帝!Heywood。

-Heywood: How was I supposed to know? be supposed to: 认为 suppose: 推想 我怎么知道?

-Floyd: Remember Hatlen? 还记得Brooks吗?

-Skeets: Andy would never do that. Never. 不,Andy不会那样做的,永远不会。

-Red: I don't know. Every man has his breaking point. breaking point: 断裂点,强度极限 我不敢肯定,人总有脆弱的一刻。 -Warden: Lickety-split. Want to get home. lickety-split: (美国口语)赶快地 快点要收工了。

-Andy: Just about finished, sir. Three deposits tonight. deposit: 存款


-Warden: Get my stuff down to the laundry. And shine my shoes. I want them looking like mirrors. stuff: 东西 laundry: 洗衣房 shine: 使?发光 mirror: 镜子

把我的衣服拿到洗衣处去,还要擦一下我的鞋子,我要它们看起来像镜子一样亮。 -Andy: Yes, sir. 好的,先生。

-Warden: It's good having you back. Place wasn't the same without you. 你能回来真好,Andy,你不在的话,一切都不一样了。 -Police officer C: Lights out! 熄灯。

-Red: I've had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can draw out like a blade.

stir: 扰乱 nothing but: 只有 thought: 思想 draw out: 拔出 blade: 刀片 那是个辗转难眠的长夜,孤独的黑暗中只有思想,时间像把快刀。 That was the longest night of my life. 那是我一生中最漫长的夜晚。

-Police officer F: Give me a count! Tier 3 south, clear! count: 总数 tier: 一层


-Police officer F: Man missing on tier 2, cell 245! cell: 小牢房


-Haig: Dufresne! Come out. You're holding up the show! hold up: 停顿


Don't make me come down or I'll thump your skull for you! thump: (用棍棒的)重击 skull: 头骨 别要我下来打爆你的头。

Damn it, you're putting me behind! I got a schedule to keep.

damn it: 〈俚语〉该死 put behind: 延搁 schedule: 预定计划 他妈的,你不要耽误我,我还有很多事要做。

You'd better be sick or dead in there. I shit you not! You hear me? Oh, my Holy God. holy: 神圣的

你最好是病了或者死了,你听到了吗?啊,我的上帝! -Warden: I want every man on this cellblock questioned. He! cellblock: 监狱中一组囚犯室 question: 审讯 查问这里的每一个犯人。他! Police Open 237. 打开237号的门。

-Warden: What do you mean, \你什么意思,“他不在这了”?别跟我说这种话,别再这样说。 -Haig: But sir, he wasn't.


-Warden: I can see that, Haig! Think I'm blind? Is that what you're saying? Am I blind, Haig? blind: 瞎的

我看得见!你认为我瞎了吗?这就是你想说的吗?我瞎了吗? - Haig: No, sir! 没有!长官

-Warden: What about you. You blind? Tell me what this is. 那你呢?你瞎了吗?告诉我这是什么? -Hadley: Last night's count. 昨晚的查房记录。

-Warden: You see Dufresne's name there? I sure do. Right there. 你看到Dufresne的名字吗?我确定,就在那里。

Dufresne. He was in his cell at lights out. Reasonable he'd be here in the morning. reasonable: 合理的 “Dufresne”,他熄灯的时候,还在囚室里的。因此今早他也应该在。 I want him found. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now! 我要找到他,不是明天,不是早饭后,是现在! -Haig: Yes, sir. Let's go. Move your butts.

butt: 〈口语〉屁股【移动你的屁股,可理解为“走”】 是的,长官。快走。 -Hadley: Stand.


-Warden: Well? 那么?

-Red: Well, what? 那么,什么?

-Warden: I see you two all the time. You're thick as thieves, you are. He must have said something. thick: 〈口语〉亲密的

你们常在一起,亲密得像做贼一样,他肯定对你说过些什么。 -Red: No, sir, Warden. Not a word. 没有,先生,狱长。什么都没说。

-Warden: Lord, it's a miracle! Man vanished like a fart in the wind. Nothing left but some damn rocks on a windowsill.

miracle: 奇迹 vanish: 消失 fart: 〈俚语〉屁 windowsill: 窗台

主啊,这是个奇迹,人就像屁一样在风中消失了。什么都没留下,只剩下窗台上的石头。 And that cupcake on the wall. Let's ask her. Maybe she knows. cupcake: 杯子蛋糕【可爱的女孩】「a cute, adorable girl—from urban dictionary」 和那墙上的小妞,问问她吧,也许她知道些什么。 What say there, fuzzy-bitches? Feel like talking? Guess not.

fuzzy-bitch: 贱人[Any person who says annoying shit or performs annoying actions—From Urban Dictionary]


Why should she be any different? 为什么她有点特别?

This is a conspiracy. That's what this is. One big, damn conspiracy! conspiracy: 阴谋

这是一个阴谋,肯定是的。一个该死的大阴谋!所有人都有参与! And everyone's in on it! Including her! 包括她!

-Red: “In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Prison.” “在1966年,Andy Dufresne从肖申克监狱逃了出去。”

“All they found was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, muddy: 肮脏的 soap: 肥皂


and an old rock hammer damn near worn down to the nub.” hammer: 榔头 wear down: (使)磨损 nub: 小块 和一个很旧的手槌,几乎快被削成一小块。“

“I had thought it'd take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it.” tunnel: 挖隧道


“Old Andy did it in less than 20. Oh, Andy loved geology.” geology: 地质学

“Andy用不到二十年就办到了,Andy很喜欢地质学。” “I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature.” imagine: 猜想 meticulous: 一丝不苟的 nature: 本性


“An ice age here million years of mountain building there.”

“如果这里有一段冰河时期,百万年后,山脉就会在那里形成。” “Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes, really. “ “地质学是关于压力和时间的研究。需要的仅仅就是这些。” “Pressure and time. That and a big goddamn poster.”

pressure: 压力 goddamn: 该死的,讨厌的【此处并没有讨厌的意思】 poster: 海报 “压力和时间,还有一张大海报。”

“Like I said in prison, a man will do anything to keep his mind occupied.” occupy: 占据


“Seems Andy's favorite hobby was toting his wall out into the exercise yard, a handful at a time.” tote: 搬运 at a time: 每次,一次


“I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he'd been here long enough.” “我猜在Tommy被杀后,Andy觉得他在此呆得已够久了。” -Warden: Lickety-split. I want to get home. lickety-split: (美国口语)赶快地 尽快,我要回家了。

-Andy: I'm just about finished, sir. Three deposits tonight. deposit: 存款


-Red: “Andy did like he was told. Buffed those shoes to a high mirror-shine. “ buff: 擦亮

“Andy照他的吩咐,把鞋擦得闪闪发亮。” “The guards simply didn't notice. Neither did I.” notice: 注意


“I mean, seriously how often do you really look at a man's shoes?” seriously: 认真地


“Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness I can't even imagine.” crawl: 匍匐而行 freedom: 自由 yards : 码 foulness: 污物 imagine: 想象 “Andy朝向自由爬了五百码,我难以想像有多臭的下水道。” “Or maybe I just don't want to. Five hundred yards. “或许我只是不想去爬。五百码。”

“That's the length of five football fields. Just shy of half a mile.” shy: 不足的


“The next morning, right about the time Raquel was spilling her secret, spill: (口语)道出(秘密)


a man nobody ever laid eyes on before strolled into the Maine National Bank.” stroll: 溜达 national bank: 国家银行