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49.C 细节理解题.根据最后一段句子the director said.\(感激) the help of others to get things done.You are hired.\经理说,我想让一个人能感谢别人帮你完成的事情,你被录取了.可知因为他能感觉别人的帮助.故选C.

50.B 细节理解题.根据第六段句子The young man cleaned his mother's hands slowly.His tears fell as he did that.It was the first time he had noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled (皱褶的).He realized it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.年轻人慢慢地清洗着母亲的双手,他的眼泪掉下来,他做到了.这是他第一次注意到他母亲的手,布满了皱纹.他意识到是这双手帮助他支付了学费.可知妈妈非常努力地工作来支付儿子的学费.故选B. 51.

Martin Finster Mr Roy Anderson Sales Assistant Department Manager Phone:010﹣1234567 ABC Company Email:martinfinster@163.com Chicago,the US. March 21,2017 Dear Mr Anderson: I'm writing to ask for a three﹣day leave of absence for going to my brother's wedding(婚礼).My brother Toby lives in New York now,so I have to go there by plane.As I was chosen as the best man,there are a lot of things to do.If possible,I would like to leave work on March 28 (Tuesday) and return on March 31. Although I will not be in office during this time period,I will still be available via email or phone.Please do contact me if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Martin Finster (Martin Finster) 51.Martin wrote this letter because B .

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A.he was going to get married

B.he asked for private leave to his brother's wedding C.he wanted to ask the manger for more money D.he could only contact the office via phone or email 52.What's the groom's(新郎) name? C

A.Martin Finster. B.Roy Finster. C.Toby Finster. D.Roy Anderson. 53.The underlined word\ A \.

A.可找到的 B.可获益的 C.可预见的 D.可信赖的 54.The personal leave is going on for three days because B . A.there is going to be a wedding three days from now

B.New York is far away from Chicago and the best man has a lot to do C.people from the office can still contact him via phone or email D.the manager won't agree to personal leave more than three days 55.From the passage we know that C . A.Martin will go to New York by train.

B.Mr.Roy Anderson is the sales assistant of ABC Company. C.Martin will be probably at the wedding party on March 29. D.Martin's role as the best man isn't important. 【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读.


51.B.【解答】细节题.结合I'm writing to ask for a three﹣day leave of absence for going to my brother's wedding可知是为了哥哥的婚礼请假,故选B.

52.C.My brother Toby lives in New 细节题.结合作者是Martin Finster和my brother's wedding(婚礼).York now故可知哥哥是Toby Finster,故选C.

53.A.推理题.结合Please do contact me if you have any questions.可知可以联系他,可知划线部分单词是表达可以找到的,故答案是A.

54.B.so I have to go there by plane.As I was chosen 细节题.结合My brother Toby lives in New York now,as the best man,there are a lot of things to do.可知路远还有伴郎很多事情要做,故答案是B. 55.C.细节题.结合,I would like to leave work on March 28 (Tuesday) and return on March 31.可知婚礼可能在29日,马丁会赶过去参加,故选C.

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56.Zhang Shiwang is a farmer from Chongqing.Whenever he does business with people from other places,he always invites a\.He can only speak a dialect(方言).Most people don't understand him,so the translator helps to translate his words into Mandarin (普通话).

This is the case for many farmers in China.Mandarin was set as the standard spoken Chinese in 1955,but is still not spoken by about 30% of people across the country,reported Xinhua.China wants to increase the rate of nationals speaking Mandarin to 80% by 2020,according to a recent plan from the Ministry of Education (教育部) and State Language Commission (国家语言文字工作委员会).

The plan asks for teachers to improve their Mandarin speaking abilities.New teachers must meet national Mandarin speaking standards before getting a job at a school.Civil servants (公务员) are also needed to take the lead in speaking and learning Mandarin.

What's more,the plan says that our country will provide special training lessons for farmers and herdsmen in the central and western areas.That's because the gap (差距) between different areas and groups of people is huge.The rate for speaking Mandarin is above 90% in large cities,but is only 40% in many rural (农村的) areas,noted Guangming Daily.

However,helping more people speak Mandarin does not mean that everyone should speak like broadcasters (播音员).\broadcast,as well as express yourself correctly in Mandarin,\,director of the department of language and character management at the Ministry of Education,told CNR News.

56.A\ B . A.learn communication skills

B.translate his dialect into Mandarin. C.translate others'words into his dialect D.understand other people's dialects.

57.How long has Mandarin been set as the standard spoken Chinese? B A.For 55 years. B.For 62 years. C.Since 1949. D.Since 1965.

58.What is the recent plan about? C

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A.Farmers across China should speak Mandarin. B.Mandarin will be the standard spoken Chinese. C.80% of Chinese will speak Mandarin by 2020. D.All Chinese people must speak Mandarin by 2020.

59.Who must meet national Mandarin speaking standards before getting a job? A A.New teachers. B.Doctors. C.Civil servants.

D.Farmers and herdsmen.

60.Which of the following is NOT true according to the plan? D

A.There is a large gap(差距) between different areas and groups of people. B.Civil servants should speak Mandarin.

C.The country will offer special training lessons to certain people. D.Speaking Mandarin means that you must speak like broadcaster. 【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读. 【分析】文章大意:





59.A,细节理解题,文中提到\getting a job at a school.Civil servants (公务员) are also needed to take the lead in speaking and learning Mandarin\教师和公务员上岗之前必须拿到普通话等级证书,由此推测选择A.

60.D,细节理解题,文中提到\speak like broadcasters\让更多的人说普通话并不意味着要达到播音员的水准,只要能够清楚的表达自己的意思就好,由此确定D错误.