河北省石家庄市藁城区初中毕业班质量检测英语试卷(解析版).doc 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章河北省石家庄市藁城区初中毕业班质量检测英语试卷(解析版).doc更新完毕开始阅读

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On a cold November afternoon,my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store.We had bought many things.We were dressed warmly,and I was feeling a little (36) as I was carrying our shopping bag.I decided to (37) something away.I was walking towards a dustbin when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us.He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it.

I suddenly felt very (38) because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy.I walked up to him and handed the drink and some bread over to him.The man looked up in surprise and took what I gave him.A huge smile (39)I felt I couldn't be happier with on his face.(40) .But then he said:\,this is my son's lucky day!\

With that,he thanked me (41) and started off on his bike.I even heard him singing as he rode away.It gave me a warm (42)I now understand what it (43) inside. when someone says,\.\I learned more in those two minutes than (44) it was only a small act,I did in the rest of the month.Everyone in the world (45) help.Everyone can give help and everyone can be helped.

The look of that man's happiness appears in my mind whenever I have the chance to do something nice.This is the power of kindness. 36.A.worried B.interested 37.A.throw


C.surprised C.give C.sorry C.went C.yourself C.madly C.word C.looks C.Because C.takes

D.tired D.keep D.proud D.ran D.himself D.angrily D.feeling D.offers D.Unless D.brings.

38.A.nervous B.happy 39.A.turned 40.A.myself 41.A.sadly 42.A.idea

B.appeared B.ourselves B.happily B.welcome

43.A.chooses B.means 44.A.If 45.A.needs

B.Though B.gives

四、阅读理解(共3小题,每小题10分,计30分)阅读A、 B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的

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46.A young man entered the last interview of a company.The director found that the young man's (进入)academic(学业的) grades were very good.

\?\.\,\. \(学费)?\.\when I was one year old,so it was my mother who paid for my school fees,\. \did your mother work?\director asked.\mother cleaned clothes,\young man said.The director looked at the young man's hands.He had a pair of smooth and perfect hands. \?\.\,\answered.\,\.\,go and clean your mother's hands,and then see me tomorrow morning.\

The young man felt that his chance of getting the job was high.When he went back,he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands.His mother felt strange; happy but with mixed feelings.She showed her hands to the kid.The young man cleaned his mother's hands slowly.His tears fell as he did that.It was the first time he had noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled (皱褶的).He realized it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.

The next morning,the young man went to the director's office.\,and I know that without my mother.I would not be the person I am today,\.

\,\.\(感激) the help of others to get things done.You are hired.\

46.The young man's mother to pay for his school fee. A. made clothes B.washed clothes C.cleaned rooms D.sold phones

47.What did the director ask the young man to do? A.To write a thank﹣you card to his mother. B.To wash his mother's hands. C.To help his mother do housework. D.To clean the company's floor.

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48.How did the young man's mother feel when he washed her hands? A.He felt surprised. B.He had mixed feelings. C.He felt sad.

D.He was filled with happiness.

49.The director hired the young man because . A.he cleaned his mother's hands B.he had good academic grades C.he could appreciate others'help D.he knew how to thank his mother

50.What can be inferred from this passage? A.The young man didn't do well in his study.

B.The mother worked very hard to pay for his son's school fees. C.The young man's hands were wrinkled because of hard work. D.The director refused the young man at last. 51.

Martin Finster Mr Roy Anderson Sales Assistant Department Manager Phone:010﹣1234567 ABC Company Email:martinfinster@163.com Chicago,the US. March 21,2017 Dear Mr Anderson: I'm writing to ask for a three﹣day leave of absence for going to my brother's wedding(婚礼).My brother Toby lives in New York now,so I have to go there by plane.As I was chosen as the best man,there are a lot of things to do.If possible,I would like to leave work on March 28 (Tuesday) and return on March 31. Although I will not be in office during this time period,I will still be available via email or phone.Please do contact me if you have any questions. 精品文档 欢迎下载 Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Martin Finster (Martin Finster) 51.Martin wrote this letter because . A.he was going to get married

B.he asked for private leave to his brother's wedding C.he wanted to ask the manger for more money D.he could only contact the office via phone or email 52.What's the groom's(新郎) name?

A.Martin Finster. B.Roy Finster. C.Toby Finster. D.Roy Anderson. 53.The underlined word\ \.

A.可找到的 B.可获益的 C.可预见的 D.可信赖的 54.The personal leave is going on for three days because . A.there is going to be a wedding three days from now

B.New York is far away from Chicago and the best man has a lot to do C.people from the office can still contact him via phone or email D.the manager won't agree to personal leave more than three days 55.From the passage we know that . A.Martin will go to New York by train.

B.Mr.Roy Anderson is the sales assistant of ABC Company. C.Martin will be probably at the wedding party on March 29. D.Martin's role as the best man isn't important.

56.Zhang Shiwang is a farmer from Chongqing.Whenever he does business with people from other places,he always invites a\.He can only speak a dialect(方言).Most people don't understand him,so the translator helps to translate his words into Mandarin (普通话).

This is the case for many farmers in China.Mandarin was set as the standard spoken Chinese in 1955,but is