接力版六年级下册小学英语全册同步练习(一课一练) 联系客服

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Leeson 8 It’s time to say goodbye. 第一课时 答案


【解析】本题考查单词的使用。 【答案】1. happiness 二、

【解析】本题考查本单元单词句型的掌握。 【答案】ACABA 三、

【解析】本题考查重点句型的使用。 【答案】1. What are you doing? 2. I am making a card. 3. It is time to say goodbye. 4. Who is it for?

5. I’m going to make a card for our English teacher. 四、

【解析】本题考查固定搭配及句型掌握。 【答案】EACDB 五、


【答案】(1) He is a primary school student.

(2) He is writing goodbye to his primary school and his classmates. (3) Yes, he is.

(4) Wishing you happiness every day! Good luck for the future.

2. wishes

3. wish

4. kind

5. making

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精品文档 用心整理

Leeson 8 It’s time to say goodbye. 第二课时 习题


( ) 1. A. write ( ) 2. A. sun ( ) 3. A. letters ( (

B. read B. earth

C. wishes

C. naughty

C. goodbye

C. forever

B. messages

) 4. A. happiness ) 5. A. he

B. kind

B. she C. her


11. What are you _______? A. doing

B. do

C. to do

12. Can I have _______? A. look

B. looking

C. a look

13. I’m _______ make a card. A. going

B. going to

C. /

14. It’s time _______ goodbye. A. say

B. saying

C. to say

15. You’re always kind _______ us. A. to

B. for

C. with


1. 四年前你成为我第一位英语老师。


2. 我的英语一开始不好。


3. 现在是和学校告别的时候了。


4. 永远祝福你!


5. 祝你天天开心!



A:Time flies! It’s 1 to say goodbye to my junior high school!. When looking back at these past six 2. (year), I remember many things.

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精品文档 用心整理

B:Yeah, I will miss Ms.Miller very much. She was so __3__(kind). A: I used to be weak in English, but she __4_ me a lot. She 5.(teach) us so well. B:She was also strict with us and nobody was allowed to arrive late. A:But she was also friendly and always made her classes 6.(interest). B:Yes, we 7 lucky to meet her. A:Shall we get each of them a card and a gift to say 8 you? B:OK. Let’s make a card by 9.(we) A:Good idea.



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Leeson 8 It’s time to say goodbye. 第二课时 答案


【解析】本题考查本单元单词句型的掌握。 【答案】CCCAC


【解析】本题考查本单元单词句型的掌握。 【答案】ACBCA 三、


【答案】1. Four years ago, you became my first English. 2. My English was not good at first. 3. It’s time to say goodbye to our school. 4. Best wishes to you!

5. I wish you happiness every day! 四、

【解析】略。 【答案】1. time

2. years

3. kind

4. helped

7. were

8. thank

9. ourselves


【解析】本题考查写作能力。 【答案】略

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5. taught 6. interesting