新编英语语法教程答案(章振邦第四版) 联系客服

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on top of 13. In the case of 14. in the shade 15. at a loss 16. in possession of 17. in the possession of 18. under cover 19. burning the midnight oil 20. at short notice Ex. 7F

1. Light travels faster than sound.

2. Be quiet, please. Don‘t let me hear a sound.

3. In writing English, after each word we leave a space. 4. This box occupies too much space.

5. After a big meal, you should take a rest. 6. Everybody needs food, drink and rest. 7. He did it out of kindness.

8. Thank you. You have done me a kindness. 9. He lives close at hand.

10. The children suffered a lot at the hands of their stepfather. 11. Have you got an English-French dictionary?

12. Have you got an English and a French dictionary?

13. How do you like the red and white roses in my garden?

14. Have you seen the red (roses) and the white roses in my garden? 15. He is still in hospital.

16. I‘m going to the hospital to see him. 17. There is a garden in front of the house. 18. There is a picture in the front of the book. 19. This style of dress is no longer in fashion. 20. She likes to read about the lastest fashion. 21. Don‘t talk too much at table.

22. My friend was sitting at the table writing a letter. 23. When we called, his family were at dinner.

24. When we called, his family was giving a dinner.

25. The students take / took quite a fancy to their teacher. 26. The exhibits in the hall soon took the fancy of the visitors. 27. The old man is in possession of a huge fortune.

28. This island was once in the possession of the Great Britain. 29. You must immediately consult a doctor in case of illness.

30. Pauline is stupid, but it is different in the case of Mary; she is just lazy. 新编英语语法教程 第08讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 8A

1. its 2. his, he 3. them 4. it has 5. it, it has to 6. its / their 7. its 8. him / them

9. he is / they are 10. it 11. it 12. his / their 13. isn‘t it 14. take / takes 15. his / their 16. has, her 17. their 18. has, his 19. they, themselves 20. tends, itself Ex. 8B

1. it / she 2. It 3. it / her 4. her 5. his / one‘s, he / one, his / one‘s 6. himself 7. she 8. it / she 9. he / he or she, he / he or she 10. it / she 11.

it / she 12. his / his or her, his / his or her 13. it / him 14. it / him, it / he 15. It 16. he / he or she 17. his / her 18. it / she 19. he / he or she 20. he / he or she, he / he or she Ex. 8C (略)

新编英语语法教程 第09讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 9A

1. me 2. me 3. she 4. me 5. her 6. she 7. whom 8. who 9. who 10. whoever 11. him 12. its 13. anyone else‘s 14. his 15. who 16. whoever 17. his 18. her 19. whom, her 20. whom Ex. 9B

1. theirs,ours 2. its, it’s 3. of his 4. The professor himself 5. for herself 6. beside ourselves 7. conducts himself 8. itself 9. he / he himself 10. no change 11. she / she herself 12. him 13. me 14. whom 15. who 16. whoever 17. us, who

18. him 19. his 20. whoever 21. his 22. your arriving late 23. whomever 24. Their

25. who 26. whoever 27. me 28. he himself 29. one / he 30. whether you Ex. 9C

1. …to teach the facts of life to their children. 2. …to change this situation…

3. …with great potentials which are not enhanced… 4. …major in accounting.

5. Bud Ellis challenged Jody Baker to a game of chess when they met at the Recreation Centre.

6. This morning‘s paper says that Route 4 can‘t be used until the flood damage is repaired.

7. On a hill was situated the cottage, which…

8. Two weeks after his uncle moved to Florida, Ed sold… 9. …as if the jails were equipped with revolving doors. 10. I put the package of frozen strawberries…

11. Before she left for Europe, Mother asked Mrs Spry to visit her. 12. …this vitamin, which is essential to sound teeth.

13. Burkett‘s being given the leading role in the play displeased the rest of the cast. 14. …all the clothes stored in the attic were ruined.

15. Ann and Jan wouldn‘t even look at each other when they met…

16. Since her arrival in New York, this was the first time that she had seen her mother.

17. …shoes. This pleased Mother tremendously.

18. …Those / The people interviewed are sometimes indignant. 19. When he spoke to the lawyer, Dad was extremely nervous…

20. …that the holiday makers can hardly find places to sit down, which is why those people who hate crowds keep away from these places. Ex. 9D

1. I 2. My 3. my 4. I 5. I 6. themselves 7. them 8. my 9. I 10. them 11. these 12. I 13. their 14. their 15. their 16. their 17. I 18. myself 19. them 20. them 21. I 22. I 23. I 24. me 25. it 26. my 27. my 28. I 29. they 30. me 31. I 32. they 33. the 34. their 35. it 36. they 37.they 38. they 39. They 新编英语语法教程 第10讲 练习参考答案 Ex, 10A

1. Don‘t speak loudly. The children are sleeping. 2. Don‘t disturb me. I‘m thinking.

3. The chidlren were jumping to keep warm.

4. The woman got mad. She was hitting her head against the wall. 5. Old Tom knows Russian, but he can‘t speak it well. 6. I hope she likes these reses.

7. Halleck resembles his father very much in disposition and appearance. 8. This material feels soft.

9. I believe we will certainly achieve success.

10. Last night we dined at a Thai restaurant. These almost all the dishes taste hot. 11. In grammar, English differs greatly from Spanish/ 12. This bus can hold 40 people.

13. This rule applies to all the tourists.

14. They were talking about pollution of the environment. 15. Spring is here. The treetops are turning green.

16. The economic situation there has changed from bad to worse. 17. I‘m getting old. I can‘t walk such a long distance. 18. This trunk weighs 50 kilos.

19. Surely you are imagining things.

20. I am not feeling (I don‘t feel) very tired. Ex. 10B

2. called off 3. carry out 4. catch up with 5. came round / to 6. cutting down 7. looked into 8. held up 9. turn up 10. Keep off 11. Knocked him out 12. let you off

13. leave out 14.mix up 15. bring up 16. blew it up 17. Look out 18. put off 19. look on 20. put up 21. running into 22. run up against 23. sold out 24. send for / call in 25. taking…in 26. turned down 27. turned out 28. work out 29. wound up 30. took on, worn out, give…up Ex. 10C

1. This case is being looked into by the police.

2. Before long the children had taken to their ner teacher.

3. We can‘t rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty. 4. The First World War broke out in 1914.

5. When she came to, she found herself lying in a hospital. 6. He was not really feeling sad. He was just putting on. 7. Some new problems cropped up at the last minute.

8. As most members were absent, the meeting had to be called off.

9. Can you figure out a way to solve this problem? 10. When he was criticized, he flared up. 11. Don‘t be taken in.

12. I got very angry that he should come out with that rude remark.

13. You must work hand, or you won‘t be able to keep up with the rest of the class. 14. Sophie is going to take a day off tomorrow; I must fill in for her. 15. We are going to bring up this question at the next meeting. 16. I‘m going to forward to meeting you in Shanghai.

17. We all look up to Doctor Lin, because she serves herpatients selflessly.

18. He worked in the United States for three years, and he made the most of the opportunity to improve his English.

19. She was so lazy that she made a mess of her room. 20. This is a used car; it has changed hands several times. Ex. 10D

1. finding 2. occurred 3. waiting 4. studied 5. stood 6. read 7. read 8. decided 9. satisfy 10. carried 11. colored 12. taste 13. watching 14. slipped 15. took 16. found 17. was 18. ran 19. shouted 20. drank 21. tasted 22. was 23. learned 24. to question 新编英语语法教程 第11讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 11A

1. Patience wears out stones. 2. Pride goes bedore a fall.

3. Facts speak louder than words.

4. One swallow doesn‘t make a summer.

5. The Changjiang flows into the East China Sea. 6. Water doesn‘t exist on the moon. 7. It isn‘t ever cold in Hawaii.

8. May in Paris isn‘t always nice; it sometimes rains a lot. 9. He occasionally is wrong, but not often.

10. He never does any homework, but he does well in class. 11. Our company doesn‘t always make very high profits. 12. My mother doesn‘t usually have coffee in the morning. 13. She hardly ever goes to bed before midnight.

14. Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, is very dry; it hardly ever rains. 15. My parents seldom go to church on Sundays. 16. The earth revolves round the sun. 17. India lies to the south of China. 18. The Thames flows through London.

19. I usually vote for a Democrat, but my roommate almost always votes for a Republican.

20. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. Ex. 11B

1. is 2. see / will see 3. are 4. went 5. bought 6. was 7. set to, did 8. had 9. knew 10. knew 11. lived 12. wondered 13. sleep / will