[英语05]高中英语动词短语强化记忆 43 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章[英语05]高中英语动词短语强化记忆 43更新完毕开始阅读

His courage set an example to us.

二十二、动词show,point,agree,pay构成的短语动词 1.show sb.in领某人进来

The man in charge of the shop came up to show us in. 2.show sb.out领某人出去Please show the lady out. 3.show sb.around领某人参观

We were showed around the new factory by the chief engineer. 4.point out指出

If I have done anything wrong,please point it out 5.point at指指点点

In part of Asia you must not sit with feet pointing at another person. 6.agree to do sth.同意做某事

He agreed to help me with my English. 7.agree with同意某人的意见;适合于 He agreed with me at last.

The climate here doesn’t agree with me. 8.agree on意见一致

The building of a new factory was agreed on last month. 9.pay for付钱

I paid 100 yuan for that shirt. 10.pay off还清债务

It took the couple ten years of hard work to pay off the debts. 11.pay back把钱还回给某人

I can lend the money to you on condition that you must pay it back in two days.

二十三、动词try,wait构成的短语动词 1.try on试穿

He is trying on a new suit. 2.try out试用

Any TV set must be tried out before it leaves the factory. 3.try one’s best to do尽力去做…… We all try our best to help others. 4.wait for等待

Hurry up! They must be waiting for us. 5.wait on服侍;伺候

Mrs.Smith waited on her husband from morning till night


1.connect with把……联接起来

he operator will connect you to/with our manager 2.deal with对付;处理;论述;和……做生意

I don’t know how to deal with the problem. 3.depend on依靠

I am your friend.You can depend on me to help you. 4.divide into把……分成

The train had divided into two parts in the station where it had stopped.

5.persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事

I tried to persuade him to give up smoking.but I failed. 6.drive off把车开走

The traffic is held up,so I can’t drive off. 7.drop in(on sb./at a place)顺便拜访……

He usually drops in at my place on his way home. 8.refer to指;谈到;参照

When I said some people are stupid,I wasn’t referring to you. 9.spend…on sth./in doing sth.在……花(钱,时间等) She spent lots of her money on clothes. 10.stick to sth./doing sth.坚持

Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research 11.stick with和……在一起,保持联系

He stuck with(=remained in)the firm for 20 years. 12.wear out(使)筋疲力尽

I was worn out from the long walk. 13.work out算出;计算出

The maths problem is too difficult for me to work out. 14.struggle against与……作斗争

We are struggling against pollution. 、 15.quarrel with sb.about sth.为……争吵

She often quarrels with her husband about housework. 16.devote…to sth./sb.献身于;致力于

After he graduated from university,he devoted himself to the teaching work in the countryside.

17.used to do sth.过去常常

There used to be a brook in front of my house when 1 was a little child. 18.settle down定居

After years of traveling, Mr.Li decided to settle down. 19.stand for代表 What does?U.S.?stand for7 stand by支持

No matter what happens.I’11 stand by you.

stand by = support/take part with/take the side of/be in favour(support)of 20.begin at/start with/begin with以……开始 Today we shall begin at page 40.

Autumn begins/starts with August. to begin with首先

21.end up最后落得……的结局/下场 end(up)with以……结束 22.act on照……行事 . He acts on principles.

23.answer for/be responsible for对……负责 You will answer for what you said.

You will be responsible for what you said.

24.believe in信仰、信奉(真理、宗教、原则等);信任 believe相信某人所说的话

trust相信某人的品德、为人、能力等 I trust you.=I believe in you. I don’t believe what she said. have trust in相信 She has trust in him.

believe it or not信不信由你

Believe it or not,he walked 12 miles to help you 25.belong to属于

The house belongs to me. 26.burst into突然……起来

She burst into tears at the news.

27.put an end to sth结束(不好的事);制止 We must put an end to this foolish behavior. 28.compare…to…把……比作……

Man’s life is often compared to a candle. compare…with…把……和……比较

Compare this with that,and you’11 see which is better. compared to/with和……比起来(常在句中作状语)

Compared to/with many people,she was indeed lucky. 29.care for喜欢;照料;关心 care about关心;计较;在乎

I don’t care for playing the piano.

I don’t care about/for what you said. 30.change…for…用……换取…… He changed his house for a car. change…with sb.和某人交换…… Will you change seats with me? change…into…把……变成……

The fairy changed the cat into a swan. 31.share(in)sth.with sb.与某人共同使用 He shared her toys with others.


He based the conclusion on experiments. 33.congratulate…on/upon祝贺

We congratulated her on winning the contest. 34.consist of/be made up of由……组成

The United Kingdom consists of/is made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 35.clear up放晴;收拾;整理;澄清;解决

The weather cleared up after the thunderstorm. Let me clear up the things on the tables. I'd like to clear up two or three points.

副词up与某些动词连用,表示?完全…‘彻底?或?动作难度等的增加? We’ve eaten everything up.‘

He tore up the letter after reading it.

十四、动词look构成的短语动词 1.1ook up抬头;查阅

You may look up new word in a dictionary. 2.1ook out小心

Look out! The pan is on fire. 3.1ook into调查

We’11 further look into the matter. 4.1ook forward to盼望

We look forward to knowing the results of the exam. 5.1ook through仔细看;浏览

You have to look through the papers before you hand them 6.1ook up to尊敬

Young children should look up to old people. 7.1ook down upon瞧不起

The days are gone when women were looked down upon 8.1ook like看起来

You look like your father.

9.1ook on…as(=treat/consider/take/think of...as) 把……看作 He looks on the computer as his friend. 10.1ook after照顾

When I am out,my husband looks after our baby. 11.1ook for寻找

What are you looking for?

十五、动词make构成的短语动词 1.make a dive for向……猛冲

The dog made a dive for the bone. 2.make an apology to向……道歉