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习题集 第 45 页 共 45 页


解析:only所修饰的时间状语从句放在句首时,后面主句的动词要用部分倒装的形式,因此可以排除C和D。再根据句子的意思“只有在计划失败以后,他才意识到了错误”,时间状语从句中用的是过去时,主句也应该用过去时,故可排除B,而选A为正确答案。 Page284

Translate the following sentences into English in inverted order with the hints in the brackets.(翻译下列句子译成英语倒顺序,提示在括号内。) 1. 小男孩上星期发烧了,他妹妹也发烧了。(so)参考答案:The little boy had a fever last week, and so did his sister.

2. 如果我是汤姆,我就会接受这个建议。(省略if) 参考答案:Were I Tom, I would take the advice.

3. 人的一生中很少遇到这样的好机会。(rarely) 参考答案:Rarely in one's life would one meet such good opportunities. 4. 她刚一说完,泪水就夺眶而出。(no sooner ... than, hardly when ... ) 参考答案:No sooner had she said it than she burst into tears.

5. 地上躺着一只死老鼠。(on the ground) 参考答案:On the ground lay a dead mouse.

6. 他不仅在中学教书,还在业余时间写小说。(not only ... but also ...) 参考答案: Not only does he teach at a middle school, but also he writes novels in his spare time. 7. 看!那只狗往那边跑了! (there) 参考答案:Look! There ran the dog!

8. 他唱歌的声音太大了,以至于班里所有的学生都能听到。(so loudly) 参考答案:So loudly did he sing that all the students in the class could hear him.

9. 只有通过努力工作,你才能指望会涨工资。(only) 参考答案:Only with hard work can you expect to get a pay rise.

10. 直到河里的鱼都死了,村民们才意识到污染有多严重。(not until) 参考答案:Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.