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Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now 教学设计


【内容来源】陕旅版五年级下册 Unit1

【主 题】Warming-up: Look and circle, Let’s learn 【课 时】第1课时 一、教学目标

1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman。

2. 学习运用I’m feeling... 表达自己的情感。 二、教学准备


1. Let’s learn部分的图片或猫的手偶。 2. 本课时的相关课件。 3. Let’s learn部分的教学音频。

4. 若干写有Let’s learn部分词汇的纸条。 三、教学方法建议 课程导入(Leading In)


T: Good morning, everyone! Nice to see you again in English class. I am feeling happy now. Are you happy?(教师做出很高兴的表情)

Ss: Yes.

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T: So we are feeling happy to be together again. And I hope we’ll feel happy all the time in our class.

(2)新课导入 Part A Warming-up: Look and circle


T: Now look at the girl in the pictures. How is she feeling? Which is happy? Can you circle it?


T: What about you? How are you feeling now?

通过此任务让学生提前感知本课要学习的内容,导入新课。 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)

(1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn T: I have a new friend. Look. Who is he?

教师出示Let’s learn部分小猫的图片,向学生介绍: T: He is a cat and his name is Tom. He likes to eat fish.

此处建议教师可以准备一只猫的手偶,然后模仿猫的声音向学生介绍:Hello, boys and girls! My name is Tom. I like to eat fish.

1. 教授词组feel happy

教师课件出示盘子里有一条鱼的图片,并提问学生: T: What can you see? S1: I can see a fish.

T: Yes. It’s a fish. Tom likes fish, so he is feeling happy. 教师板书feel happy,让学生随着教师的书写进行拼读。

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教学小贴示 教师在教授feel的发音时,可向学生初步渗透字母组合ee在单词中的发音,并可通过已学单词,引导其归纳字母组合ee的读音[i:],如:green, tree, sheep, sleep, see, street等。 教师做出很高兴的表情,引导学生进行练习:

T: Look at me. I’m feeling happy. Are you feeling happy, too? Ss: Yes.

T: Show me a happy look, please.

(让学生做出很高兴的表情,并一起重复句子) T&Ss: I’m feeling happy. 2. 教授词组feel sad

课件出示一个空盘子,并提问学生: T: What can you see? S2: I can see a plate.

T: Yes. It’s an empty plate. Tom is hungry now. Where is the fish? It is lost. (教师出示Tom猫伤心的图片)Tom is feeling sad.

教师板书并领读feel sad之后,做出很伤心的表情,说:

T: I’m not feeling happy. Now I’m feeling sad. Look, a sad look. Show me a sad look, please.(让学生做出很伤心的表情,并一起重复句子)

T&Ss: I’m not feeling happy now. I’m feeling sad. 3. 教授词组feel angry


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T: Look! it’s a mouse. He gets the fish from the plate. Tom is feeling angry now.

教师出示猫生气的图片,板书并领读feel angry。 教师做出很生气的样子,说:

T: I’m not feeling happy. Now I’m very angry I’m feeling angry. Show me an angry look, please.(让学生做出很生气的表情,并一起重复句子)

T&Ss: I’m not feeling happy now. I’m feeling angry. I’m angry. 4. 教授词组feel tired

T: Tom wants to catch the mouse, so he runs after him for a long time. Now he is feeling tired.

教师出示猫累的图片,板书并领读feel tired。然后,做出很累的样子,说: T: I’m feeling tired. I’m very tired, I want to have a rest. I want to sleep. Are you tired?

Ss: Yes. I’m feeling tired, too. / No. I’m not feeling tired. 5. 教授词组go out to play和make a snowman (1)教师出示Tom在室内的图片介绍:

T: The weather is t fine. Tom’s friends are playing in the garden. But Tom is in the living loom, H wants to go out to play.

教师出示户外的图片,板书并领读go out to play。 (2)教师出示冬天的雪景以及堆雪人的图片井介绍: T: Oh. It’s snowing. Let’s go out to play. What can we do? 从而自然引出短语make a snowman。

T: Yes. We can make a snowman.(边说边板书该短语)

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