新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级(全一册)全册教案 联系客服

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过程 方法 According to designing some tasks to train students’ listening、reading and writing ability. 情感 态度 1. Key Vocabulary 2. Reading an article. 重点 3. Writing something using the target language. 教学教学难点 Writing a letter using the target language. 学生活动 Read the words. Work in groups. Listen and do 2a Listen and do 2b Work in pairs. Look Read after the tape. Do exercise about 3a ask their difficult points on this article. 设计意图 复习单词,为学习文章扫除障碍。 。 锻炼听力 培养学生阅读能力。 教学内容及教师活动 Step 1. Greetings and Lead-in 1. Check the homework. 2. Read the new words and correct the pronunciation. Step2 Presentation I 1a/1b 1. Read the instructions to the class. 2. Ask students to find ways to solve them. II. 2a 1.Play the tape. 2. Check the results with the students. III. 2b 1.Play the tape. 2. Check the work with the students. Step3 Consolidation and extension I.2c Pair work 1. Read the instructions and the conversation to the class, then ask students to make similar conversations. 2. Ask some pairs to present their conversations. II.3a 1.Show the question:” how she learned to learn English.” 2. Focus students’ attention on the article and repeat after the tape. 3. Ask the students to write if the statements are true or false. Read and write. 4. Check the work with the students. III. 3b 训练学生写作1. Read the instructions to the class. 能力。 Point to the blanks in the letter. Explain that they can look back 2b and then fill in the blanks in the letter. 2. Do the first two fill-ins with the students and ask them to complete the letter. Move around seeing if they need any help. 3. Ask two or three students to read their completed letters to the class. Step4 Summary Unit 1 How do you study for a test? A sample letter to Activity 3b: Dear Wei Ming, I know it isn’t easy to Learn English, but I have …,not every word. You also said that you often forgot a lot of new words. Well, try writing the new words in your notebook and studying at home. That helps a lot. If you keep on doing this, you will get good grades in English. Your friend, Liu Chan 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 学科 课题 English 课型 fresh 年级 9 Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 5/5 教学A tape recorder , CAI 媒体 教 学 目 1. Key vocabulary: 知识 技能 look up, make up, deal with, be angry with, go by, try one’s best, break off, 2. Key structures: Rich or poor, young or old, we all have 标 problems. Time goes by. It is sour duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. 过程 方法 According to designing some tasks to train students’ reading and writing ability. Maybe you find English frustrating sometimes. 情感 态度 But do remember not to give it up. As we know, where there is a will, there is a way. Read the text to identify main idea. 教学重点 教学难点 Read the text to understand words in context. Read the text for special information. Train students' reading skill. 学生活动 Read Do part 1 Check the answers and tell the reasons. Listen and have discussion with teacher. Think and guess. Read again and 设计意图 复习单词,为理解文章做准备。 培养学生独立思考能力,从而提高独立阅读能力。 教学内容及教师活动 Step 1. Greetings and Lead-in 1. Check the homework. 2. Read the new words and correct the pronunciation. Step 2. Presentation I.Self Check 1. Read the instructions to the class. 2. Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. They may need to use another form of the word. 3. Check the answers with the students. Ask them to tell the reason they choose the word. II. Reading 1. Section 1 1a. Read the instructions to the class and ask some students about their problems and how they dealt with them. 2. Reading Section 2/3 1. Find the words that are in 1b in Section 2 and guess their meanings. 2.Give some questions about Section 2 (1) What will happen if you worry about your problems? (2) What will happen if you are always angry with your friends? (3) What do students complain about school and what should they do? (4) How can you find your problems are not terrible? 3. Underline some important expressions: deal with, worry about, be angry with, time goes by, decide to do sth, complain about, It’s our duty to do sth, with the help of, compare one to another, regard… as… 4. Answer students’ questions about understanding the article. Step3 Summary 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 do 3c according to Section 2. Read the third time and answer the questions given by the teacher: Make notes if they need and ask what they don’t 敢于提出问题,understand. 挖掘文章内涵 Do the exercise . Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Period 5 1 What will happen if you worry about your problems? 2What will happen if you are always angry with your friends? 3 What do students complain about school and what should they do? 4 How can you find your problems are not terrible? English 课型 fresh 年级 9 学科 课题 Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. 1/5 教学A tape recorder , CAI 媒体